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Top Ten Tuesday: Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors (Living or dead. You can post 10 questions for one author, one question each for 10 different authors, or anything else!).  For my list, I'm not directing them toward specific authors, but these are general questions that I wouldn't mind asking many favorite authors.  Here we go, in no particular order:

What is your writing Kryptonite?

Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?

What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

How do you select the names of your characters?

What books, films, and TV shows most inform the aesthetic of your book?

What's the strangest thing you had to do or research to create this story?

Which other genres would you most like to try writing?

Does this story have a soundtrack or a playlist that inspired you while you were writing it?

What is the funniest typo you’ve ever written?

As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!  What questions would you ask to some of your favorite authors?


  1. I love your question about strangest things done while researching or writing a novel. I'd bet it would give some great answers.

    My post .

  2. I would love the answer to the strangest things they've done for their book!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. There are so many that would be great to ask that of. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great questions! I love the one about the typo, I bet you'd get some funny answers😁

  4. Great questions and too the point on many things. A thought, you could do this by asking authors in TTT to answer those questions and then post them.

    1. That sounds like a good idea to me! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great questions! I love the kryptonite and the one about language having power ones!

    Here is my TTT:

    1. There are so many options this week! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love the typo question. I wonder if prolific writers could even remember one, but it would be a fun exercise to ask many writers that question. My TTT interview with Jane Austen

  7. The research question is great. Some of the stuff I have seen author's researching is crazy.

  8. some great questions. thanks for sharing. some may come in handy if i need questions for an author interview
    sherry @ fundinmental

  9. I bet there are some GREAT answers for the typo one!

    My TTT

  10. Great list! I love the idea of asking authors about their funniest typos.

  11. Awesome questions! I especially love the question about funniest typos!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  12. I really like your third question and would love to know author's individual experiences with language and stories. Great questions!

    1. Thanks, Alicia. I'm sure that there would be fascinating stories.

  13. Great questions. The typo question made me laugh. I bet there are some good ones, lol.

  14. Great qustions! I always wonder about playlists or music that influences authors too, or that they listen to while they are writing. Also what books or shows influence their stories. :)

  15. I love these questions! I bet you'd find a lot of interesting answers to the research question. Once I watched people get hit on the head with beer bottles (on YouTube) for research, because I needed to describe what that would sound like!

  16. Writing Kryptonite is sure to get some interesting answers! I enjoyed these thoroughly!

  17. I LOVE this question: What is the funniest typo you’ve ever written?

  18. Hah! I love this list, I especially like your strangest thing question, considering what goes on in some books that could lead to some very interesting answers!!

  19. Such fun questions! I love the strangest thing done while researching. I'd be afraid to share that, I think. Along with my internet history. xD I'd be so curious about people's funniest typos, too!

    1. I wouldn't be surprised at all with some of the things we like reading! ;)

  20. Love the questions you featured this week! I'm always really interested to hear about a writer's research process, so that would be high up on my 'ask list', too.


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