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Top Ten Tuesday: Books that Should be Adapted into Netflix Shows/Movies

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books that Should be Adapted into Netflix Shows/Movies.  There are so many I'd like to see, but these are at the top of my list.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

The Diviners (The Diviners #1) by Libba Bray - I may just die of excitement if this were to ever happen.

The Epic Crush of Genie Lo (The Epic Crush of Genie Lo #1) by F.C. Yee - Whether it was adapted into a Netflix movie or tv series, I am 100% sure that it would live up to the epic of the title.

The Girl With Ghost Eyes (The Daoshi Chronicles #1) by M.H. Bronson - I would happily follow Li-lin's adventures in any medium.

The Calculating Stars (Lady Astronaut #1) by Mary Robinette Kowal -  I don't know about you, but I would watch the heck out of this alternate history sci-fi novel.  Please, Netflix!

The Lady From the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick by Mallory O'Meara - This is such a fascinating story and it could make quite an intriguing Netflix documentary.

The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastards #1) by Scott Lynch - This could make such an epic tv series. I mean, there's even already a cool opening title sequence that perfectly fits the tone. Young Tom Hiddleston from around the time he was in Wallander, or possibly even The Hollow Crown, would have been perfect as Locke.

The Mercury 13: The Untold Story of Thirteen American Women and the Dream of Space Flight by Martha Ackerman - This is another that I'd like to see adapted into a Netflix documentary. The story of the Mercury 13 deserves to be more widely known.

Trail of Lightning (The Sixth World #1) by Rebecca Roanhorse - I need at least five seasons pretty please!

Storm Front (The Dresden Files #1) by Jim Butcher - Yes, I know this already had a disappointing and lackluster tv series adaptation, but it deserves a second try and with the right team behind it I think it could be really great.

William Shakespeare's Get Thee... Back to the Future! by Ian Doescher - Who am I kidding? I'd pay good money to see this performed on stage, or a live recording of a performance on Netflix.

What would you like to see adapted into a Netflix tv series or movie?  Have you read any of these?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Trail of Lightning sounds like it could be a fabulous series, and The Diviners as well!

  2. What a great list! Would also love to see The lies of Locke Lamore and the The Mercury 13 sounds like a great documentary.

    Happy TTT and here's my 10 Books that should be adapted for Netflix

  3. The Diviners made my list this week, too - it's the '20s again, WHY isn't this series being adapted??? I'd watch the hell out of a documentary based on The Lady from the Black Lagoon - I'd really like to read that one. Great list!

  4. oh, I have The Lies of Locke Lamora on my shelf. It's one of those books in my shelf that I'm kind of scared to read because of how long and well love it is. I should really get to it soon!

  5. I would LOVE to see The Diviners on screen! I think it was optioned a while back but nothing seems to have happened with it.
    My TTT:

  6. So many good ones! I would love to see The Girl with Ghost Eyes on the screen😁

  7. I had Genie Lo on my list too. I saw that as a multi-book series, and though I loved the way it ended, I would have enjoyed more stories with Q and Genie. A TV series would be amazing. My daughter always raves about all the history Bray incorporated into the Diviners. Sounds like it would be amazing on screen too.

  8. Yes to The Calculating Stars! What a great pick.

    My TTT .

  9. I've only read Dresden from your list, but I've had The Diviners on my list for a while.
    I heard a rumor that they're going to try again with Dresden Files. I hope they do a better job, the only thing good about the 2007 show was Paul Blackthrone as Dresden.
    MY TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  10. just looking at all those fabulous covers makes me think you chose some good ones
    sherry @ fundinmental

  11. I completely agree with you about the Jim Butcher books :)

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  12. How did I not remember to include The Gentlemen B******* series in my list?!? Because that would be a great series.

    And I'm with you on the Dresden Files needing a reboot. The Sci-Fi series was good (esp. if you can dig up the unedited Storm Front pilot on the interwebs) but it didn't have time to really deliver on its potential.

    1. The Dresden Files wasn't terrible, but it definitely wasn't as good as what it ought to have been. I will say that the pilot was decent. :)

  13. We could definitely use another Dresden Files attempt! I can't believe I left out Diviners in my list! I'd love to see a show on that.

    Mari @Story and Somnomancy

    1. They could be amazing if they did. Thanks for coming over, Mari!

  14. I’d love to see a new Dresden Files, it would be fantastic!

  15. All of these seem like they would make great additions to Netflix!

  16. I don't know anything about any of these books, but I must admit The Epic Crush of Genie Lo has me pretty interested.

    1. The series is a real gem! I hope you have the chance to try it.

  17. OMG, you're right—the Ian Doescher Back to the Future (or Star Wars) parodies would be so much fun to see on stage!

  18. I love the Shakespeare twist on Back to the Future :) That would be hilarious to watch!

    Here's my TTT

  19. An adaptation of The Epic Crush of Genie Lo could be really fun. And you know I'd be so stoked to see Trail of Lightning adapted.

  20. I've had Genie Lo on my shelf for ages! I really need to finally read it.

  21. I really need to read The Diviners. Everybody raves about it, and I’m missing out!

  22. Oh, The Diviners would be so good! And any of the Shakespeare adaptations would be so much fun! Great list. <3

  23. Oooh, great list! I have GOT to pick up Trail of Lightning soon!


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