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Book Riot's 2022 Read Harder Challenge - July Update: Almost American Girl & Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers

Happy Sunday everyone!  I hope everyone's been doing well.  July went by fast!  How is it already August?  Anyway, I've now completed the 14 tasks of Book Riot's 2022 Read Harder Challenge.  The tasks I completed this month required me to read a nonfiction YA comic and to pick a challenge from any of the previous years’ challenges to repeat (fits the 2021 task to read an LGBTQ History book) and I selected Almost American Girl by Robin Ha and Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth Century America by Lillian Faderman respectively.  Read on to see my mini reviews and what's coming up for August:

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Almost American Girl by Robin Ha is another great example of why graphic memoirs are quickly becoming one of my favorite things to read.  The author's story is incredibly moving and emotional.  I was really invested in her story and her experiences - the good and the bad.  To be honest, some of the things she went through made me see red.  What is wrong with some people, honestly?  Regardless, I'm going to have to read more from Robin Ha in the future.  

My review is also on Goodreads.

Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth Century America by Lillian Faderman read more like a textbook than I was expecting it to.  At times, it suffered for being too dry but for the most part it's a solid and educational read.  The book was originally released in 1991 and is a bit dated now.  I found myself especially interested in the sections on the 1930s, WWII, and McCarthyism.  Anyway, it makes me wonder what an updated version of this book could look like.  I may have to look into more from this author in the future.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Next Up For August:

Read a classic written by a POC.

My choice: The Color Purple by Alice Walker - I honestly don't know why I've never read this novel before.

Read a memoir written by someone who is trans or nonbinary.

My choice: Sissy: A Coming-Of-Gender Story by Jacob Tobia - I've been meaning to try this since I saw it pop up in the BookPage magazine.  

Are you taking part in this challenge?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I haven't read The Color Purple either, but would love to . I'll be looking forward to your review.

  2. Almost American Girl sounds so good, thanks for reviewing it!

    1. Thanks for coming over, Tammy. It's well worth picking up!


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