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The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): Hell Bent (Alex Stern #2) by Leigh Bardugo


On Friday's I take part in two weekly link ups - The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice, and Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader.  For The Friday 56, you choose a book, a book you have just finished, a book you are about to start, your current read, and share a line or a few lines that grab you (but don't spoil anything) from page 56 or 56% of the way through the ebook. Post it and share your post's url on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post. As for Book Beginnings, you share the first sentence or so and your initial thoughts, impressions, or whatever else it inspires, and then link up your post's url with Rose City Reader. 

Happy Friday everyone! This week I'm spotlighting one of my Trope-ical Readathon and 2023 Popsugar Reading Challenge books, Hell Bent (Alex Stern #2) by Leigh Bardugo.  I loved the first book in this series and I can't wait to see what's next!


Alex approached Black Elm as if she were sidling up to a wild animal, cautious in her walk up the long, curving driveway, careful not to show her fear.


Alex felt an unpleasant flutter in her stomach.  "I know.  Front door, back door."  Sandow had made sure the windows were boarded up, and old Mercedes had been repaired on Lethe's  dime.

Have you read this book or this author?  Are you taking part in either of these challenges?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Sounds full of suspense and I wonder how it relates to the cover. Happy Reading!

  2. What a creepy, almost nightmarish cover. Is there a dead rabbit in the story?

  3. I can't to hear what you think of Hell Bent!

  4. I'm curious for more!! Happy weekend!

  5. Both book and author are new to me, and the book beginning as well as the 56 intrigue.. (of course, the cover too..)
    Here is my Friday post


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