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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Books With Sea In The Title

 Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Water and I've decided to narrow it down to Favorite Books With Sea In The Title.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order by title:

The Girl From The Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag

The Girl The Sea Gave Back (Sky and Sea #2) by Adrienne Young

Given To The Sea (Given Duet #1) by Mindy McGinnis

The House In The Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune

The Infinite Sea (The 5th Wave #2) by Rick Yancey

Red Seas Under Red Skies (Gentleman Bastard #2) by Scott Lynch

The Sea Of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #2) by Rick Riordan

Sea Of Swords (Legends of Drizzt #13) by R.A. Salvatore

Sea Of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

The Stranger From The Sea (The Poldark Saga #8) by Winston Graham

Have you read any of these books?  What are some of your favorite books with the word sea in the title?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Not only did you find a lot of books with sea in the title but some gorgeous covers.

  2. Oh my, never thought I'd see Drizzt represented on TTT! Great list. :D

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  3. I love Percy Jackson and The House in the Cerulean Sea! Here is my post-

  4. I've read The Sea of Tranquility and The House on the Cerulean Sea. I liked your twist on the theme.

  5. Oh I never did read The Girl From The Sea, although I really liked Sky in the Deep. and that Sea of Swords one- YES

  6. Oooh! All of these covers look amazing! Great list!

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  7. The House In The Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune is a popular pick this week.

    -here's my list-

  8. That cover for Given to the Sea is really capitvating!

  9. Fun twist! I haven't read any of these, although several of them are on my TBR list. I'll get to them one of these days, hopefully.

    Happy TTT!

  10. I love these, and I'm glad to see Sea of Tranquility😁


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