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Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge 2023 - August Update: Cook Korean! & The Nancy Drew Cookbook


Happy Thursday everyone!  I hope everyone's been doing well.  I know I say something like this every month, but how is it the end of the month already?  Anyway, I've now competed sixteen tasks of Book Riot's 2023 Read Harder Challenge.  The tasks I completed this month required me to read graphic novel/comic/manga if you haven’t before; or read one that is a different genre than you normally read and a cookbook cover to cover and I selected Cook Korean!: A Comic Book with Recipes by Robin Ha and The Nancy Drew Cookbook: Clues to Good Cooking by Carolyn Keene respectively.  Read on to see my mini reviews and my plans for next month:

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I've never had Korean food before, but it always looks so good when I see it in pictures or in movies and tv shows. Quite a few dishes features here in Cook Korean!: A Comic Book with Recipes by Robin Ha sounded really good and I'd like to try them one day. Maybe I can try making some (if I can find an Asian/ Korean grocery store closer than an hour away to buy some of the ingredients), or go to a Korean restaurant sometime (nearest to me is probably about a minimum of a 45 minute drive away). I've seen a Korean food truck pop up locally a couple of times before, but it it never seems to be around when I'm looking for it. Hopefully it comes around again soon and I haven't already eaten or the line isn't a mile long...

My review is also on Goodreads.


Most of the recipes in The Nancy Drew Cookbook: Clues to Good Cooking by Carolyn Keene are pretty standard, but there are a few that stood out. I don't think I've ever seen a soup with peanut butter in it before? Especially when it also includes either celery salt or cinnamon powder in it as well.  Plus, it seemed a little more advanced than I was expecting it to be considering it's a kids cookbook.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Next Up For September: 

My choice: Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World by Mark Kurlansky - This is a popular book at my library and I'd like to see what the hype is all about.

Read a YA book by an Indigenous author.

My choice: Hunting by Stars (The Marrow Thieves #2) by Cherie Dimaline - I loved The Marrow Thieves and I need to know what's next!

Are you taking part in this challenge?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I don't think I'd pick up the Nancy Drew cookbook, just because the food on the cover looks awful!

    1. That's totally fair! It did have some decent sounding things inside. Very 1970s though


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