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The Bedtime Book Tag

Welcome to the Bedtime Book Tag!  I tagged myself from Juliababyjen's video because it sounds like a lot of fun!  I'm not going to tag anyone for this, but if you want to take part do feel free to go right ahead.  Without further ado, here we go!

1. Book that kept you up all night reading.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas - This was incredibly addicting right from the start and I didn't want to put it down!

2. Book that made you scared to go to sleep.

The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters - I wouldn't exactly call it scary, but it sure is spine tinglingly creepy!

3. Book that made you go to sleep.  

The French Connection by Robin Moore - Let me say this first, I love the movie and it's so exciting, but the non-fiction account of the real-life events behind the story was so dry.  It bored me to tears.

4. Book that left you tossing and turning all night in anticipation of its release.

I'm going to go with Jenny's response and say City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare.  

I'd also like to add Resist (Among Us Trilogy Book 2) by Anne-Rae Vasquez - it definitely deserves lots of love!

5. Book that has your dream boyfriend.

I'm going to be consistent and say Atticus O'Sullivan from The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne - he just sounds so cool!

6. Book that would be your worst nightmare to live in.  

I was really interested to hear what Jenny had to say about her choice, Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood.  I can say it influenced my choice when it came to selecting The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.  As a woman, that would be a miserable universe to live in, for pretty much the same reasons Jenny listed.  

Otherwise, I would not want to live in the world of Lockdown by Alexander Gordon Smith or The Walking Dead comics by Robert Kirkman.  Both of these are literal nightmares come to life.

7. Book that reminds you of the night time.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness - If you haven't read it, you really should.  Since the monster is a living nightmare, I figure this is a fitting response.  

8. Book that had a nightmarish cliffhanger.

I'm going to borrow another title from Jenny again and go with Insurgent by Veronica Roth.  That was quite the cliffhanger, wasn't it?!

9. Book that you actually dreamed about.

I  don't usually remember my dreams unless they were very odd...but when I was younger I did have dreams of going to Hogwarts, so I'm going with the entire Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.

10. Book monster that you would not want to find under your bed.

Well I don't like spiders, so this is pretty easy.  I wouldn't want to find Aragog from the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling under my bed.


  1. Ohh, this looks good. Here is my posting:

  2. I'll think I'll give this one a go! It looks really fun! Throne of Glass definitely kept me up all night reading too :D

    1. Lots of fun! Definitely let me know when you post it! :)

  3. Love your choices! LOL and you are more than welcome to borrow mine :) This was awesome, thanks for doing it!

    1. Thanks! :) I had a good time coming up with my list!

  4. Yes, it's fantastic! Especially if you can appreciate a good unreliable narrator. :)

  5. Wow a lot of people use Harry Potter in these tags; I really should read them! And I totally agree with your choice with A Monster Calls. Although I haven't read it, I know people who have and it sounds like a really interesting, yet creepy story.
    Here's my tag:

    1. You can't skip out on Harry Potter! Thanks for sharing. :)


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