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The Liebster Award Pt. 4

I've been nominated for the fourth time for The Liebster Award! Wow!  My thanks go to Diving Under the Cover.  Go check out her fantastic blog!

Since I've done this before, I believe this time around I'm just going to answer the eleven questions my nominator has asked of me,  rather than nominating others and asking them questions of their own.

Here we go:

1. Who is your favorite author?

There are so many authors I love reading, but my favorite is J. K. Rowling.  Always.  She practically created my childhood..  

2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

My favorite thing is talking about the books I love and having conversations with people I normally wouldn't have the chance to speak with.  

3. What is your least favorite book or series that you have finished?

One of the books that I have not enjoyed is Shatter Me by Tahereh.  I do not get the appeal.  Check out my review here if you want to know more about why I didn't care for it.  I'm afraid if I get going here, I have a hard time stopping...  Lately I also didn't like Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick and Unbreakable by Kami Garcia (just go watch Supernatural and save yourself the time - it's so much better).

4. Is there a certain color of cover that attracts you to reading a book?

Well, I like blues, greens, and browns so those colors will draw my eye.  Of course, if something is bright, shiny, and in my face that will probably do it, too.

5. Is there anything you always have to do/have when reading a book?

I'm not 100% sure what you mean, but do like to have a tea or pop while I'm reading and I definitely have to be sitting in a comfy chair.

6. Where do you like to buy your books?

I'm all for supporting my local small town bookstore.  I also enjoy visiting Half Price Books,, and Barnes and Noble.

7. What is your favorite genre?

I'm a sucker for sci-fi and fantasy!

8. What book would you recommend to me? (something old – within 8 years).

Something within 8 years?  Well, this one came out in 2013, but it deserves a lot of love.  If you like Supernatural, you will probably get a real kick out of Doubt (Among Us Trilogy Book 1) by Anne-Rae Vasquez.

9. Where is your favorite place to read?

Either in a nice comfy chair or outside in the shade.

10. What are you three pet peeves you have about books/reading?

Instalove, love triangles, characters who are too stupid to live.  It's interesting how often these tend to go hand-in-hand.

11. What is the one book that made you cry?

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein - This is a fantastic WWII novel and if you haven't read it you really should.  My eyes were definitely misty...

Thanks again to Diving Under the Cover for nominating for the Liebster Award! 


  1. Thanks for the answers, I enjoyed reading all of them :) And I will definitely be looking into the books you suggested, especially the one you said I would like if I watch Supernatural (which I do). I LOOOOOVE the show. Thanks again :)

    1. You're welcome - I enjoyed answering your questions! Fantastic - I hope you like Doubt!


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