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Top Ten Tuesday: Books For Readers Who Like Watching Supernatural

The theme for this week's Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is a pretty open one with Books for Readers Who Like "x" - I went with Supernatural which is one of my favorite shows on tv.  Here is a list of books I've enjoyed that other fans of that show may want to check out for themselves:  

Nightlife by Rob Thurman

Storm Front by Jim Butcher

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow

Angelfall by Susan Ee

All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

Hounded by Kevin Hearne

Trickster by Jeff Somers

White Cat by Holly Black

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Some of the titles on my list seem less directly linked to the show, but all remind me of some of my favorite aspects of it.  Also some of these are the first books in a longer series, I'm also recommending all of those, too.  So, what do you think of my list?  Are you a fan of Supernatural with any recommendations for me, or thoughts on the list I've compiled?


  1. I love Supernatural. I have read the first 5 books in the Dresden Files and love them. I own all of the Iron Druid Chronicles but have never read them - I guess I am sure I will like them as I have heard enough to know there is an awesome dog named Atticus. You can check out my list at if you want.

    1. The dog is one of my favorites, but his name is Oberon - Atticus is the main character. :) Definitely check them out, they are so awesome!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Those who love Supernatural would also really enjoy urban fantasy by Anton Strout. All the thrills and fun, the laugh out loud moments and the chew-your-nails excitement. I love the ways some books and shows really capture a balance between the two things.

    1. Thanks for recommending the author - I'll have to check out his books! :)

  4. Yay for Neil Gaiman! Good Omens is one of my favorite reads of all time. And yay for Supernatural, except for that one weird season where Dean and Sam's personalities switched, it is one of the best shows!

    1. Thanks for visiting! It is definitely one of the best shows! :)

  5. Supernatural is a series I started watching and liked but never had time to go back to. When I catch up with my books this year I plan more time for TV! I read and liked All our yesterdays, loved Hounded and have the Rob Thurman series waiting on my bookshelves! Thanks for visiting my tens list!

  6. I've only seen a few episodes of Supernatural. It wasn't my favorite show but it was pretty good. I might have to look at some of these since the covers for All Our Yesterdays and White Cat intrigued me.
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. I don't think I have read any books on this list! Looks like I need to get reading!

  8. 1. I LOVE Supernatural, so you had me hooked right there.
    2. Aside from the Neil Gaiman books, I haven't read any of these so now I have more to add to my list!

  9. I really enjoyed Angelfall. I need to continue with the series for sure!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  10. This is a great list! :) I love American Gods. I still need to read Good Omens, and I'd quite like to read White Cat, too, although I haven't been able to get on with Holly Black's writing style in the past.

  11. I haven't yet watched Supernatural (although I have no doubt that I would enjoy it), but several of these books are on my to-read list already. I read American Gods a couple of years ago and loved it.

    1. I hope you pick up more of them, or start watching the show even. :)


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