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Top Ten Tuesday: Books From Your Teen Years That You Would Love To Revist

It's Tuesday again and this week the theme for Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is Books from Your Childhood Or Teen Years That You Would Love To Revist.  I'm going to talk about books I loved when I was a teen and/or was in high school (for a point of reference, I began high school in 2003 - seems like that was so long ago now!).  Here we go, in no particular order.

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer - I loved this series when I was in school!  I've only read the first four installments, but I would like to go back and reread them and finish all eight volumes in the series.

InuYasha by Rumiko Takahashi - I actually started on the anime version of this and I got hooked (my local library had the first couple of season on dvd).  I liked the anime so much that I started in on the manga - unfortunately the library didn't have very many of them and I didn't read too many of them.  I really need to get back to this manga and the anime!

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown - When this came out, my friends and I kind of went nuts over it...we kind of race over who could get to the end first!  I'd like to reread this with that same kind of excitement. :) Though after we all read Angels & Demons later, we decided that it was our favorite of the two.

Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan - This entire series is fantastic - the combination of vampire and horror elements is great.  The movie adaptation is alright, but I wouldn't say no to a reboot that's actually more faithful to the source material (the first three books, but primarily draws from the first).

Through Wolf's Eyes by Jane Lindskold - This is a seriously awesome epic fantasy series and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't checked it out!  This would be a great new series to start again from the beginning.

The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore - One of my high school friends let me borrow this book and I became hooked on the exploits of Drizzt Do'Urden and R.A. Salvatore's style.  I have read the first sixteen books in The Legend of Drizzt and I really should continue it!

Dhampir by Barb & J.C. Hendee - This is a great dark fantasy series I started back in high school.  I've read all of the books in the first series of The Noble Dead Saga, but I would like to return to this world for series 2 and 3.

The Sword of Shannara Trilogy by Terry Brooks - I happen to stumble upon this at a yard sale during my early teen years and quickly devoured it and continued to read many of the Shannara books.  I'd love to go back and reread this series in chronological order, since I know there are some that I've missed.

Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson - The first three books in this series were so much fun!  After that though, I thought they really went down hill...I haven't even read the final two books of the series.  I remember being so excited when it was to be adapted for the big screen but still nothing yet.  I wonder how well I would like this series today.

T*Witches by H.B. Gilmour and Randi Reisfeld - Yes, I know this sounds goofy, but I powered my way through this fun ten book series.  I really wonder how well it would hold up now.

So, what do you think of my list?  Do we share any titles that you would also like to revisit at some point, or have I piqued your interest in any way for some of these books?


  1. I've never read InuYasha but I did watch the anime on Cartoon Network. Great list.
    Paulina @ The Little Book Pixie

    1. Thanks for stopping by. You may want to check out the manga. :)

  2. I've never read TWITCHES or THE DAVINCI CODE, but they both look good!

    1. Yay - you should check out T*Witches and see if it's still as good as I remember. :)

  3. What a great list of books! I have only read The Da Vinci Code from your list. I have been wanting to read Dhampir for years. I'm not sure why I haven't. Through Wold Eyes is another one on my TBR shelf. I have gotten away from reading high fantasy, but I still hope to someday get to it.

  4. I didn't read most of these as a kid, but some are still on my list now... Great list!

  5. Artemis Fowl is still so popular in my school library! Especially the graphic novel versions!

    1. There are graphic novel versions...hmm! I may have to look at those!

  6. I remember I attempted reading the Inuyasha manga when the anime was popular and it was such a daunting task. Amazing read but there are just so many of them! I remember reading them in bookstores or being on waiting lists at the library. Never finished but maybe one day!

  7. The only one I have read off this list is The Da Vinci Code. I remember reading it while camping with my family. It was raining that night and I was sitting under a canopy with the electric lantern. I'm pretty sure I finished the book that night.
    Thanks for sharing your list!

  8. The Maximum Ride books were so much fun! I made it through the entire series but you're right, they were not great after about the third or fourth one. And I read the first one or two books of the Artemis Fowl series when I was younger. Last year, I reread and finished the series and that was quite fun. I love going back to stories and characters I was fond of as a child!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT.
    Alex @ The Book Banner

    1. I'm really going to have to do that with Artemis Fowl soon. :)

  9. My brother and mum are big fans of Artemis Fowl. I think I tried it once but never followed through with the series.
    Nice list!

  10. I still haven't read the Artemis Fowl series and it's been on my TBR for forever now! I'll get around to it sometime... I love the Maximum Ride series! I still pick it up for a quick and hilarious read :D Great list!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  11. YES, to Inuyasha and Artemis! I loved all of the Artemis books, though I think I still need to get the last one. I read about 12 or 13 volumes of Inuyasha before I couldn't find anymore, but the show was my nightly thing. I really loved the second series too, Inuyasha: Final Act.

    1. I think I'm going to have to rewatch the show plus Final Act for free on Hulu! And check out the manga as well! :)

  12. I was SO hooked on the Maximum Ride series when I read it years ago. I might revisit it. Then I can know--Was it as good as I thought is was then?


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