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Sunday Funday - Bloglovin'

Everyone can now officially Follow my blog with Bloglovin - yay!  Please, follow to your heart's content via email, GFC, or Bloglovin'. If you so desire, you can also find me on Goodreads, Twitter, and even Pinterest.  If you don't want to, though, that's perfectly alright, but you do have the options if you feel so inclined.

I haven't done one of my weekly updates in a while, so I figure it's time to post another one since I have the chance.

The highlight of my week: I went to my first ever Library Conference!  It was fantastic.  I made some new acquaintances, saw some old friends, and came away with so many refreshing ideas.  I even won a prize - how cool is that?

The lowlight: I've been quite sick with a bad cough for the past couple of days.  I'd managed to go more than a whole year without getting sick, but I guess my streak's been broken.  You know when you're so congested you feel like you're swimming?  That's been me.  Anyway, I've nearly finished off a bag of Halls Fruit Breezers in the past two days...thankfully my voice is finally starting to come back and I'm starting to feel a little better!

In reading news, I hoped to be a little further through my tbr pile that I made up not too long ago, but as it's turned out most of my holds came in at that kind of shot that plan.  A library I enjoy visiting is having a Downton Abbey inspired "Keep Calm and Read On" book challenge, so of course I had to take part in that - there's going to be a Downton related prize for the winner, too, and I plan on winning.  My current read, Mr. Churchill's Secretary by Susan Elia MacNeal, is for this challenge and I'm hoping I'll enjoy it.  It's the large print edition clocking in at 517 pages (about 300ish pages normally).

Next up for the library holds are Fairest by Marissa Meyer (I'm so excited!!!) and Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel (Have you been watching the show? It's so good!).

Finally, I plan to host another giveaway when I reach 10,000 total pageviews on my blog, which is certainly coming up quickly so stay tuned if you're interested in winning free books!

On that note, it's time for me to get back to my recovery.  Thanks for reading and until next time!


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