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The Intern's Handbook by Shane Kuhn - Review

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John Lago is an assassin disguised as an intern. His employer is HR, Inc. a firm that places interns, in reality assassins, with high level companies to bump off executives for their contractors. Why interns? Because interns are invisible and unmemorable which is exactly how HR, Inc. likes it. John is about to retire at age 25 but first he has one last mission. Why 25? Because people working for free over the age of 25 is suspicious. Here he presents his last mission in handbook format for up-and-coming HR, Inc. assassins to give them insider knowledge from a seasoned killer.

John's last mission is one of his most difficult to date and it's a pretty good mix of crazy and awesome. I liked John's dark sense of humor and his taste in movies is pretty great. Let's just say he's not exactly a likable character, but he is a lot of fun to read about. I also liked Alice's character. She seems to be a such a good match for him, even though she is an (view spoiler). The one thing that made me drop down to a four star rating is the ending which just didn't work for me. Overall, John Lago's action-packed and gory "handbook" is an intensely fun, thrilling, and quick read.

I read this novel from April 22 - 24, 2015 and my review is also on Goodreads.


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