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Top Ten Tuesday: Books Which Feature Characters Who Time Travel

Tuesday is here again and this week the theme for Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is Books Which Feature Characters Who ______.  I decided to choose time travel - partly because I've recently rewatched the Back to the Future trilogy for the umpteenth time and I've been on a bit of a Doctor Who kick lately.  Honestly, though, I've always been intrigued by the concept.  Below are some of my favorite books with characters who time travel, in alphabetical order.

11/22/63 by Stephen King

All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

Landline by Rainbow Rowell

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and Hollow City by Ransom Riggs

The Reluctant Assassin by Eoin Colfer

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle

So, what do you think of my list?  Are there any you love or is there a time travel book you'd recommend?


  1. I really, really need to read ALL OUR YESTERDAYS and I've heard like nothing but good things. I need to read LANDLINE, too. I haven't read very many books dealing with time travel, but I want to!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

    1. All Our Yesterdays is awesome and I hope you love it! I actually listened to the audiobook which was a great production. Generally, you can't go wrong with Rainbow Rowell either. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  2. Time travel - definitely cool! Nice book choices, too. I didn't know the Miss Peregrine books involved time travel. My daughter loves them, but I haven't read them yet. (I need to find the time LOL!)

    Here are two more for your list: Bee Ridgeway's The River of No Return (think secret-organization-conspiracy-novel meets time-travel-fantasy meets historical-romance) - it is amazing. Also wonderful is Deborah Harkness's Shadow of Night (but read A Discovery of Witches first, or it won't make any sense.)

    1. Thanks for the recommendations - The River of No Return sounds great! I may look into Shadow of Night although I couldn't really get into A Discovery of Witches. If there's time travel involve I just might have to check it out. :)

      And yes, definitely be sure to check out Miss Peregrine - I can't wait until the third installment is released! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  3. I'm a big fan of A Wrinkle in Time. I love that book so much. I really enjoyed All Our Yesterdays too. Great list this week!

    1. Thanks! I had to include A Wrinkle in Time - it's a classic - and All Our Yesterdays is a new classic.

  4. I'd really like to read more books that involve time travel. I really enjoyed All Our Yesterdays. Great list! My TTT!

  5. Such a great topic and a wonderful lit! Another one for you if you haven't yet read it, 'Outlander' by Diana Gabaldon - awesome time travel!
    My TTT

    1. I have read Outlander, but while I liked the time travel it didn't make my top ten. :)

  6. I want to read All Our Yesterdays so so bad! EVERYONE recommends it and promises it's so so amazing. x) I love Harry Potter and I did read Miss Peregerine's although I, sadly, wasn't a fan. *glares at self* AND I WANT TO READ LANDLINE! I've only read two Rowell books so clearly I need fix this asap. ;-)
    Here's my TTT!

    1. All Our Yesterdays and Landline are so good! You definitely need to read them.

  7. Great Doctor Who gifs at the beginning. :-)
    When you said time travel, I didn't even think Prisoner of Azkaban. What a terrible Harry Potter fan I am sometimes...
    I would add the Stravaganza series by Mary Hoffman.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks! Azkaban is one of my favorite Harry Potter books. I will have to look up that series. :)

  8. I've only Read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of the Azkaban among these and I loved it (Well who wouldn't? :P).Few books look interesting in this especially the Stephen King one.Any review on that one?

    Neal Kind
    Daily Diaries

    1. I didn't write a review for it, but it definitely gets five stars!

  9. AWESOME list! Yes Miss Peregrine! I wouldn't have thought of that but yes he does time travel. :)

  10. Great topic choice!! Hermione and her time-turner!! And I loved The Time Traveler's Wife and still need to read 11/22/63 (it's been sitting on my shelf since last Christmas)

    Thanks for stopping by my list!

    1. Oh, it's so good! Thanks for stopping by mine too. :)

  11. Other than Harry Potter and Landline, I've not really explored time travel in novels. Oh, except the other week I read Ruby Red, which is about time travelling teens. Not really one I'd recommend though, unless you're absolutely not interested in plot.

    Beth x

    1. Ah, well if you're interested these are great places to start!

  12. I have a bit of an obsession with time travel! I'm actually surprised by how many of these I haven't read, but I guess there are a few adults books on here. I really should stop being afraid of adult books. Anyway, great list!

  13. Oh I love this topic! I love Doctor Who too! Have you watched all of the new series? I was actually just thinking of re-watching some while I finish editing my last couple of papers for the semester. The Time Travelers Wife is the absolute saddest book I have ever read, but I loved it.
    Thanks for stopping by The Local Muse

    1. Yay! I haven't seen series 8 yet, but I hope to watch it soon. :)

  14. I LOVE this idea! I had no idea that Miss Peregrine's was about time travel either, now I kind of want to read it more! I love time travel, I think you've reminded me that I need a good time travel book in my life! Great list :)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  15. THIS LIST! This is my favorite list I've seen today. Oh how I love books about time travel! I've read three of these (11/22/63 -one of my favorites!, Azkaban, and Landline). I definitely need to check out these others you have on this list. Have you read Timebound? That is a great book too.

    1. I feel so honored! :) I hope you enjoy them - I haven't read Timebound yet, but it is in my every growing tbr pile. I've heard so many great things about it - I'll have to bump it up!

  16. Time travel! Such a great topic and I wish I read more books with it! I've read Prisoner of Azkban (my favorite HP book) and Miss Peregrine's, and that's all. All Our Yesterday's and Landline look really great, and I want to give those books a shot. I could use some more time travel in my life! Really great list!

    1. Thanks! PoA is one of my favorite HP books as well. All Our Yesterdays was a complete surprise - it was so fantastic - and if you like Rainbow Rowell, you have to check out Landline! :)

  17. Yes, I have - I've read The Stone Rose, Touched by an Angel, 12 Doctors 12 Stories, and Summer Falls and Other Stories. I seriously considered adding them, but I thought I'd give non-DW stories a chance. :)

  18. I have been in a huge time travel mood as well (and mine is absolutely, 100% due to Doctor Who; there's no denying it). I may have to check a few of these out! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Lots of great books! I loved the Time Travelers Wife. Too bad they messed up the film ;( Miss Peregrine's is a fun series as well.

    1. I know - I was so disappointed with the movie. Hopefully they get the movie adaptation of Miss Peregrine right.

  20. You've got a great list and a great topic! I love time travel and I could make my own list right off the top of my head. I love A Wrinkle in Time and Harry Potter! I'd probably add When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. If you haven't read that, it's really good!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT.
    Alex @ The Book Banner

    1. Thanks! I haven't heard of that one - I'll have to check into it!

  21. I don't love a lot of time travel books, but I agree with the ones on this list that I've read. I'll be adding the others to the ol' TBR.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT this week!

    1. I hope you like them! Thanks for visiting my blog.


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