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Top Ten Tuesday: Book To Movie Adaptations I'm Looking Forward To

Happy Tuesday!  This week's theme for Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is Book To Movie Adaptations I'm Looking Forward To.  Here we go, in order of release date:

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Pt. 2 - November 20, 2015

Frankenstein - November 25, 2015

Macbeth - December 4, 2015

The 5th Wave - January 15, 2015

The Divergent Series: Allegiant - March 18, 2016

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - February 5, 2016

Alice Through the Looking Glass - May 27, 2016

The BFG - July 1, 2016. No images or trailers seem to have been released yet, but the cast includes Mark Rylance, Rebecca Hall, and Bill Hader directed by Steven Spielberg with music by John Williams. It definitely sounds promising!

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - November 18, 2016. Have you seen the the pictures and information released about it yet?! And, how do you like that title design?

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - December 25, 2016

Do you want to see any of these movies, too?  Any movies that I haven't included that should be on my radar for the coming year?


  1. By the way you presented them, I want to see all these movies, too. I will never make it but thanks for allowing me a moment to pause and think about each one.
    My TTT movie adapations

    1. I hope you'll eventually get the chance to see them. Thanks for sharing and visiting my blog. :)

  2. Oh man I'm so excited that Mockingjay is out in 10 days! Definitely curious about Pride & Prejudice & Zombies too. Fab list and I love that you included the trailers!

  3. I am so excited about Mockingjay! I really like the trailer for Pride & Prejudice and Zombies. Great list, Lauren.Thank you for stopping by. :)

    1. I prefer the UK trailer to the US trailer for it. :)

  4. We have a couple of the same picks on our lists. I have to admit that I am a little reluctant to watch Through the Looking Glass, I wasn't a big fan of Alice in Wonderland, thought it was too Disney-meets-Burton.
    I forgot about Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies. I love the original movie, well the one from 2005 it's the only one I've seen. But this, kind of parody version looks really great.

    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I've seen so many Pride and Prejudice adaptations, but this looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for visiting.

  5. YES to the first three.

    The Fifth Wave looks very eh.......

    Hopefully Allegiant is good. I was pretty disappointed with Divergent. Insurgent was okay.

    I'm not into P&P&Z....

    ALICE!! YES!! That cast tho...

    1. I'm hopeful for Allegiant - Insurgent was actually a little better than the first movie although it was completely different than the book.

  6. we enjoyed the first in the Mockingbird series and look forward to this one too!

  7. I had no idea that Miss Peregrine's was going to be turned into a movie! These are some great ones to look forward to.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's been pushed back from next summer to next Christmas, but I am so excited for it! Thanks for visiting.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm looking forward to Mockingjay and Allegiant both quite a bit. I had to watch that trailer :)

    1. I actually rewatched all of the trailers before embedding them. :)

  10. I totally forgot about Victor Frankenstein, Through the Looking Glass, and Macbeth! Those should all be on my list as well. Great list!

  11. I forgot about The 5th Wave! I haven't read the book yet, but I will hopefully get to it soon! Happy Reading!

  12. YES!! I can't believe I forgot about the new Alice movie (and I just watched the trailer a couple days ago)! So many of these are going to be amazing!!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  13. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies may actually be fun. lol

  14. I'm actually excited for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, but I think it's because I don't take the book too seriously, so I'm not really worried they'll ruin it with a movie.

  15. I didn't know there was an Allegiant trailer out! Definitely looking forward to that, and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies looks fun. :)

    1. It's mostly recap, but there is a little bit of new footage. :)

  16. Wow - Harry Potter and Mr. Tumnus from Narnia in a movie about Frankenstein? Must see!

  17. I didn't know they were making a Frankenstein movie!! It looks so good! Also, Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children is exciting! Pride and Prejudice and Zombies definitely looks different - I haven't decided if I'll see it yet. And of course Allegiant! I actually haven't decided if I'm going to see it because I'm not sure I want to see some of the plot points played out on the big screen... Great list!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. I know what you mean about Allegiant. I feel like I've followed it this far, I might as well keep going.

  18. So excited for Fantastic Beasts! I so miss the HP world. My TTT

  19. Exactly! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  20. I absolutely forgot to mention Frankenstein in my TTT...the trailer looks promising, so I hope, that the movie will be good :)

    1. I know! I like what it looks like they're doing with it.

  21. Funny to see that almost everyone has Mockingjay in their lists :P And I had no idea Macbeth had such a delayed release in the US! It's been out here for ages, but considering it's Scotland I guess they wanted to release it first here.

    1. I've noticed the same thing. :) I didn't realize it was released so much early elsewhere until a week or two it's just a waiting game. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  22. Pride & Prejudice and Zombies looks so good! I think the trailer convinced me to read the book! Great choices! :)

    1. It also makes me want to see Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. :)

    2. Oh yeah that one too! :) BTW I love your blog!

  23. Pride Prejudice and Zombies looks, great and I didn't know there was a second Alice Movie coming out Great Post!!

    Tori @InToriLex

    1. Thanks! That trailer was just released a few days ago I think. :)

  24. I can't stand the idea of zombies but I'm actually really looking forward to seeing Pride and Prejudice and Zombies!

    1. It looks like it could be a lot of fun! Thanks for stopping by.

  25. Great list - love the look of Macbeth.
    Lynn :D

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I'm really excited for both Mockingjay Part 2 and The 5th Wave. I didn't know that they were making Alice Through the Looking Glass but now I'm also really excited for that one too! Great list! :)

  28. Great list! I'm excited to see Mockingjay Part Two as well.

  29. Alice Through The Looking Glass looks like it'll be so much fun! I feel like I'm too much of a scaredy cat to watch Victor Frankenstein, but the combination of Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy makes it hard to resist, haha. Great list!

  30. Excited for all of these! Hadn't heard much about Macbeth but it looks incredible and I still have to read Insurgent and Allegiant before I see the movies. :D Sure wish we had more of a Miss Peregrine trailer! Can't wait for that one.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  31. I can't wait to see the Miss Peregrine's movie! I hope that it is as creepy as the book. Great list!

  32. I want to see all these films! They just look so good!!! :D

  33. Macbeth! How did I miss that one! I'm extremely excited now. I love Macbeth, it's my favorite Shakespeare drama.

  34. I'm really excited to see Mockingjay Part 2! I hope the ending will be grand XD

    1. It really was! Very good book to movie adaptation.

  35. Can't wait to watch Victor Frankenstein! It seems epic from that trailer!

  36. I think I want to see all these movies. But I can'T wait for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them...

  37. Nice list of movies!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment on my TTT post.

  38. Love that you included all the trailers, great idea, Lauren! I'm adding 'Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children' to my list straight away; stil need to read the book!

  39. I'm super excited for Victor Frankenstein and the 5th Wave!! Really good list and thank you for posting trailers :) Thanks, also, for visiting Paperback Princess

    1. You're welcome and thanks for visiting me, too. :)

  40. Great list, Lauren! I forgot to add HGMJ P2 on my list but I'm very excited for that one! I didn't know they were making another Alice in Wonderland movie?! Now I really need to see the first haa

    1. I just found out myself. I'm looking forward to it though!

  41. I hadn't seen that Miss Peregrine video before, so thanks for including it here! I can't wait to see more of this movie. Hopefully it'll be good. In any case, this video has me definitely hyped for more XD

    1. I'm beyond hyped right now after just finishing Library of Souls! :) I hope the movie will do the book justice!


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