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Chicken Challenge - Horror Book-to-Movie Adaptation Recommendations

Welcome back to week two of the Chicken Challenge, a Halloween-themed challenge hosted by Lys @ The Mad Reader!  This week I'll be sharing some of my favorite horror book-to-movie adaptations.  Here we go:

Let the Right One In - This is one of my all time favorite vampire movies, and it's just as good as the original book of the same name by Swedish author, John Ajvide Lindqvist; although it's a bit different.  The book has a few more subplots, plus we learn some more about a supporting character and background information.  There is also also an American remake titled Let Me In that was released in 2010 - it was good, but not quite as good as the Swedish original.

The Mist - Stephen King's novella, while not an absolute favorite, has an excellent movie adaptation.  The movie actually takes the story a little bit further!  The movie has a pretty great cast, including two future cast members of The Walking Dead - Laurie Holden (Andrea) and Melissa McBride (Carol).

The Woman in Black - I've read the book by Susan Hill, I've seen the West End production of the play (one of the scariest plays I've seen!), and I've watched the movie starring Daniel Radcliffe.  All of them are awesome, if a little different from one another!

- This movie is based on a Stephen King short story from Everything's Eventual and it's one of my favorite lesser known King movie adaptations!  If you want to see a movie about one creepy hotel, you don't want to miss it!

Bram Stoker's Dracula - The novel is an absolute classic and is one of my favorites, but none of the movie adaptations have never quite been able to do it justice.  I'd say the one that's come closest is the film from 1992 starring Gary Oldman.  Although you can't miss the Bela Lugosi gem from 1931!

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - The classic novel is another of my all time favorites, but none of the movie adaptations have ever done it justice either.  The one that's come the closest to the source material is definitely the one from 1994 starring Kenneth Branagh and Robert De Niro.

The Shining - I love both the book and the movie so much, but honestly I can't say that the movie is great as an adaptation.  It changes a little too much for me to say it's a great adaptation, but just watching it as a movie - it's a favorite.

Bonus - TV Adaptations:

The Walking Dead - I'm currently through the 20th volume of the graphic novel series, and I've also watched through season five so far - I'll have to get my hands on the dvds for season six soon!

Constantine - I definitely preferred Matt Ryan's John Constantine to the Keanu Reeves version in the movie.  I wish that it hadn't been cancelled after only one season.  I've only read the first graphic novel and a couple of others here and there, but I'll have to continue on with it.

What are some of your favorite horror adaptions, or movies to watch to get you in the spirit for Halloween?


  1. Those are some great choices!

  2. I have seen zero of these movies. I tried watching Bram Stokers Dracula, but I couldn't watch Keanu Reeves attempt that accent for very long. I didn't make it far into that movie.
    I don't really like horror that much, bu I guess my favorite would have to be Interview with a Vampire (1994) It's as good as it is because they had Anne Rice (the author of the book for those that don't know who she is) write the screenplay.

    1. Somehow I totally forgot about that - definitely should have added it to my list!

  3. I love The Mist too!! I actually watched the movie first and it's such a cool and mysterious idea. Then I read the book, and I agree with you: the movie takes the story a little further and I loved it! The ending is waaaay more devastating in the movie than in the book.

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. It doesn't go much further, but enough to be totally devastating!

  4. I barely ever see/watch anything horror related! SHAME ON ME. heehe. and it's not because I don't like them, I just never seem to get around to it?! But wait! I am watching Stranger Things so that sort of counts right?!😂

    1. I've heard Stranger Things is great - I probably should start watching!

  5. I've heard really good things about Let The right One In. And I do love The Walking Dead although I haven't read the comics.

  6. I can't watch The Mist because I know about the (movie) ending. That's the one thing I can't handle. Ugh.


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