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Top Ten Tuesday: Horror Novels I Want To Read

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's theme is a Halloween related freebie, and I will be doing my post on Horror Novels I Want To Read.

The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty - I've seen the movie, but I've never read the book.  In fact, I didn't realize it was based on a book until recently.

The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson - Again, I've seen both movie versions, but I've never read the original source material.

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks - I've heard a lot of great things about this, so I would like to try Brooks take on zombies.

Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin - I've seen both the movie and the miniseries and I definitely want to see what Levin's novel is like.

I am Legend by Richard Matheson - I've seen all of the very different movie adaptations (except for the most recent one with Will Smith), so I want to see where it started.

The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux - I've seen this on Broadway, seen the classic movie adaptation, and watched the musical movie version - it's about time I read the original book.

The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe - I have read her other classic Gothic novel called The Italian and I'm really looking to trying this novel as well.

Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill - I seriously have no idea why I haven't already read this one already.

And The Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich - I was so thrilled by Dawn Kurtagich's first novel, The Dead House, that I need to read this!

The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco - This sounds like it could be type of horror novel - and, of course, the cover reminds me of one of my favorite horror movies, Ringu, and also the American remake, The Ring.

What do you think of my list this week?  Have you read any of these books?  What horror novels would you like to read?  What Halloween related freebie topic did you discuss this week?


  1. Great list! I've been seeing The Haunting of Hill House absolutely everywhere just now so I think I might just add it to my TBR too.

    My TTT

    1. I hope you'll enjoy it! Thanks for sharing, Lauren.

  2. I read Rosemary's Baby in one sitting many many years ago. It was so good! The movie follows it very closely. I would also like to read The Exorcist. The movie scared me so much when I first saw it.
    My Top Ten

    1. Cool! The Exorcist is absolutely horrifying - hopefully the book is too.

  3. They are all creeptastic. I have read a couple of them, but I have been seeing The Trees Crept In around the blogosphere and I love the cover, so it is definitely on my radar.
    sherry @ My TT

    1. I can't wait to try it - hopefully we'll both enjoy it!

      Thanks for sharing.

  4. These are creepy. The Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill is good. I'm currently reading one called Roseblood which is a take off of the Phantom of the Opera story. It's good.

  5. I Am Legend looks like it would be freaky. I did the movie version with Will smith but I bet the book is better. And The Trees Crept In looks creepy as well.

  6. I'm such a wimp when it it comes to horror but I still want to read the classics on your list. Especially The Haunting at Hill House and the Phantom of the Opera.

    Our TTT was about books we'd like to read to get us in the Halloween spirit but they're no where near as scary as your choices.

    Happy (Early) Halloween!
    Rachel @ Paein-and-Ms4Tune

  7. Love your list- and I have to make time for some of the older classics like Rosemary's Baby. I loved, loved, loved The Girl in the Well, and I loved the sequel even more.

  8. World War Z is on my bookshelf, I've never read it It's The Husbands book. That's not why I haven't read it.
    I keep meaning to read a Joe Hill book, since I watched Horns and that movie was so intriguing I want to know what the book is like and what his other books are like. It seems like the kind of horror I enjoy, where it's not *trying* to be scary but just ends up being creepy and unsettling.

    1. I read Horns and I really liked it - still haven't seen the movie yet.

      Thanks for sharing, Marie!

  9. I really want to read Phantom of the Opera and I Am Legend as well! I've seen the broadway and the 2004 movie version of PotO and you're right, it's about time I read the book! I've actually only seen the Will Smith version of I Am Legend; I didn't even know there were more versions. I'll have to watch those after I read the book! Great list, Lauren!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  10. Okay I must admit that last one looks right up my alley and I definitely am thinking about giving it a try.

  11. I'm in the middle of The Haunting of Hill House and it is so good. Ann Radcliffe's books are on my TBR, as well.

  12. I still need to read Phantom, the Ann Radcliffe one, and And the Trees Crept In. I'm hoping to read And the Trees Crept In before the month is over! I love all of the others on your list (except world war z) and I hope you do too when you get to them! :D By the way, I am Legend is WAY better than the movie. :D

  13. I loved I Am Legend...I read it in high school and I've never forgotten it

    1. Hmm, I'm glad you liked it - one of these days!

      Thanks for visiting, Gabby!

  14. Aaahh The Phantom of the Opera. I would LOVE to see it the musical live one day. I've seen the film, but my favorite is the Anniversary production at the Royal Albert Hall. I've seen it time and time again. The book is quite different. The Phantom is much more dangerous! I remember loving the atmosphere of the Opera house in the novel, it was certainly creepy.

    1. I've never seen the Royal Albert Hall version before - I might have to look for it! :)

  15. I own Heart-Shaped Box so I really need to read that one. I want to read all of Joe Hill's books. I've only read Horns so far but I loved that one.


    1. I've read Horns, too, and really liked it so fingers crossed for Heart-Shaped Box.

      Thanks for sharing!

  16. I read World War Z a while back and really enjoyed it - I wasn't a huge fan of the movie, though. All of these books look great! I bet the Exorcist is super scary, the movie certainly was!
    My TTT:

    1. I've heard the World War Z book and movie are very different from one another. I'll probably be to scared to switch off the lights after reading The Exorcist! :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  17. The Exorcist was a book?? I had no idea! That's pretty cool. My dad has been recommending World War Z to me for a while now, but I don't know if I would like it. Great list!

    1. I had no clue until recently - apparently it came out only a couple of years before the movie.

      Thanks for coming over, Sam!

  18. Oh my god! I didn't even know that some of those existed as books! I watched a few of them, but never read any haha

    Nope nope, to the Exorcist. I watched it when I was 10 and it freaked me out so bad I had trouble sleeping for ages!! After I watched a parody I was able to see it again as an adult and appreciated it. But still.. no good memories :D

    1. Yeah, I'll probably be scarred after reading that book!

  19. The Exorcist is a book?! I didn't know that either! Now I have to read that!

    Carrie @ The Butterfly Reader

  20. I've read and/or watched a surprising number of these even though I usually don't do horror! I DNFed And the Trees Crept In because it wasn't for me + it wasn't scary to me? I don't know. It just wasn't my thing. World War Z (movie) scarred me O_O and I haven't read Shirley Jackson's novel, but I've read some of her short stories, and they're fantastic (and super chilling). Great list! If I've ever looking for scary stories, I'll check these out :D

    Thanks for stopping by The Silver Words!

    - Eli @ The Silver Words

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog as well, Eli. We'll see what I think of these!

  21. My husband loves Joe Hill so I bought him Heart-Shaped Box about 6 years ago. He still hasn't read it. Bwahaha. He read about 30 pages and said it was good though!

    1. I'm not going to lie, I've definitely done that in the past...something newer and shinier distracts me! I did like Horns, so I hope Heart-Shaped Box will be just as good if not better.


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