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Top Ten Tuesday: Worst Moms From Books, Movies, and TV

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is a Mother's Day Related Freebie, so I have a some free reign again this week - yay!  I'm going to do something a different route and feature the Worst Moms From Books, Movies, and TV (some of which cross over due to adaptations).  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

Fiona from American Horror Story: Coven

Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development

Margaret White from Carrie by Stephen King

Linh Adri from Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Other Mother from Coraline by Neil Gaiman

Olivia Foxworth from Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews

Cersei Lannister from A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

Mrs. Zinnia Wormwood from Matlida by Roald Dahl

Mrs. George from Mean Girls

Norma Bates from Psycho 

Have you read or watched any of my picks?  As always, thanks very much for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting on my blog.


  1. Oh my goodness! You've got some great choices, Lauren! I LOVE reading about how awful Matilda's mum is.

    1. Both of Matilda's parents scarred me! :)

      Thanks for visiting, Chrissi!

  2. I choose Olivia and Ceresi too. I haven't read Carrie or Coraline but both are on my to read.

  3. Oh my gosh I think Cersei is the worst lol. And Norma Bates- eek!!

    1. Hard to top them, isn't it? Thanks for coming over, Greg!

  4. I love Amy Poehler as Mrs George, she's hilarious. :D

  5. Fabulous choices, especially Mrs Wormwood and the other mother.

  6. Scary, scary moms!

  7. Now I want to re watch Arrested Development. And maybe even Mean Girls.

  8. Replies
    1. Didn't need that coffee this morning! :)

      Thanks for sharing, Sherry.

  9. Lucille is everything I aspire to be. Haha

  10. All of these are some seriously awful moms! It's always good to have a really vile mom in fiction to remind you of just how amazing our own mothers are!

    My TTT.

  11. Norma Bates. XD Not sure if I should laugh? But she's not exactly present in the book. Yet she did have a huge impact on Norman that was obviously negative. :/

    Ugh, Linh Adri. I really don't understand her.

    Can I also mention Cora from the Once Upon a Time series? What is wrong with that lady? She has a twisted outlook on love and is so manipulative.

    1. I haven't read Psycho - I'm just going with the Hitchcock movie. :)

      I was so close to adding Cora to my list, too!

  12. I have never watched Coraline but have know some friends kids who were terrified of buttons for months afterwards. And of course Margaret White from Carrie is just the worst.

    My TTT:

    1. If you watch it, I have a feeling you'll completely understand about buttons... :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  13. Yes, the Other Mother from Coraline was quite creepy. Good job there.

    Here is my TTT.

  14. Haha, great list! So many of these ladies really are terrible mothers - Margaret White is awful, and the Other Mother will forever give me the heebie jeebies.

  15. Carrie's mom would definitely make my own list. The Other Mother is...unnerving. Love that you picked Norma Bates too! Great list.

  16. Oh, wicked, awful moms, indeed. But, oh so much fun to watch. I love that it's a reminder that I might just be a decent mom. :D

    Lonna @ FLYLēF

    1. Very true - so great to watch! Definitely puts things in perspective. :)

  17. Hi Lauren,

    What a great list, you included some all time classics like 'Psycho' 'Carrie' and 'Flowers In The Attic' that I had completely forgotten about.

    Thanks for sharing :)


    1. I couldn't forget them! :)

      Thanks for visiting, Yvonne.

  18. It seems the worst moms are from classic literature at least of the modern variety... this is a great list. The only one Ive read is Cinder but she wasn't a bad mum in that one so... maybe a bit of a spoiler? In any case I'll look out for what a bad mom she is in future books. Thanks for stopping by my blog 🌟

    1. Seems like it! Thanks for visiting mine as well. :)

  19. I've not met any of these mothers, but - *shudder* - they look CREEPY or simply put, AWFUL! Who needs moms like that in our lives?? Bad mothers, be gone! :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lauren.

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