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FraterFest Read-A-Thon TBR

Happy Sunday everyone!  This October I've decided to take part in a new-to-me readathon - the FraterFest Read-A-Thon hosted by the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.  It runs from October 11th through October 16th and the rules are pretty simple - you read or listen to mysteries, thrillers, fantasy, horror, paranormal, supernatural books and novellas.  You also must participate in at least challenge over the course of the readathon - you could win a prize!  You can also share your progress on Twitter (or Instagram) with #FraterfestRAT

Now I know I'm going to be fairly busy during the course of the readathon, so I've only selected four books for my TBR.  Fingers crossed that I'll enjoy all of them (and even get to all of them)!

Day Shift (Midnight, Texas #2) by Charlaine Harris - I'm really looking forward to picking up this sequel since I liked the first book and loved the first season of the tv adaptation.  I need to read this before season two begins on October 26th!

Dead Boys by Gabriel Squailia - This urban fantasy features a preservationist (think a kind of magical taxidermy) and an adventure to the underworld.  Plus, I've even heard it compared to Neil Gaiman's style.  I don't know about you, but that sounds like a cool combination to me.

Something Strange and Deadly (Something Strange and Deadly #1) by Susan Dennard - All I had to hear was steampunk and zombies - plus, it's kind of giving me Parasol Protectorate vibes.

Masque of the Red Death (Masque of the Red Death #1) by Bethany Griffin - I mean, it's a dystopian steampunk retelling of the classic Edgar Allan Poe story.  Of course, I had to try it especially considering how much I enjoyed The Fall, her retelling of "The Fall of the House of Usher" from Madeline's perspective.

Have you read any of the books on my FraterFest Read-A-Thon TBR?  Which book should I tackle first?  Are you joining in the fun?  P.S. You can vote for which book I should read first here.  As always, thanks for visiting and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I've not actually read any of these- but you reminded me that I meant to put a Charlaine Harris book on my own list! Her new one, whose title evades me at the moment, but yes! Also I had NO idea what the premise of Masque of the Red Death was about but YEP, need that in my life! Hope you enjoy these!

  2. Good luck! I’m doing Fraterfest, too, but I have no idea what I’ll read. I’m not that organized.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Well, whatever you pick I hope you like them! Good luck, Aj!

  3. Ooh, Dead Boys sounds really interesting. I will be picking up all the spooky reads all month long. Happy reading!


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