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The Upside Down Readathon - Announcement & TBR

Happy Thursday everyone!  Today I'm featuring a TBR for a very exciting new readathon, The Upside Down Readathon which is inspired by Stranger Things!  It is hosted by Liv @ Liv's Library, and co-hosted by @bookphoria @Laurenlovereads, @PrideandPaperback, @Sorry, Booked Solid, @Nahomy's Library and is being held from September 5th-September 11th.  There are five prompts in this readathon.  The first four are based on the first four seasons and the last is a buddy read along with one of the hosts.  You can check out Liv's original announcement video here.  Keep reading to check out the books I plan on reading for this readathon:

Read a book with lights on the cover.

My choice: CyberStorm (CyberStorm #1) by Matthew Mather - As a fan of Neal Stephenson, this post-apocalyptic techno thriller sounds like it's right up my alley.

Read a psychological thriller.

My choice: Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes - I'm so excited to read this sci-fi horror novel, and it sounds like it would easily qualify as a psychological thriller.

Read a book with multiple POVs.

My choice: The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley - I've enjoyed Foley's most recent and I'm looking forward to trying this earlier release.

Read a book that includes a game/competition.

My choice: Lucas on the Line (Stranger Things #5) by Suyi Davies - Lucas is my favorite of the main four boys of the party and I'm so excited to read his installment of this series.  I've read three of the four previous releases, and they've all been pretty good.

Read a host's buddy read based on your favorite character.

My choice: Go Hunt Me by Kelly deVos - This is Kaitlin @PrideandPaperback's buddy read in honor of Max who is my favorite from the list of characters for this prompt.  Max is one of my favorite characters in the series and I hope she'll be okay!

Are you taking part in this readathon?  What book should I read first?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


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