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Magical Readathon: Orilium - Autumn Equinox 2022 - Wrap Up & Mini Reviews

Happy Thursday everyone!  Today I'm featuring my wrap up and mini reviews of the Magical Readathon: Orilium - Autumn Equinox 2022 at Orilium for the Magical Readathon, hosted by G. @ Book Roast.  The semester ran the entire month of August and I had a great class experience.  I completed all of my courses in my studies to become a Scribe.  You can check out my original TBR for the Autumn Equinox here (and if you like you can also check out when I followed the Novice Path, completed the Traveller's Key, have Geared Up, and have completed the Spring Equinox 2022.  Without further ado, keep reading to see my thoughts on the books I read to earn my O in Elemental Studies, D in Inscription, an O in Restoration, and Q in Lore:

Elemental Studies

O - Element of Water: Start a book with a drink


The Doomsayer (The Survivalist #4) by Jerry Ahern is better and less irritating  than it's immediate predecessor. The ladies get to do a little more here and I'm glad to see it. I still feel awfully manly after finishing this just like all of the other installments. Still just like watching a Chuck Norris movie!

My review is also on Goodreads.


O - Glyph: Recollection - A childhood favorite

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Image (Angel: Season 2 #2) by Mel Odom  is a good a addition to these tie-in novels.  Honestly, I just like revisiting the characters again and Odom really hits the mark and does right by them.  I think I might have to rewatch some episodes of the tv show or look up some of the other tie-in books.

My review is also on Godoreads.

Q - Inking Techniques: Read a graphic novel/ comic/ manga

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I'm so glad I decided to continue this series of graphic memoirs. They are always so well done, compelling, and accessible to all readers. I need to get caught up on everything this author has written.  Guts (Smile #3) by Raina Telgemeir comes highly recommended from me!

My review is also on Goodreads.

D - Stilling the Wind: Cozy read


Literally Murder (Black Cat Bookshop #4) by Ali Brandon is a solid cozy, but I don't know if I'm interested enough to read the rest of the series. I was definitely in it for the cat, Hamlet! I wouldn't mind seeing that viral video of him at that martial arts tournament. By the way, when my cat Finn was younger he used to do high fives with me. Not now though... if you try to get him to do one with you now he'll give you the dumbest look! You can feel the judgment coming off of him in waves!

My review is also on Goodreads.


O - Object Restoration: A single object as the focus of the cover


The Merciless IV: Last Rites (The Merciless #4) by Danielle Vega is a solid fourth and final installment of this series.  This one just isn't quite as good as the previous three, but if you've enjoyed the series it's still definitely worth picking up.  I do appreciate how it the true crime with the paranormal horror elements.

My review is also on Goodreads.


O - Aeldia's Regional Anthropology: A book that has colors similar to your country's flag


Usually I really enjoyed this author's style but as intriguing asTrailer Park Fae (Gallow and Ragged #1) by Lilith Saintcrow sounded it was never quite what I was hoping it would be.  I won't be back to continue the series to find out if it improves.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Q - Myth of Syldoris: Story featuring a betrayal


I doubt I'll continue this series, but Infinity (Chronicles of Nick #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon was a solid enough read. I did appreciate that Nick more or less sounds like his age. My favorite smaller moment was Nick's Vincent Price reference.  Price is one of my favorite Old Hollywood actors and it was delightful to see his name pop up here in this YA novel.  Also, I think this might be the first novel I've read to mention Zydeco music which is awfully infectious.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Dud you take part in this readathon?  Have you read any of these books?   As always, thanks for visiting and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Well done! What an amazing readathon.

  2. Fun! I love a good chuck Norris movie lol.

  3. I read The Merciless years ago, but never got around to finishing the series. Great job with this readathon!

  4. Congrats on doing so well on the readathon! I'm sad to hear Trailer Park Fae wasn't that good. I've been curious about it.

  5. Congrats on finishing the readathon! I am just super amazed at the wide range of books you read and how you even pull them out! All of these looked so exciting, with great covers and super interesting blurbs.


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