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Beat The Backlist 2024 - August Update


Happy Saturday everyone! Today I'm sharing my eighth update for my August progress on the year long Beat The Backlist 2024 reading challenge, hosted by Austine Decker.  You can see my original tbr here.  In August, I completed 2 books for a total of 41 books completed out of 52 books on my tbr.  That's 11 books left!  Without further ado, keep reading to see my thoughts on the books I read in August:

 ❋  ❋ 

A Thousand Sisters: The Heroic Airwomen of the Soviet Union of WWII by Elizabeth Wein is a must read work of YA Nonfiction.  If you're at all interested in women's roles in wartime, aviation, the Night Witches, the WASPs, or just appreciate Elizabeth Wein's style, this is a fascinating and incredibly readable. I've said it before but I'm always on the lookout for YA nonfiction and this one can't be missed especially if you appreciate Wein's historical fiction.

My review is also on Goodreads.

DNF'd @ p. 54

The Company of Glass (Everien #1) by Leith Valery sounded intriguing but I couldn't get into it at all.  I gave it a chance and decided to move on to something else.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Have you read any of these books?  Are you participating in this challenge?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


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