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Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets by J.A. Buckle - Review

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Josh is a big fan of death metal and dreams of becoming a death metal guitarist. However, he has a long way to go - he still needs a decent electric guitar and his strict mom won't even let him grow his hair out. He does have a way of coping with life's little setbacks. It's only his diary, but he uses it to keep track of his dreams and frustrations, and ideas for band names and lyrics. There's so much to do before he turns seventeen.

I noticed this novel after I saw it crop up on a few blogs and the description sounded great - not to mention that title and cover. When the book came in for me at the library, I eagerly dove into the pages. I'm thrilled that I just happened to stumble upon this because it's a real gem. Honestly, more people should check it out.

Josh is a fantastic character who comes across as very real and refreshing. I think teen guys could easily relate to him - I mean, I did and I don't fit either of those categories. I also couldn't get enough of his sense of humor. While the story is very funny, it's not just a comedy as it delves into serious topics.

If you like Ryan Dean from Winger by Andrew Smith, you'll want to get to know Josh from Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets by J. A. Buckle!

I read this novel from September 15 - 16, 2015 and my review is also on Goodreads.


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