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Top Ten Tuesday: Finished Series I Have Yet To Finish

Happy Tuesday everyone!  I hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend - I know I did!  This week's topic for Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is Finished Series I Have Yet To Finish.  Here is a selection of book completed series I've started but haven't finished yet but would really like to some day.  I'm including the series listing link and the photo of the book that I will need to read next.

Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead - I've read the first book.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor - I've read the first two books - I just don't want it to end!

Penryn & the End of Days series by Susan Ee - I've read the first two books.

The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa - I've read the first book.

Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher - I've read the first book.

The Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer Nielsen - I've read the first two books.

The Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater - I've read the first three books.

The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger - I've read the first book.

The Dust Lands Trilogy series by Moira Young - I've read the first book.

The Dwellers series by David Estes - I've read the first book.


The Country Saga series by David Estes - I've read the first book.

So what do you think of my list this week?  Do we share any series or authors?  All comments are welcome and I will try to respond to each one.


  1. Ah man! I also need to finish the Penryn & the End of Days series! It's an amazing one and I have the second one to review still.. I know hahaha

    I hope you get on with your series soon♥ Great post!

    Jumana @ Books by Jay

    1. I can't wait to get my hands on it! Thanks very much and thanks for sharing! :)

  2. We have a couple in common. Penryn and Vampire Academy. I also haven't finished the Iron Daughter series but I kind of forgot about that one on my list. The rest I haven't even heard of.
    Other than Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I love that series so much, it's such a beautifully written series.

    Check out My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I bet you would like Dust Lands and the Wolves of Mercy Falls. Thanks for sharing!

  3. We don't have any books in common but Vampire Academy and the Gail Carriger series are on my TBR. I've heard fantastic things about Daughter of Smoke and Bone as well. I am hoping to try Maggie Stiefvater's books soon but was planning on starting with The Raven Boys. I'm not familiar with the one you mention but I'll have to look for it.

  4. I really need to read the Codex Alera series. Not started it as I have four more Dresden Files to finish! *Shakes fist at Jim Butcher* So much to read!

    My TTT

  5. Forgot about Codex Alera - I only read the first book of that one too!

    My TTT list

    1. For me it's usually over shadowed by the Dresden Files - not that that's a bad thing.

  6. End of Days is on my list. I should probably have added Sinner. I've only read the first book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series, but I do want to read on! Great list!
    Check out my Top 10

  7. i still need to START some of these lol My TTT

  8. I really want to start on Gail Carriger's works! They all sound fantastic, but I need to do a little research to figure out where to start!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

    1. I started with the Parasol Protectorate and I've also read the first Finishing School book so far. Either way they are a lot of fun! :)

  9. I somehow completely forgot that Jim Butcher had another series until I saw your list. Thanks for reminding me about Codex Alera! I should give that series a try.

    1. The first one is so good - if you like his style and you like epic fantasy you should enjoy it! :)

  10. End of Days was awesome, though I was sad to say goodbye to the series.

  11. I love Maggie Stiefvater's writing, so I may have to try her other series (I love The Raven Boys so far). Also I'm reading The Finishing School Series, so The Parasol Protectorate series would probably fill in a lot of blanks for since they share some mutual characters. Thanks for stopping by my list :)

    1. I've read the first Finishing School book, too, and it was so much fun. You may also want to check out Stiefvater's The Scorpio Races. :)

  12. I've been meaning to read Dresden Files for YEARS now, just because someone I was once in a book club with mentioned she read them compulsively. I read some Gail Carriger when they first came out, but kind of lost interest after a couple of books. The first one sure was fun though. And I also have one more to go in Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

  13. I felt exactly the same way about Daughter of Smoke and Bone! I loved the whole series but I felt sooo lost when I finished. I tried reading the novella to appease my aching heart but it just made me miss the world more.

  14. So many awesome books! I really want to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I hope it is as good as everyone says it is. Have a great day!

  15. The only series on this list that I have finished is The Wolves of Mercy Falls. It is so good. I highly recommend finishing that one!

  16. I've wanted to read The Dust Lands Trilogy for a while, I hope they are enjoyable.

  17. I've wanted to read The Dust Lands Trilogy for a while, I hope they are enjoyable.

  18. I thought I was done with the Iron Fey series a while ago, then I realized she's written more books. I completely forgot about that one, it probably should have been on my list. And I haven't started Daughter of Smoke and Bone yet, but I've been hearing so many good things that I really want to.

  19. The Smoke and Bone covers are amazing!

  20. Dreams of Gods & Monsters was my favorite book from the trilogy. It was such a well-done conclusion that it made the end of the series more bearable. :)

  21. Great list! It's reminded me that I really need to continue with the Vampire Academy series, it's been too long ahah

    Most recent post on Enchanted by YA:

    1. It's been awhile since I read the first one myself. Thanks for sharing!

  22. We had a couple series in common. I'll have to check out the others and see if I want to add them to my long list of series to read! :)

    Nicole @ Boundless Bookaholic

  23. I just started the Vampire Academy and enjoying it! End of Days I need it now! Thanks for stopping by my blog and Happy Reading!

    1. You're welcome and thank you for stopping by my blog!

  24. Yay for Gail's books! They sound amazing. Oh, and I've heard Laini's books are epic. Never read any though. Perhaps someday. :)

    Thanks a bunch for visiting Dreaming Under the Same Moon.

  25. From what I've read I agree! I hope you will enjoy them when you get around to them!

  26. Ahhh, I need to just START so many of these!! I loved the Wolves of Mercy Falls books, and Sinner is probably my favourite. :') And someday I'm going to start the Blood Red Road books. SOMEDAY. Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

  27. I actually haven't read any of these series, but perhaps that means I need to give one of them a try! Which one would you recommend the most??

    1. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series - I hope you enjoy them!

  28. Oh my god the Vampire Academy books are so ridiculously addicting! I refused to read them for years, but when I finally picked them up I legit finished it in like two days haha. And Gail Carriger's series is just pure gold! The first book is my favourite still, but I haven't read a single book by her that I haven't had a ton of fun reading!

  29. DUDE- finish The Dwellers and The Country Saga! They are just SO GOOD. I also loved the second book of the Dust Lands series! Hope you get to read these all very soon :)
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  30. Daughter of Smoke and Bone looks so good!

  31. The dwellers is such a great story! I would finish it! :P
    I have tagged you in Early Autumn Tag:

  32. I'm right there with you on Vampire Academy, Wolves of Mercy Falls, and Penyrn & the End of Days!

    My TTT !

  33. So many good series and I've hardly read any of them! I loved the Ascendance Trilogy. I've dipped into the first Iron Fey book and want to get back to the series, and I definitely want to read Gail Carriger's books - I love her Finishing School series.


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