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Top Ten Tuesday: Books To Read If You Like These Popular Titles

Happy Tuesday everyone!  This week's theme for Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted The Broke and the Bookish, is Books To Read If You Like This Super Popular Book/Author.  Today, I will be listing ten popular books and providing a less popular read alike for each.  Here we go, in no particular order:   

If you couldn't get enough of the laugh-out-loud funny Winger by Andrew Smith, you'll love Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets by J.A. Buckle.

If you're a fan of the British humor in Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison, you'll get addicted to Geek Girl by Holly Smale.

If you are obsessed with urban fantasy with a side of deadpan snark like Storm Front by Jim Butcher, there is no way you'll get through Hounded by Kevin Hearne without becoming an instant fan.

If you like a paranormal presidential alternate history like Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith, I bet you'll like Crooked by Austin Grossman too.

If you enjoy dystopia with a tough-as-nails leading character like The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey, you'll approve of Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis.

If you enjoy world-within-a-world fantasy like Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, you'll appreciate The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey.

If you enjoy cyberpunk like Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, you'll probably like the virtual reality thriller The Eye of Minds by James Dashner.

If you like YA Paranormal Horror such as A Living Nightmare by Darren Shan, you'll get hooked on Lockdown by Alexander Gordon Smith.  

If you love mythology with your urban fantasy like American Gods by Neil Gaiman, you'll appreciate the magical realism of Last Call by Tim Powers.

If you enjoy fairy tale retellings in the vein of Enchanted by Alethea Kontis, you'll likely enjoy this dark middle grade retelling aptly named A Tale Dark & Grimm by Adam Gidwitz.  

Have you read any of the books on my list this week, or are you now interested in checking any of them out?  Do you have any good recommendations to share with me? 


  1. Great post! The only book on this list I've read is American Gods, but I've been meaning to read a Tim Powers book for years because his brother was actually my high school English teacher. I will definitely look into Last Call! Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. I love fairytale retellings, so I'll have to try A Tale
    Dark and Grimm.

    1. I can't resist a good one either. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I stopped on book 10 of Cirque Du Freak because I was so sad and did not want to finish the series. I would check out Lockdown.
    You got a great list here.

    1. I've read the entire series and it was so good - but incredibly sad at the end.

  4. What a great list, with some fantastic books on! :-)

  5. Great list! I loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone, so I'll have to check out Girl at Midnight sometime!

  6. A lot of these look really good. Great list!

  7. I love the similarity of the covers of Winger and Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets - that's such an awesome comparison. I've heard a lot of people comparing Daughter of Smoke and Bone and The Girl at Midnight, and I've been recommended Not A Drop To Drink a few times because I love The 5th Wave.
    Really awesome picks! :)

    1. Thanks! I've seen the Taylor and Grey recommendation quite a bit today. I hope you enjoy them all! :)

  8. Great list. I've read A Tale Dark and Grimm and really enjoyed it. I've heard so much about Winger. I need to pick it up one of these days.

    1. That entire series was wonderful!

      I hope you love Winger! :)

  9. I was considering reading Geek Girl, but seeing that you compared it to Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging makes me want to read it so much more.
    - Emma @ Emma Likes Books

  10. Geek Girl looks like fun! Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging was a favorite when I was in HS. Great list! :)

    1. I just stumbled into both this year and I'm so glad I did! Thanks for commenting.

  11. What a great list! Hounded sounds really good :)

  12. Rocking list! Some great ones on here that I own and haven't gotten around to. Ohh I needed some laugh-out-loud books in my life! Thanks for sharing your list!! :D

    -Lety @ Gone With The Words

  13. Quite a varied list, lots of awesome titles! It's great having a few funny books in my arsenal - so many YA books are angst-ridden, it can be frustrating for teens who just want something funny for a change!

  14. I love The Girl at Midnight and Enchanted. Love the variety of books listed in your TTT.

  15. Replies
    1. Now you have some to check out! :) Thanks for sharing.

  16. "Enchanted"! "American Gods"! "A Tale Dark & Grimm"! ALL GREAT BOOKS! Definitely would recommend "Enchanted" and "A Tale Dark & Grimm" together!

    Fantastic list!

  17. Great post! I did mine based off of one book and it was so hard to find ten! Here's my TTT!

    1. I thought about doing the same, but I wasn't having my luck. Thanks for sharing.

  18. I think the 5th Wave and Not a Drop to Drink are perfect compliments to one another. I enjoyed both immensely. Great list!

  19. This is an awesome list! I enjoyed Storm Front - I still need to finish the series. Thanks for introducing me to Hounded, Crooked, and Lockdown!

    1. You're very welcome. I've got two until I'll be caught up with the Dresden files! :)

  20. I agree- Hounded is perfect for fans of the Dresden Files! They're so similar, but both really good. Great list!

    My TTT:

    PS. I'm running a giveaway on my blog. If you're interested in entering, go here-

  21. Great list--I love A Tale Dark & Grimm!

    1. It's such a fantastic retelling. Thanks for stopping by!

  22. Some cool looking titles. Loved "Angus..." so I'll most definitely be checking out "Geek Girl"

  23. So I actually have not read the Dresden Files, but your description has made me want to give both that one and the readalike a try!

  24. I have only ever read the first book in the Georgia Nicolson series, and also I've only read Storm Front of The Dresden Files.

    With GN, I didn;t know until years later that it was a series and I was just too lazy to bother looking for the other books,and with The Dresden Files, I think I was kind of ruined for the series since I saw the show first and it was kind of crap. They did a good job casting for Harry Dresden, but the rest of the show was just not good at all.

    1. I watched the show when I was midway through the book series and I was so disappointed with it. I liked Paul Blackthorne as Harry, but not so much otherwise. The book series is so much better!

  25. I want to read Geek Girl, but I've heard both good and bad things about it. Neat list. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Reading!

  26. Great list! I've heard some good things about a Girl at Midnight.

  27. AHH I love your list! It's been ages since I read Angus Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging but I will definitely check out Geek Girl. Nothing like a good british humour! I'm also going to have to read Not A Drop To Drink because I just loved Rick Yancey's 5Th Wave. And I totally agree with your Girl of Smoke and Bone and Girl at Midnight comparison. I loved them both.

    Happy Reading
    Rachel @

  28. I can honestly say I've only read The 5th Wave, Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Girl at Midnight from this list so I'll definitely be looking into some of the others! Great post as always :)

    Most recent post on Enchanted by YA:

  29. I thought The Girl at Midnight was just too much like Laini Taylor's work, alas... I didn't get along with it.

    1. I recognized that right off, but I still had fun with it. Oh, well. Thanks for visiting!

  30. Great list! I definitely going to check out Not a Drop to Drink and Lockdown! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    1. Great! I hope you like them. Thanks for visiting my blog too. :)

  31. Awesome list! I'll definitely check out the Girl at Midnight, since I absolutely love love loved Daughter of Smoke & Bone :)

    Would you mind looking at my list from yesterday? It's not from TTT meme but I still made a top ten :P

  32. The Girl at Midnight looks like one I need to add to my TBR list.;)
    Oh, Geek Girl is one I have been meaning to read!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. I still haven't read Winger yet because with books like those, I'm always worried that I won't connect with or enjoy the humour. But I think Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets sounds like it'll be hilarious no matter what.

    I've also always wanted to read Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging. It sounds so funny and random. I have Geek Girl on ebook so hopefully I can get around to reading that soon too!

    1. I don't laugh out loud often while reading but I definitely did with Winger and Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets.

      Happy Reading!

  35. Hi! I looove Georgia Nicholson, so I'm definitely going to check out Geek Girl. Great idea for this week :)
    My TTT

  36. I love Hounded! I laughed so hard through that. And Zuzanna from DoSaB! Great picks :)

    - Kritika @ Snowflakes & Spider silk

  37. Awesome list! Such great recommendations, I'll definitely be adding some to my TBR. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my blog.

  38. Such a fantastic list! Some favourite books of mine in here and I can't wait to check out your recommendations!


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