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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Fathers and Father-Figures In Fiction

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week the topic is a freebie - so you could do whatever you like, or do a past topic you might have missed.  This week in honor of Father's Day, which was on Sunday, June 19, I'm going to share some of my favorite father's in fiction.

Arthur Weasley from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Ben Moore & Cillian Boyd from the Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness

Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien 

Grandpa Joe from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl

Hans Hubermann from The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Luke Garroway from The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare

The Man from The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Ned Stark from A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

Sirius Black from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Are you familiar with any of these fantastic father figures?  What did you do for your freebie topic this week?


  1. What a great list, Lauren. All of them are outstanding fathers or father figures. I love that you included Gandulf. And of course no list like this could be complete without Arthur Weasley. :-)

    This week I talked my husband into sharing his Top Ten Favorite Books.

  2. Atticus Finch is such a great choice!

    1. The Atticus of To Kill a Mockingbird, not Go Set a Watchman. :)

      Thanks for coming over!

  3. I reckon mine would be Dr. Larch in John Irving's Cider House Rules.

    Here's my TTT -

    1. I haven't read that one yet...but thanks for sharing! :)

  4. Great list! Gandalf is awesome, and Grandpa Joe from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? THAT's a good one!!

    And Ned Stark! Still sad about that one...

  5. I agree with the majority of this list! These are all great fictional dads. :) I chose to do book to movie adaptations I'm looking forward to for my Top Ten Tuesday!

  6. I saw some of my favorites here! Sirius Black, Arthur Weasley, and Luke Garroway to name a few. Great topic! <33

  7. Aww, this was a lovely list! Arthur Weasley is totally up there for my top fictional father figures. And Hans Hubermann! He was lovely too.

  8. The Dad in Please Ignore Vera Dietz is a good one. He's a single dad and is always trying to do what's best for Vera, including making sure she doesn't become an alcoholic (like he used to be). He also creates amazing self-help flowcharts.

    1. Hmmm...I don't think I've ever heard of that book before. I think I'm going to have to look it up. Either way, he sounds like a good one.

  9. Beautiful list! Gandalf, Atticus, Arthur, Ned, The Man ... all excellent options. Sirius too, but I think Hagrid is Harry's key father figure.

    I love the Man so much though </3

    1. Thanks! I was this close to adding Hagrid (and Lupin), but I guess I didn't want to turn this into an all HP post. :D

  10. Arthur Weasley is such a great father figure in the HP series! For his own kids & for Harry & Hermione too. One of my fave fictional dads is Reese Mitchell from A Twist of Faith - single dad & quite yummy! My TTT

    1. I haven't read A Twist of Faith - I'll have to look into it!

      Thanks for sharing, Carrie!

  11. I love Sirius Black, Arthur Weasley, Grandpa Joe and Hans Hubermann too! Great idea for a list!
    My TTT:

    1. I thought I'd give credit where credit is due to these fantastic characters! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I love this topic! Arthur Weasley, Hans Hubermann, and Sirius Black are all such great father figures! Gandalf is a really cool choice too; I never thought about how he is a large guiding sort of figure in Bilbo and Frodo's journey's. Lovely list, Lauren!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  13. So happy to see Ben and Cillian on this list! I really did love them and would absolutely read a side story about them if Patrick Ness ever decided to write one!

  14. I love Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!!!

  15. Wow! Lots of great fathers. My personal favorite is Atticus Finch, pre-that-ridiculous-last-novel.

  16. So many great choices! Definitely agree with Arthur, Sirius, Ned, and Hans. Great topic!

    1. Thanks! I could have listed a couple of other HP figures, as well... :)

  17. Great choices! Atticus was amazing in To Kill a Mockingbird. I love that you included Gandalf, it's true that he acts like a father to the hobbits, both in Frodo's and Bilbo's adventures.

    Esther @Chapter Adventures

    1. Very true about Gandalf! Thanks for visiting, Esther!

  18. These are some fantastic choices! This week was so interesting seeing what everyone chose for their topic.
    My TTT

    1. I know - that's one of the best part of a freebie week! :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  19. Unique topic :-) I loved Sirius!

  20. What a fun topic! Great picks.

  21. What a great idea for a topic! Loved your choices! Thanks for stopping by mine.


  22. Oh this is a great topic, I love your picks :) Arthur Weasley is my favorite.

  23. What a great topic!!! I love Atticus and that book so much!

  24. Love Arthur Weasley! And Hans!

  25. Awww... Ned Stark. Luke is also awesome and rarely thanked! Nice idea for your freebie list!

  26. You had to include Sirius. I'm still in pain over that one. But I ADORE Hans, Mr Weasley, Ben & Cillian, Gandalf... Basically everyone on this list. Thanks for visiting The Endless Oceans of my Mind!

    1. So am I...! Thanks for visiting my blog as well, Victoria!

  27. So many good fathers and father figures on your list this week. I'm totally partial to Arthur Weasley and Atticus Finch. Great list!

  28. Great list, Gandalf, I wish he was my Dad ;)

  29. Arthur Weasley! <3 Probably my favorite book father. Great topic this week. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

    1. I can see why! :)

      Thanks for visiting my blog, as well.

  30. Wow this is such a cool topic and great list!!! Love that Gandalf is on here. Arthur & Sirius from HP are good ones too. I would add Dumbledore as well. :)

    1. I think I could have gotten away with adding Hagrid, Dumbledore, and Lupin... but I guess I didn't want HP to monopolize my post! :D

      Thanks for visiting, Erin!

  31. What a great topic! I agree with some of your picks like Arthur Weasley, Sirius Black, Grandpa Joe and Hans Hubermann

  32. I love Arthur Weasly and Sirius Black! Also, Grandpa Joe was the best!

  33. Oh my gosh this is an AMAZING list and a wonderful idea for your freebie week! I love Grandpa Joe!


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