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Top Ten Tuesday: New-To-Me Favorite Authors I Read For The First Time In 2015

Hi everyone and welcome Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish!  This week's topic is New-To-Me Favorite Authors I Read For The First Time In 2015.  This year was a good year for new-to-me authors because I "discovered" quite a few that I fully plan on following and would love to see more from in the future.  In no particular order, I list my new favorites with a link to their author page and the book(s) that piqued my interest:

Victoria Schwab

Rysa Walker

Courtney Alameda

Andy Weir

Peter Clines

Sabaa Tahir

Dawn Kurtagich 

Mindy McGinnis

James Morris

G. Willow Wilson

What do you think of my list this week?  Do we share any authors?  Or, perhaps, I've piqued your interested in checking out a new-to-you author or book?  Do you have any recommendations for me?  As always thanks for visiting, and, if you like, feel free to comment below - I try to respond to everyone!


  1. Is "Shutter" a horror, because the cover is freaking amazing and I'll read this book only because of it :D

  2. I've seen a lot of people mentioning Victoria Schwab - 2015 seems to have been a great year for discovering her! I still haven't read any of Mindy McGinnis's books, which makes me feel really bad because I own all of them... Maybe 2016 will be the year :)

    1. I've just read ADSOM, but I'm convinced she's a genius! :) I hope you enjoy McGinnis!

  3. I wonder what Andy Weir will write next! Thanks for your list.

    Here's my Top Ten!

  4. I've read a few of these authors this year, too. I think I need to check out Victoria Schwab in 2016 because everyone seems to love her.

    1. I've only read the one book by her, but I've heard lots of good things about Vicious, too. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Shutter looks SUPER CREEPY!!!!!!
    Great Top Ten! :)

    My Top Ten Tuesday :D

    1. It's awesome!!!! :)

      Thanks for visiting and sharing!

  6. Great list, and nice selection of comics too. I haven't read a legit comic book in a long time. (I've read a good number of Manga in my time though.)

    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. The only manga I've read recently is Attack on Titan (v. 1-10 so far), but I used to read a good deal more. I should check out some more new titles of manga. If you're going to read a comic book - you can't go wrong with Ms. Marvel! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I really need to read more Victoria Schwab - I have A Darker Shade of Magic on my shelf and I should definitely read it soon!

    1. I do, too! I hope to read Vicious soon. :) I hope you like it!

  8. Schwab writes wonderfully! I loved Vicious, i haven't gotten to A darker shade of magic yet, i hope to next month to start the new year out right :) I will check out Andy Weir i think and Mindy McGinnis books i saw a few times and always forget about, so thank you for reminding me that i wanted to check her out :)
    Great list :)

    1. I can't wait to read Vicious, just based on the awesomeness of A Darker Shade of Magic! I hope you enjoy them.

  9. I can't say as I recall reading any of the authors on your Top Ten Tuesday post this week, so I have some new to me authors to check out for sure.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for the week:

    1. It's always great to find something new! Thanks for sharing!

  10. We don't share any authors, but some of those books look so good! I've been meaning to pick up V.E. Schwab for quite a while now because I've heard such amazing things, but I'm unsure about which book to start with. Did you think starting with A Darker Shade of Magic was good or should I try something else? I still haven't read The Martian yet! *cringe* By the cover, Melophobia by James Morris looks so good! I'm a total music geek, and that cover totally speaks to me! Here is my TTT for this week!

    Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

    1. It's the only one I've read by Scwab (so far - I plan to remedy that with Vicious soon), so I say yes! :) You can't miss The Martian - it's so awesome! I'm so excited to see what Weir writes next. Morris's indie is well worth the time - very interesting take on a dystopia!

      Thanks for visiting and sharing!

  11. This is the second list where I've seen V.E. Schwab featured this week! I really need to read A Darker Shade of Magic. I haven't heard of most of the rest but those covers really caught my eye.

    My TTT.

    1. Thanks for sharing! V.E. Schwab is pretty darn fantastic and I hope you like her style!

  12. Loved A Darker Shade of Magic, Victoria Schwab is so talented!

    1. Exactly! I can't wait to crack open Vicious! Thanks for visiting!

  13. Interesting list. I've never read anything by any of those authors.

    1. Well, you have a place to start. Thanks for visiting!

  14. I've heard great things about The Martian! My TTT

  15. Hi Lauren,

    All of your authors and titles are new to me and to be honest not all are to my liking regarding my preference of reading genres.

    I did work my way through your list however, until I had to do a double take when I got to author Mindy McGinnis. I simply had to add "A Madness So Discreet" to my 'Want To Read' list and thanks for the recommendation of your excellent Goodreads review and of course that fantastic cover art!

    Thanks for stopping by Fiction Books this week. It is great to meet new bloggers and I look forward to receiving comments :)

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog! I really hope you enjoy A Madness So Discreet, it's a brilliant work of historical fiction. :)

  16. I haven't read any of the authors from your list, Lauren, but a few are on my want to read list. A Madness So Discreet is on my wish list as a matter of fact! The Dead House looks good as well. You've got some great ones here!

  17. Most of these I also discovered this year, or wanted to get round to! Good list. And Ms Marvel has been amazing, hasn't it?

  18. I loved Shutter! I am so excited to read whatever else Courtney publishes. I am dying to read Victoria Schwab; I know I will just adore her books!

  19. I need to get on board with several of those. I met Rysa Walker and got a book signed for my friend who was raving about her but I haven't yet had the time to pick up the series myself but like many of the others have heard great things about them. Loved An Ember in the Ashes!


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