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Top Ten Tuesday: Best New 2015 Releases I've Read In Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's theme was one that was difficult for me to narrow down to just ten - Best Books I've Read in 2015 - there is also the option to narrow the scope down which helped me considerably.  I've selected to do mine on Best New 2015 Releases I've Read In Sci-Fi and Fantasy and I further broke it down by selecting my top five from both genres.  For each pick, I've linked the book cover to the story's Goodreads page and the title and author to my review.  Here we go, in alphabeticall order:



So, what do you think of my list this week?  Have you read any of these books?  What books would you recommend?  All comments are very much appreciated and I try to respond to everyone!


  1. Oh man, I totally forgot about Ember in the Ashes. That book was amazing.

    My TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore

  2. I can't wait to read "The Rest of Us Just Live Here" I bought it couple of days ago and I'm really excited :)

  3. An Ember in the Ashes was great. I have Library of Souls on my bookshelf waiting for the Christmas holidays when things slow down at the school. I am slightly sad because I so don't want the series to end.
    Thanks for sharing your list!

  4. Its nice to see The Rest of Us on your list this week. I have heard a lot of bad things but I have seen it on a few peoples lists this week so it is obviously worth the read. Great list :)

  5. I still need to read Seveneves! It was on my to-read list for this year but I got too intimidated to actually start it. Definitely going to the top of my TBR in 2016, along with V.E. Schwab.
    Great list!

    My TTT

  6. I haven't read any of these books on your list, but I would like to read The Rest of Us Just Live here. Sounds good
    Great List!

    My TTT! :D

  7. oooh so many of these are new to me but sound good! I've had The Rest of Us Just Live Here on my TBR for awhile and I'm seeing it a ton today!

    my TTT

  8. I need to finish the Miss Peregrine series soon. Why haven't I picked up The Rest of Us Just Live Here? I love Patrick Ness, but I haven't read this one yet. Great list!

  9. Super impressed by the specificity of your list! There are a number of books on here I'd like to check out - I've seen The Fold and Zero World on a number of best sci-fi lists. A Darker Shade of Magic looks very good and I hope to get to it soon! Nice list!

  10. I have The Rest of Us Just Live Here on my top ten YA list, which will be up next week, so I completely agree with you. The Fold and City of Savages are two that I really wanted to read. Awesome list!

  11. I need to read most of your list too! Especially An Ember in the Ashes! I've heard great things about it. I loved Jackaby and Beastly Bones! I hope there's a third instalment in 2016 and I can't wait for the finale of The Half Bad Trilogy, I definitely preferred Half Wild to Half Bad.

    1. The finale really put me through the ringer... in the best way!

  12. I'm looking forward to reading A Darker Shade of Magic, I'm waiting till it comes out in paperback because the UK paperback looks so pretty and kinda similar to the UK Vicious cover!

  13. Ooo I really need to read the other 2 books in the Peculiar Children series, and the first and second Jackaby!

  14. I see several here that are on my TBR pile! I liked Ember in the Ashes too - it almost made it to my top ten, but I read so many great books this year it was hard to choose. :)

  15. I loved An Ember in the Ashes for sure and I have Library of Souls just haven't made it there just yet to finish up that trilogy. Also I've heard some good things and like the idea of The Rest of Us Just Live Here.

  16. Fantastic List! A few I definitely need to read too! :D

  17. I loved A Darker Shade of Magic! Great list!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  18. I must read the Miss Peregrines trilogy and A Darker Shade of Magic :)
    (Thanks so much for visiting my blog <3)

  19. Oh, love this list! And I agree with so many of your choices! I loved The Rest of Us Just Lived Here, ADSOM, An Ember, and Half Wild! Half Wild really should have made my list- there were just too many good books! I also really liked City of Savages too. I need to read Miss Peregrine's! Fabulous picks!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

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