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Sunday Funday: Redemption by Elora Mitchell - US & INT Giveaways

Happy Sunday everyone!  This weekend I have quite a surprise for you all - I'm hosting a giveaway of the novel Redemption by Elora Mitchell.  I'll be giving away two copies - a print copy for my US readers and an e-copy (Kindle, ePub, and PDF) for my international readers!  Thanks so much to the author, Elora Mitchell, for making all of this possible!

I really lucked out when I myself just happened to win an e-copy of Redemption during a Facebook contest earlier this year.  Here's the official Goodreads synopsis of the newly revised (November 2016) edition that will be given away:

Torn apart by war, the world is working to rebuild itself—one city at a time, each vying for power over the other. At least that’s how seventeen-year-old Agent 093762 sees it. To help her city, she signs up for a covert mission, one that takes her far from the comfort—and safety—she’s used to.
It’s a simple mission, one that’s supposed to take her team in and out of enemy territory before anyone knows they’re there. They’ve trained for months, but things don’t go as planned and before she knows it, she’s injured and trapped.
When she finally does reach her home, she learns that she was betrayed and left for dead. Unable to trust anyone, she flees the city and the only life she’s ever known.
Alone, her life becomes a struggle for survival until she meets Logan and learns that there’s more to life than surviving—life is meant to be lived.

If you're interested you can read my review here.  Basically, it was a one of the biggest and best surprises of the first half of this year - I even featured it on my Mid-Year Book Freak Out 2016!  It's a YA dystopian that focuses on a girl who is running from her past as part of a horrific regime.  Her entire world has been destroyed and she has to learn how to rebuild her life in every way in order to find redemption.  It's definitely a breath of fresh air to the genre that certainly deserves more attention.

Author bio:

By day, Elora is a stay-at-home mom who enjoys reading, running and exploring Southern California with her family. By night, she is a super hero (or maybe villain), doing good (and maybe a bit of evil) in the worlds of her imagination. You can usually find her with a cup of coffee and a book in hand. And while she enjoys baking the occasional goodie, you generally will not find her cooking, as she finds it a chore.

You can find Redemption on Goodreads and Amazon.  Plus, you can find Elora on Goodreads and Twitter.

And now for the main event: The Giveaways!

These giveaways begins now and will run until 12:00A.M. on January 1st, 2017.  The first giveaway is for a print copy for my US readers and the second giveaway is for an e-copy (Kindle, ePub, and PDF) which is open internationally.  I will alert the winner via email and they will have 48 hours to respond or I will select another winner. May the odds be ever in your favor!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My thanks go to Elora Mitchell for making this giveaway possible!


  1. HI Lauren, I kind of admire Scarlet O'Hara. Thank you

  2. Thanks for the giveaway (I'm having one myself, if you'd like to check it out:
    My favourite heroine is Lia (very coincidental haha) from The Remnant Chronicles!

    1. No problem and thanks for sharing yours with me too! :)

  3. Great giveaway! I love a lot of literary women, but I'm going to say that my favourite heroine of all time is Jane Eyre.

    1. Thanks! Jane Eyre is one of my favorite classic characters. :)

  4. Hard to pick a favorite heroine because there have been so many strong female characters but from one of my most recent reads, I liked Natasha's character in The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon.

    1. I know what you mean there! I have yet to read that one - soon!

  5. I entered the giveaway. I did everything on the list! It would be great to win this book.

  6. I want to find out how Elora gets out of cooking. Sounds like we have a lot in common.

  7. Jane Eyre is definitely my favorite heroine -- so much inner strength hidden in that tiny, unassuming frame.


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