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Top Ten Tuesday: Best Debut Books Of 2016

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This weeks topic is Best Books of 2016 - it gives us a bit of choice if we want to narrow it down any more, so I'm narrowing it down to Best Debut Books Of 2016.  Each title is linked to my review, so here we go in order of release date:

The 13th Continuum by Jennifer Brody - Release date: January 1, 2016 - I really lucked out when I won this series opener during this fall's YASH!  It's a great YA dystopian that's set in an underwater totalitarian community a thousand years after some kind of apocalyptic event occurred.  Definitely for fans of Divergent and the tv series, The 100.

Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto - Release date: February 2, 2016 - If you're looking for a fast-paced and action-packed YA steampunk with sci-fi, fantasy, and western elements, you can't get much better than this!

These Vicious Masks by Tarun Shanker and Kelly Zekas - February 9, 2016 - Jane Austen meets X-Men - what more can I say!  I can't wait to read the sequel, These Ruthless Deeds.

Where Futures End by Parker Peevyhouse - Release date: February 9, 2016 - Five intricately written novellas that seem separate, but are surprisingly connected.  It's Donnie Darko plus Cloud Atlas with a dash of The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell!

The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig - Release date: February 16, 2016 - As a blogger (and librarian), I've been shoving this book at everybody!  It's amazing - I mean, time travelling pirate ship, magical maps, 1880s Hawaii!  Exactly what everyone needs in their life!

Kill the Boy Band by Goldy Moldavsky - Release date: February 23, 2016 - If you read this, you have to listen to it on audiobook - the dark sense of humor comes across so well!

A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro - Release date: March 1, 2016 - If you know me, you know I can't resist a good Sherlock Holmes story, especially one like this that features the modern day descendants of Holmes and Watson!

Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton - Release date: March 8, 2016 - Middle Eastern inspired fantasy western.  Need I say more?

Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel - Release date: April 26, 2016 - I was absolutely hooked on this first in a new series!  If you like The Iron Giant, Fringe, Power Rangers, Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, The Fold by Peter Clines, and Agent Smith from The Matrix, I bet you'd like this too.  I can't wait until Waking the Gods comes out!

The Summer That Melted Everything by Tiffany McDaniel - Release date: July 26, 2016 - This is what literary fiction novel with a dash of magical realism is what Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird would be like if written by Neil Gaiman.  Plus, the author is a fellow Ohioan and the story is set in a fictional Ohio town!

What do you think of my list this week?  Have you read any of these 2016 debuts?  If so, did you enjoy them?  Do you have any recommendations for me?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog, and perhaps even commenting!


  1. Hi Lauren,

    I still have 'The Summer That Melted Everything' on my TBR pile, so I am off now to read your review and see what you thought of it.

    Thanks for sharing :)


    1. I hope you'll enjoy it, Yvonne! :)

      Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. I still have Sleeping Giants on my tbr. I started it before and I was in a horrible slump then and it seems that scifi didn't cure me then. I'll definitely re-start this one by early 2017 so I can be ready for the sequel :D

  3. I loved Rebel of the Sands. I have the arc for the sequel and am hoping to get to it in January. A Study in Charlotte was great. I think that will be a good series. Happy New Year!

  4. I NEED to read Sleeping Giants, I have a feeling I'm going to love it!

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

  5. I love your list. There are a few on here that I wanted to read this year but just didn't get around to.
    My TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore

  6. Omg I haven't read any of these!! I really want to read The Girl From Everywhere, Sleeping Giants, Rebel of the Sands, A Study in Charlotte, These Vicious Masks, and Kill the Boy Band. I just didn't have enough time to get to them. Maybe next year! :D

  7. A Study in Charlotte was so much fun. It made my Sherlock-loving heart happy. That's the only one of these I've read, so thanks for the recs.

    eli @ the (book) supplier
    My TTT:

  8. An underwater dystopian for fans of Divergent and The 100. That would, um, be me lol. I'll have to check that one out definitely! :) Where Futures end looks interesting too.

  9. You should definitely try all of them! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Gemma.

  10. A Study in Charlotte is on my TBR, and you had me at "Jane Austen meets X-Men" for These Vicious Masks, so I'm adding that one to my list! Thanks for the recommendations!

    My TTT

    1. That's exactly what hooked me! :)

      Thanks for sharing, Liana.

  11. I still need to read These Vicious Masks and Kill the Boy Band, but I do love A Study in Charlotte! I just finished the arc for the second book- The Last of August, and it was great too!

    1. Definitely interested in continuing it! :)

      Happy reading, Kate!

  12. I'm pleased to see The Girl from Everywhere on so many lists this week - it's such a fun debut. =) Great list!

  13. I've seen Sleeping Giants about quite a bit, and now I'm not sure why I haven't picked it up yet! Good list.

    1. You need to try it out! :)

      Thanks for visiting, Nikki!

  14. A Study in Charlotte looks really cool -- adding it to my TBR list!

  15. I am definitely going to have to check out These Vicious Masks by Tarun Shanker and Kelly Zekas. P&P mixed with X-Men?! Ummm yes please! lol

  16. The only one of these I'm familiar with is Sleeping Giants, which I loved! I'll have to check out some of the others! Great list :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

  17. I don't feel like I read a lot of debuts this year. I really need to be better in 2017! :-)

  18. I love your take on this week's TTT, debut books instead of just your top ten of the year. Some of these are my favourite reads as well, I loved both The Girl from Everywhere and Rebel of the Sands, though I can't remember if they made it onto my list this week! :)

    1. Yeah, it would've been too hard to narrow it down! I'm so glad to see both of them made so many lists!

      Thanks for visiting. :)

  19. I read Kill the Boy Band this year as well, though I probably should've listened to the audiobook because I don't think I got the dark humor impact. Also I just bought These Vicious Masks and Sleeping Giants in an after-Christmas spending spree, and I'm so excited to read them.

    1. I have a feeling that I wouldn't have liked it as much if I read it in print - but it was pretty awesome on audio. :)

      Happy reading, Jamie!

  20. Rebel of the Sands is physically on my sheleves but I still haven't read it. I love your list!

    1. I hope you can get to it soon, Amber! :)

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  21. I haven't read any of these, but they sound really interesting, especially the McDaniel book!

    1. Yes, it's excellent! Thanks for visiting, Maggie. :)

  22. The Girl from Everywhere was so so good! I cannot wait for the next book and everything else Heidi Heilig decides to write. Great list!

  23. In the rampant rush to meet my Goodreads goal while pushing back against this year's terrible reading slump, I forgot some of these even came out this year. Like, I'd been eyeing These Vicious Masks and The Girl from Everywhere for a while now and just never ended up getting to them. Hopefully, I can change that in 2017. Thanks for reminding me!

  24. I've never heard of that underwater YA dystopian one, but that sounds very cool! Gonna go check that out :-)

    1. Yay! I'm glad I could pique your interest for The 13th Continuum! :)

  25. I heard some great things about Revenge and the Wild so I might just add that book to my new year tbr pile haha.

    1. Yes, definitely! I'd love to know what you think of it. :)

  26. So many here that I want to read but just haven't yet! I seriously slacked on new books in 2016 - 99% of what I read was backlist for the first time in years!

    1. I hope you get the chance to try some of these! :)


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