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Top Ten Tuesday: New-To-Me Authors I Read For The First Time In 2016

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This weeks topic is New-To-Me Authors I Read For The First Time In 2016.  Here we go in alphabetical order by last name:

Anne Bishop - I listened to Written in Red and I absolutely loved it!  I definitely will be continuing this series - I could easily become obsessed, I think.

Rachel Caine - I read and absolutely loved both Ink and Bone and Paper and Fire!  I can't wait for the release of Ash and Quill on July 11, 2017.

Ernest Cline - I finally read Ready Player One this year - and it was so much fun!  I will have to try Armada soon.

Jasper Fforde - I listened to The Eyre Affair on audio not too long ago and it was a lot of fun - it makes me want to be in Spec Ops when I grow up.  I'll have to continue the Thursday Next series for sure.

Kody Kepplinger - I'm glad I finally got around to reading The Duff for YALSA's Backlist Bingo Reading Challenge.  I will have to try more of her work.

Derek Landy - Technically, I read his story from 12 Doctors, 12 Stories featuring the 10th Doctor and Martha in 2015, but I'm counting early this year I listened to Skulduggery Pleasant on audio and it was a lot of fun.  I've been told I have to continue the series so many times that I'll really have to soon.

Jenny Lawson - Based on the cover of Furiously Happy alone, I couldn't pass it up.  I'd heard a great deal of great thing about her style and sense of humor.  If you haven't tried her yet, I definitely recommend it.

Scott Lynch - Maybe you've heard me mention how much I liked The Lies of Locke Lamora?!  I need to continue this series, hopefully on audiobook as narrator Michael Page gives a wonderful performance.

Melina Marchetta - I finally read Finnikin of the Rock for YALSA's Backlist Bingo Reading Challenge and now I know what I was missing out on for so long.  Froi of the Exiles here I come.

Ruth Ware - Very pleased to have tried the claustrophobic mystery thriller The Woman in Cabin 10.  If you're a fan of The Girl on the Train, you may want to give it a shot.  I'll have to try her other release, In a Dark, Dark Wood.

So, what do you think of my list this week?  Have you tried any of these authors yet?  Do you have any recommendations for me?  What new-to-you authors have you tried this year?


  1. Oh, yes yes, I love Scott Lynch! And I read Anne Bishop's Black Jewels series years ago.
    Always wanted to try out Jasper Fforde - heard a lot of good things!

    1. I would really like to try Bishop's Black Jewels series as well.

      Thanks for visiting, Mila. :)

  2. YAY, I loooved Ink and Bone! I seriously can't wait for the 3rd book in the series (:
    Here's my TTT!

  3. I've heard of some of these authors, but I haven't ready any of their books. I've had my eye on Ink and Bone, the cover, title, and synopsis look/sound really great.

    My TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. You have to try Ink and Bone! Thanks for sharing, Marie. :)

  4. Yay for Finnikin of the Rock! I really want to read The Lies of Locke Lamora. Must make time in the new year. Great list!

  5. Ernest Cline- I've only read Ready Player One but it was fun! And scott Lynch- everyone says to try Locke Lamora.

  6. I actually know most of these authors but I only have read books by Kody Keplinger! I really want to try Melina Marchetta's books since it sounds really good!

    1. I hope you get the chance to, Tiffany! Thanks for visiting, Tiffany.

  7. You know, I'm not sure if you did either - I definitely need to get to book 2 and continue the series!

  8. I haven't done Finnikin yet. It's still on my TBR. I am also curious about Duff. Rachel Caine's series sounds really good as well. I hope you are having a good week so far. Thanks for sharing your list!

  9. omg I'm reading The Lies of Locke Lamora right now!! IT'S SO HILARIOUS AND CLEVER AND PERFECT!! I love it. :D

  10. I always find it funny when authors look nothing like what I pictured... Like Scott Lynch seems much younger than I imagined and Anne Bishop older than I imagined!

    I really enjoyed In A Dark, Dark Wood so I hope you like it too. I'll have to check out The Woman in Cabin 10 next. :)

    Happy Reading
    Rachel @ Paein-and-Ms4Tune

    1. I know right! :)

      Thanks - I hope you'll like The Woman in Cabin 10.

  11. Yesss I really liked Ready Player One and The Woman in Cabin 10!! Great choices. I also read one of Jasper Fforde's other books, Shades of Grey, which was super weird but amazingly written.

  12. Fun list! Jasper Fforde was a big favorite of mine when I was in high school and I love Melina Marchetta!

  13. Melina Marchetta is one of my all time favorites. I've loved every books of hers. And Kody Keplinger's great too. Great list today. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  14. I have so much love for Melina Marchetta's writing! I hope you get to read her contemporary novels too, not just her fantasy. I started with Jellicoe Road and fell in love with it.

    1. I definitely have to give them a shot - I've heard so many great things about Jellicoe Road. :)

  15. I loved Ink and Bone but haven't read Paper and Fire yet. The Eyre Affair is one I've been meaning to try too. A friend of mine loves Jenny Lawson. I should give her books a try. I could use some more laughter in my life! Great list :)

    1. I hope you get to Paper and Fire - it's a great follow up! Happy reading, Christina! :)

  16. So many great authors! I haven't read Ink and Bone or Paper and Fire yet, but I've read her Weather Warden series. Anne Bishop's Others series is so awesome. It's one of my favorites. I'm glad to see you enjoyed Written in Red so much. Isn't Jenny Lawson wonderful? I need to listen to her second book still, but I loved the first.

    1. I really want to try the Weather Warden series - it sounds really good. :) Yay - The Others is awesome! I bet Lawson would be great on audio. :)

  17. I also discovered Jenny Lawson this year as well and absolutely love her. Furiously Happy was such a great read, and I purchased the audiobook as well. Her reading the book is perfection!

    1. I bet the audio would be excellent! :D

      Thanks for commenting, Katie.

  18. Ahhhh so many of my favourites on this list! Scott Lynch is well worth the wait in between books, and oh my GOD Melina Marchetta is a goddess! And I freaking adore the Thursday Next series - it's like if Douglas Adams wrote literary based works instead of science-fiction.

  19. I still need to read more Lynch as well. I loved Locke Lamora!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  20. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED Rachel Caine's The Great Library series. It is SUCH an ingenious idea, and I can't wait for more.

    Great List!

    Aditi @

    1. Yay! I'm glad to hear you loved it! I need more too!


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