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Beauty and the Beast Book Tag

I saw the perfect tag by Amber @ Du Livre!  As you can probably imagine, I'm dying to see the new Beauty and the Beast movie starring Emma Watson and Dan Stevens.  As I won't be able to see it until Tuesday, I'm tiding myself over with this tag that Amber created in the meantime.  Tuesday can't come soon enough!

A Villain You Can't Help But Love!

Victor Vale from Vicious by V.E. Schwab - Strictly speaking, Victor isn't quite a villain but he isn't the hero of the story either.  He occupies a very intriguing gray area, and he's probably the most memorable "villainous" character I've met in quite a while.

Your OTP

Ronan Lynch and Adam Parrish from The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater - You've probably heard me mention this before!  This is also one of my favorite  pieces of fan art featuring the two characters.

A Character That's Destined For Bigger Things

Matilda Wormwood from Matilda by Roald Dahl - She's destined for much more than the Wormwood's have to offer.  I'd love to check back in with her as a high school or college student.

A Book That Makes You Hungry

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl - I'm getting hungry just typing this!

Opposites Attract

Bianca Piper and Wesley Rush from The DUFF by Kody Kepplinger - These two definitely fit this category since they start from off as enemies.

Thanks for making such a cool book tag, Amber!  I'm not going to tag anyone specifically, but if you'd like to do it please feel free!


  1. I can't wait to see the movie either! My daughter's sick right now; otherwise we would have already gone for sure. Waiting ... impatiently.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Hope you guy get to see it soon - and that she feels better! :)

  2. I've heard great things about the characters in Vicious, I can't to read (especially with the sequel coming out!)


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