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Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Spring TBR

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This first week's topic back from hiatus is Books On My Spring TBR.  In order to narrow my focus a little bit, I'm sharing some 2016 YA releases that I hope to read this spring since I missed them last year.  The titles I've listed below are all books that I either own or that I'm on hold for at the library.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

The Diablolic by S.J. Kincaid - I'm really excited to get to this one, especially since I've heard so many great things about it and the sampler I got to try was very intriguing.

Half Lost by Sally Green - This series has been one of my favorites and I need to know how it all ends.  I'll be listening to this on audio, and hopefully my hold will be arriving soon.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer - I still can't believe I haven't read Marissa Meyer's newest  novel!  Soon, soon.

Iron Cast by Destiny Soria - I purchased this when it was released, and somehow I've left it on my shelf.  I will have to remedy that soon.

The Midnight Star by Marie Lu - I've been on hold for this on audiobook for ages and I'm finally getting closer to having the opportunity to hear the conclusion to what has been a fantastically dark series.

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco - I've heard so many wonderful things about this novel that I need to try it sooner rather than later.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare - I can't resist the Shadowhunter world, and plus it will help fill in some gaps between the end of The Mortal Instruments series and Lady Midnight.

This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab - I simply need more Schwab in my life!

Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake - I'm also on hold for the audiobook here and have been on hold for it for many months, so I hoping it will arrive soon.  I'll be interested to see what Blake does.

A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir - I still can't believe I haven't read this sequel yet based on how much I loved An Ember in the Ashes.  Must be the nerves - I'm hoping it lives up to the hype!

Are you planning on reading any of these books this spring, or have you already read them?  Do you have any recommendations for which I should try first?  As always, thanks for visiting and perhaps even commenting on my blog.


  1. I can't wait to read Heartless but at the same time, I'm nervous. I hope you enjoy these books when you get around to them!

    1. I know that feeling! :)

      Thanks for visiting, Chrissi!

  2. I love seeing all the different reactions to Three Dark Crowns- definitely an interesting book! Stalking Jack the Ripper looks great too, and I love that cover of The Midnight star!

    1. I've seen all sorts of reviews of it, too, but I'm definitely interested in seeing how I like it. :)

  3. I need to read Half Wild and Heartless! I probably won't get to them anytime soon though. I liked Iron Cast a lot. I hope you enjoy all of these!

    My Top Ten

  4. It's hard to keep up, isn't it? Most of my books are books I added last year.

    My list this week is up for comment. I can't decide what to read next:

  5. Looking forward to reading Heartless. She's one of my fave authors! Here is My TTT.

    1. Hopefully we'll both love it!

      Thanks for sharing!

  6. I really need to finish Sally Green's series too! I can't believe I still haven't got round to it.

    I think all of your books are on my long TBR. I hope you have more success with getting round to them than I have!

    Happy Reading
    Rachel @ Paein-and-Ms4Tune

  7. The Diabolic is DARK. I'm still trying to figure out how it'll have a sequel....

  8. Great list! I read Three Dark Crowns last month and found it to be a great start to the series. There is a surprise ending to leave you hanging :) Heartless is another one on my desk that I should get to soon. I hope you enjoy all of your spring reads!

    My TTT:

    1. Glad you liked it! I hope you'll enjoy yours as well.

      Thanks for sharing, Jacque!

  9. Gosh, I am behind. I haven't read any of the books on your list either, though I have been eyeing a few of them like the Tahir series. My TTT

    1. I sped through Tahir's first book! I hope you love it and get to all the books on your list!

  10. Great list, I see some I want to read in there. :)

  11. I really need to get Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  12. Since I have this weird obsession with Jack the Ripper, Stalking Jack the Ripper looks amazing!

    My TTT

    1. I'm hoping it will live up to our expectations. :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  13. *flails* I want to This Savage Song so much! I see it everywhere and get book envy all the time. XD But in a good way. And I've wanted to read Heartless also. I've heard mixed reviews of it, so now I'm really curious. And everyone tells me I need to read Sally Green.

    Awesome list!

    1. I know! Yes, I bet you'd love the Half Bad series! :) Happy reading to the both of us!

  14. Gosh, I didn't enjoy Iron Cast much, but many do. There was just something about the unrealistic twists that bothered me. Great TTT!

    1. We'll see what I think of it! Thanks for coming over, Lonna. :)

  15. I totally missed Heartless and stalking Jack the Ripper as well. I find serial killers extremely intriguing, and I love the premise that was given for this one! Also, it's fiction. Like um YES COUNT ME IN

  16. I really liked Three Dark Crowns, and cannot wait for the sequel. I have The Diabolic and This Savage Song, but I keep bumping them every time I get a new book (I will read them soon. I swear!). I have been waiting for Heartless from the library for over 3 months, but I have heard really good things. Great list.
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. Good to hear! I'm hoping we'll both be able to read them soon! Thanks for visiting, Sam!

  17. Great list! I really want to read The Diabolic and Heartless as well! Personally, I was a bit disappointed in Stalking the Ripper, but I hope you'll enjoy it more! Happy reading!

  18. A lot of my TBR is here, lol. I really enjoyed Stalking Jack the Ripper and the sequel looks like it's going to be good too.

  19. Torch, Three Dark Crowns and The Diabolic weren't on my list but they are on my TBR for the year. My main focus in spring is finishing series I've started so I'm trying to be patient and hold off on those ones. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on them!

    1. It was so difficult to narrow my list down to just ten... :)

      Thanks for visiting!

  20. I read Heartless and Stalking Jack and both were really really good. Highly recommend. I was nervous about Heartless because I didn't know what Marissa Meyer would be like outside of The Lunar Chronicles world-- but she is still the same really addicting writer!!

    I have SO many 2016 books I need to read-- I wish I was one of those people that could read 150-200 books per year. Then maybe I wouldn't be so behind :(

  21. Great list. I've heard of about half of them. I want to read Heartless, but need to finish The Lunar Chronicles first. Three Dark Crowns is on my list to read this year.

    1. I hope you enjoy the conclusion to The Lunar Chronicles, Sarah!

  22. I've heard great things about so many of these books, I hope you get the ones you've been on hold for soon!!

  23. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Stalking Jack the Ripper. I hope you do as well! Iron Cast was one of my favorite debuts last year. Read it, Lauren!

  24. Great list! It reminds me too that I have two of Schwab's books sitting on my TBR pile that I have yet to read :3 (oops). Happy reading :)

    My TTT

  25. I loved Heartless and Three Dark Crowns, and I really want to read This Savage Song. Happy reading! My TTT

  26. The Midnight Star!!! I love all of Marie Lu's books. She is a great writer. Heartless was good too!

  27. Almost all of these are on my TBR, but I'm waiting on the Victoria Schwab series in finished to so I can binge it! HAPPY READING!

  28. I spy many on your list that piqued my interest when they released. These include The Diabolic (the hype for this one was strong); 'Jack Ripper' (sounds interesting!); and I've also eyed Sally's series for a while now. Alas, I haven't read them. Another series to add to my someday TBR. ;)

    Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lauren.

    1. You should definitely bump them up your tbr! :)

      Thanks for visiting my blog as well, Rissi!

  29. Hope you enjoy all your reads :)
    This Savage Song sounds great, and the Sally Green books are on my TBR but I've not read any of them yet.

    1. Thanks! I hope you can try them out soon - Green is wonderful!

  30. I'm currently reading Heartless and enjoying it so far. I hope you will too! And beware of the plot twist in Three Dark Crowns. It's mind-blowing!!!
    Happy reading :)

    1. Good to know! I can't wait to get to that twist!

      Thanks for visiting!

  31. Oh man, you're in for a lot of good reading! I've read six of these and most are so, so good. Especially This Savage and The Diabolic. Happy reading!

    Have a great week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  32. I forgot all about The Diabolic and Stalking Jack the Ripper. I need to get to those ones as well. Awesome list!

  33. Stalking Jack the Ripper looks really promising. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    1. It really does!

      Thanks for doing the same, Brenda. :)

  34. Almost all of these are still sitting on my TBR, too, but I haven't read any of them. It's so hard to keep up with all of the lovelies that get released every single week. Hope you love them all!

  35. Loved Three Dark Crowns and am hoping to read Iron Cast as some point too!

  36. This Savage Song was on my list this week too. I really liked Heartless when I read it, I hope you do too!
    My TTT:

  37. Oh, Iron Cross is one I have wanted since hearing about it. I read the first book of Sally Green's series and like it but never got around to continuing on.

    1. Hopefully we'll both get to Iron Cast soon! And finishing up Sally Green's series as well. :)

  38. I hope you love these! I still need to read The Midnight Star too!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  39. Awesome list! I'm also excited for Heartless!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  40. SO many good books on this list!!! I highly recommend The Diabolic, A Torch Against the Night and Three Dark Crowns :D Also I REALLY want to read Heartless.

  41. I really need to read The Midnight Star asap. Stalking Jack the Ripper was one of my favorite books last year, and I was very pleasantly surprised by A Torch Against the Night (love, love, love Helene). I hope you enjoy your spring reads. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

    1. I'm glad to hear that about Stalking Jack the Ripper! Thanks for visiting my blog as well Petra. :)

  42. I haven't heard of any of these minus Half Lost, from one of my favourite series ever! I know you have good taste because of that alone lol. I absolutely adore Sally Green, and the first in the series (Half Bad right?) was so good that when I think back on it I remember scenes I kind of imagined in my mind whilst reading it, the writing was so good and vivid and everything. Have you read East of the Sun before? I read it recently thinking it would be a bit crap but ohmygod I adored everything in it! You might like it too?


    my latest post

    1. Clearly great minds think alike! :)

      I just happened to win a copy of Half Bad and I was so impressed with it.

      I haven't tried East of the Sun, but I think I'll have to look into it.

      Thanks for visiting, Amy!


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