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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Hope Santa Brings

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Books I Hope Santa Brings.  Without further ado, here are the books I'd love to get for Christmas in alphabetical order:

The Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand - A modern day Scrooge who doesn't change her ways and becomes the newest Ghost of Christmas Past?  Sign me up!

Before The Devil Breaks (The Diviners #3) You by Libba Bray - I can't wait to hear the third book in this series after being absolutely hooked on the previous installments.  The narrator, January LaVoy, does a marvelous job of bringing Bray's story to life.

The City of Brass (The Daevabad Trilogy #1) by S.A. Chakraborty - A friend of mine actually just picked this one up and so far, she has nothing but great things to say about it!  I can't wait to try it for myself.

The Girl Who Takes An Eye For An Eye (Millennium #5) by David Lagercrantz - I just can't resist this series, and Lagercrantz did a pretty good job of continuing the series with the fourth book.

Jade City (The Green Bone Saga #1) by Lee Fonda - Magic + The Godfather + an Asian setting?  Sounds pretty awesome to me!

The Merciless (The Merciless #1) by Danielle Vega - I've had this YA horror novel on my tbr for ages - time to get to it!

Origin (Robert Langdon #5) by Dan Brown - This series has had it's ups and downs, but it's so much fun and hard to resist!

A Plague of Giants (Seven Kennings #1) by Kevin Hearne - Kevin Hearne has released the first in an all new series - and I need it!

This Darkness Mine by Mindy McGinnis - I've seen mixed reviews for this, but I'm still really excited to see what McGinnis does with this psychological thriller!

Turtles All The Way Down by John Green - I've missed John Green so much and it's going to be good to have him back!

Have you had the chance to try any of these books yet, or are they on your tbr too?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I did pick up 'Turtles' a while back (but still haven't read it), and have been tempted by Cynthia's new book. Guess this just means we'll have some great reading in 2018! :)

  2. Ooh A Plague of Giants- I forgot all about that one! Definitely a must- get! Same with Jade City and The City of Brass has me curious...

  3. People had me worried, but then I loved Turtles. It's Green being Green, and that is always a good thing. Afterlife is another #BloggerShame book to me, but I hope to read it before the new year.

  4. Great list! The Afterlife of Holly Chase and Jade City both sound like a lot of fun, and I really need to read some Libba Bray soon. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and get lots of books!

  5. So many good books on this list! Jade City is very popular today. I read The Merciless a couple of years ago and boy it was scary!

  6. I just started The After Life of Holly Chase... it's interesting so far...

    I hope Santa can work his magic and fulfill your Christmas wish list!!

    Reading List

  7. Great list! I've added Libba Bray to my list too. Ooo! Jade City sounds really good! Fingers crossed, & Merry Christmas!

  8. I love Libba Bray, although I've not read any of The Diviners series yet. Also, I adore Dan Brown. Need to read Origins soon!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

    1. The first two Diviners books are awesome!

      Thanks for sharing!

  9. Turtles is the only book in your list that I own and have read. I totally adored it and is probably one of my favourites for this year. I hope you get the books in your wishlist :)

    My TTT:

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to get the chance to try it. :)

  10. OMG I'm so excited for so many of these!!! The Afterife of Holly Chase sounds so good, right?? I'm super hyped up for Turtles, City of Brass, and Libba Bray's book! I haven't seen the best things about This Darkness Mine either, but I LOVE Mindy McGinnis. Still, it sounds so weird that I think I will read her other books before that one...
    I see SO MANY beautiful things on this list! I would honestly die to get any of these for Christmas!
    My TTT:

    1. I would be so lucky if Santa decided to leave any of these under my tree! :)

      Thanks for sharing, Sophie!

  11. I ended up buying City of Brass a couple of weeks ago and am so stoked to read it. I actually have a review for the second Merciless novel going up tomorrow. How funny that you're mentioning the first. They both have their flaws, but I could not stop reading either. Hope you enjoy the holidays!

    1. Huh! I'm looking forward to them all! Hope you like City of Brass!

  12. Good list!! I hope you receive all the books you want this year. Happy holidays!!

    Here's my TTT post for the week:

  13. Quite a list - most of them are new to me but man, those covers are gorgeous. I hope Santa brings them all to you, Merry Christmas!

  14. Ooh I just won an ARC of City of Brass in a giveaway, it looks amazing! I hope Santa is generous and brings all of these to you.
    My TTT:

  15. I would also like to read This Darkness Mine and The City of Brass. What a great list! I hope you get all you ask for. Merry Christmas!!

  16. I liked Turtles, but it’s not my favorite John Green book. I hope you get all these!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  17. So many great books on your list to Santa. I have Turtles but haven't started it yet. My husband loved it. I am also looking forward to listening to the last in the Diviners trilogy. I enjoy the narrator too. I hope you get all these books and more! Merry Christmas!

  18. Lauren - Who wouldn't want any of these?! They all sound good. I hope you received a few, if not all this year. Happy Holidays!

  19. I was gifted a copy of Turtles All The Way Down this year! I cannot wait to dive in!


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