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Top Ten Tuesday: YA Debuts I'm Looking Forward to In 2018

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Books I'm Looking Forward to In 2018.  Without further ado here are YA Debuts I'm looking forward to through April 2018, in order by release date:

Everless (Untitled #1) by Sara Holland (1/2) - Even though the cover bears a striking resemblance to Firstlife (Everlife #1) by Gena Showalter (which I didn't care for), this fantasy where time as currency sounds like it has a lot of potential.

Gunslinger Girl by Lynday Ely (1/2) - YA Western Sci-Fi Dystopia?  Sounds pretty cool to me!

Nice Try, Jane Sinner by Lianne Oelke (1/9) - I can't say I've ever read a Contemporary featuring a reality show before, but this sounds like it could be great.

Love, Hate & Other Filters by Samira Ahmed (1/16) - This #OwnVoices debut has been recommended to fans of Angie Thomas and I've seem so many great things about it already.  Sounds like this will be one to have on the radar!

I Stop Somewhere by T.E. Carter (2/27) - I don't know about you, but I'm getting vibes of The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis from the summary of this dark Contemporary novel.

Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha #1) by Tomi Adeyemi (3/6) - Have you read the summary for this upcoming fantasy? It sounds like it's going to be the next big thing!

Tyler Johnston Was Here by Jay Coles (3/20) - If you haven't heard, it's already being compare to The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas!  That alone is enough to put it on my radar.

Nothing But Sky by Amy Trueblood (3/27) - Post-WWI set historical fiction about a barnstorming team?!  I need this in my life!

Beyond A Darkened Shore by Jessica Leake (4/10) - This ancient Ireland set Fantasy sounds like it will be right up my alley!

Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young (4/24) - Viking-inspired fantasy - that's all I needed to hear!

What books are you looking forward to reading in 2018?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I just started reading Everless, it's been pretty good so far. Children of Blood and Bone was on my list this week too!
    My TTT:

  2. Wonderful list! I got so excited when I saw the books you decided to include in this week's Top Ten, because they're all at the top of my most anticipated reads list! It's never ending but, hopefully, I'll be able to read at least some of them throughout the year! Hope you're having a wonderful week!

    Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews

  3. I'm also excited for Children of Bone and Blood! Great list!

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. It sounds so promising, doesn't it. :)

      Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great list! Im very excited about Gunslinger Girl and Beyond a Darkened Shore!😊

    1. Fingers crossed that they'll be as good as they sound!

  5. I love your list. I saw Beyond a Darkened Shore somewhere else earlier and it intrigued me. It's definitely going on my list now!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  6. Gunslinger Girl looks pretty awesome. And Beyond A Darkened Shore looks great too!

    1. It looks like we'll be in for some good reading in 2018!

  7. I confess that I have heard of none of these books. I seem to live with my head in a hole for a while at the end of each year and then have to play catch up as new books are published.

    1. I know that ill be adding a ton of books to my tbr this week !

  8. I almost put Tyler Johnson Was Here and Love, Hate, and Other Filters on my list! Looks like 2018 will be a busy year!

  9. I am beyond stoked for Children of Blood and Bone. It sounds like it's going to be an amazing fantasy. Great list, Lauren!

  10. I'm so happy the waiting for Everless is almost over - it also made my list.

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  11. The crop of debuts for 2018 is incredible. I really want to read Jane Sinner, Other Filters, and I Stop Some Where. I have 2 of the 3, so chances are good. I hope you get to read them all!

  12. I love the cover of Tyler Johnson was Here. The synopsis sounds pretty good, too. I hope you get a chance to read all these!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. These are fantastic picks Lauren! I was lucky enough to snag a few ARCs but I can't wait to see the finished copies! I'm reading Love, Hate, and Other Filters and it's really easy to fall right into!

  14. "Children of Blood and Bone" and "Everless" were on my list as well. You have some really good picks in here, I might have to add a few on my TBR.

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

  15. GUNSLINGER GIRL sounds awesome! I've read a few YA westerns lately and I'm loving the trend. NOTHING BUT SKY sounds really good, too. I hadn't heard of it before, but now it's totally going on my TBR list.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  16. Wow, all of these books have such GORGEOUS covers! They all sounds great too. I haven't heard of some of them so I better go now to add them on Goodreads! Fantastic list. :D

  17. AWESOME list! Gosh all of these covers are stunning!!

  18. OH Everless sounds amazing! And the concept about time being currency, has me soooo nervous for Jules and her father. Here's hoping we both love this book!


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