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The Three Hares: Bloodline by Geoffrey Simpson - Review

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I received a free ecopy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Ethan Drake is a living legend, but he doesn't know it. If only his late father had the time to tell him. When Ethan and his friends decode cryptic riddles from an ancient treasure map, they find themselves caught in a centuries long fight between warring secret societies. They soon realize that Ethan didn't just happen to stumble upon all of this by luck. He is the spark to ignite the resurgence.

I'm glad I had the opportunity to read The Three Hares: Bloodline by Geoffrey Simpson, a fellow Kent State University alum. It's a great new adventure-filled mystery that's perfect for older MG and younger YA readers. It's a twisty, well-paced page turner that will keep you hanging on to every word. It starts off a little slow, but once you get past the first few chapters it really begins to pick up the pace and get quite good. The main cast are a complex group - they are relatable and it's great to watch them grow over the course of the story. My favorites to follow were Ethan, our lead, and Liz, one of Ethan's friends. For our characters, I only wish I had a better idea of what they looked like. I had a great idea of who they are, but I had a difficult time of picturing them in my mind because we have very little physical descriptions of the cast. One aspect that I found myself really surprised by and found the most unbelievable was the opening even more so than everything about the secret societies - and that was the fact that the parents just let the kids go camping out in the wilderness all alone for days on end. Maybe that's just me, though, because I know my parents wouldn't have ever let me do anything like that at that age without a least one adult present.

Overall, The Three Hares: Bloodline is a great series opener for MG and YA audiences. The series has a lot to like from a great sense of adventure, an addicting mystery, and well-developed characters. It's a very enjoyable debut novel and it has a lot of potential for a fantastic series. I'm looking forward to following these characters in the future.

Thanks again for this opportunity, Mr. Simpson!

I read this ebook from July 29 - 30, 2018 and my review is also on Goodreads.


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