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Top Ten Tuesday: Crossovers I'd Like To See

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books You’d Mash Together which asks us to pick two books you think would make an epic story if combined (submitted by Rissi @ Finding Wonderland).  I had a difficult time narrowing it down to just ten, so I've included a few bonus.  Here we go, in no particular order:

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch & Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - I'd love to see the casts come together, but I'm dying to see what kind of stuff Locke and Kaz could get up to!

Storm Front by Jim ButcherHounded by Kevin Hearne - I need Harry and Karen to meet up with Atticus and Granuaile.  That combination would totally make my day!

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin & Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence - This would be insanely brutal, but seriously Joffrey could learn a thing or two from Jorg.

The Diviners by Libba Bray & In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters - Even though it's the Roaring '20s vs. WWI, this would still make a brilliantly creepy crossover.

These Vicious Masks by Kelly Zekas and Tarun Shanker & The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman - Yes, these stories are set 70 years apart, but this would be such a cool crossover - demon hunters and people with superpowers, how about it!

Jackaby by William Ritter & The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey - I need the citizens of the New England towns of New Fiddleham and New Jerusalem to meet up.  Pretty please?

Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson & Ready Player One by Ernest Cline - I just want Parzival and Art3mis to meet up with Hiro and Y.T, is that too much to ask?

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater & The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black - Basically, I just want any excuse for these two authors to co-write something and this seems like it could be a really cool mashup.

Soulless by Gail Carriger & Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare - I'd love to see these characters meet up, especially Lord Akeldama and Magnus Bane.  I think they'd be great allies.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Supernatural - Since both series have tie-in books, this counts for me.  I don't know about you, but I'd love to see the Scoobies(!) meet Team Free Will!  I mean, we've already kind of had it since several Buffy actors have appeared on Supernatural.


Back to the Future & Doctor Who - Don't you just have the feeling that Marty and Rory would be good friends?

Columbo Sherlock - Just one more thing, I have no clue how this could work out but the two detectives could make a good team.  I would totally watch that combination!


  1. So glad you had so many to share!! I haven't read any of these, but do want to try Gail's books; they look so good. Also, Columbo and Sherlock!? Now THIS would be interesting and way entertaining to experience. :)

    1. I glad you think so! I'd totally watch Columbo and Sherlock! :)

  2. I haven't read Locke Lamora or Six of Crows but I know enough to know that would probably be a pretty good rogues team up. :) Snow Crash and Ready Player One seems like it would be insane cyberpunk fun.

  3. I think the only book you've mentioned that I've read is Ready Player One, but there's so many that I really need to read :) Plus I'm making major heart eyes at that SOC art 😍

    1. That's easily my favorite piece of fan art for Kaz.

  4. Back To The Future and Doctor Who! What a mix! :-) Brilliant list. My TTT

  5. I'm saying yes to all of them, especially the Doctor Who with Back to the Future!

  6. Some interesting combinations ! Great ideas.
    Here is our TTT:

  7. Some really beautiful artwork here. I've seen several pair Dark Days Club with These Vicious Masks. For several of your mashups I've only read one book but I definitely like your reasoning on many :)

  8. Columbo and Sherlock! What an interesting combination that would be! I'd watch that. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday

  9. I love that you branched out into TV and films. Well done! I haven't read too many of those books (maybe 4 or 5), but I would love the crews from Souless and TID getting together.

    1. I think it could work! Thanks for coming over, Sam!

  10. those are some awesome pairs and I love how you included different formats :)

    1. Thanks, Hallie. I had a lot of fun putting this together. :)

  11. Game of Thrones and Prince of Thorns is just perfect - awesome idea!

  12. I haven’t read many of these, but they sound like fun combos. It’s intersting to me that you were often looking at how certain characters would get along. I was looking mostly at plot :) this was a fun exercise, wasn’t it?

    1. Characters were much easier for me to shoot for compared to plot. I don't know if I would have as many otherwise. Either way it was so much fun!

  13. I always thought that The Raven Boys and The Darkest Part of the Forest had good/similar vibes!

  14. OMG! So many of these are perfect! And I absolutely adore all of the images you've picked out.

  15. Did Harry and Karen finally get together? I might go back to the Dresden series just for that!

  16. I can totally see your point with Cat Winters and The Diviners!

  17. These are all really great ideas! I love Buffy and Supernatural, that would be a fantastic show (or book). Also you reminded me that I want to read Snow Crash😊

    1. I hope you love it when you get there. Buffy and Dean would be a great team!

  18. I love that you put Back to the Future with Dr. Who. I think Amy and Rory would be a perfect fit for Marty and Doc! Great list :)

    Megan - Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest

  19. I haven't read Prince of Thorns yet but I loved the Game of Thrones series. Guess I'll have to read the other one now. :D

  20. Awesome job with these. For most of these, I've only read one boon in your mashup! Oh, supernatural and Buffy could be a good one!!

  21. A lot of the books you've chosen are ones I haven't read yet, but that have been on my radar and on my TBR and these descriptions make me want to read them even more! The Locke Lamora-Six of Crows crossover sounds like it would be especially epic. Great choices!

  22. I haven't read a lot of these, but your mashables sound awesome! I especially like the Back to the Future/Doctor Who one! ;)

    Awesome list!

  23. Ooh yes this list is excellent!
    Cora |

  24. I need to pick up Locke Lamora already. Fun list!

  25. Hah, I haven't even read Prince of Thorns and even I know he could learn a ton from Jorge. :D Great list.

  26. Back to the Future and Dr Who would be...interesting for sure.


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