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Sunday Funday: Favorites Movies Of 2018

Happy Sunday everyone!  Today, I thought I'd share with you some of the favorite movies I watched in 2018.  The first half of my list features movies released in 2018 and the second half are movies I watched for the first time in 2018 with each section in alphabetical order by title.  The titles are linked to their Letterboxd page or my Letterboxd review.

2018 Movie Releases:

Avengers: Infinity War - I gotta admit it, I loved every second of this spectacle!  Well, except for you know what... I'm still getting choked up just thinking about that ending!

Black Panther - Hands down one of the best MCU movies out there - I'd love to get to see it on the big screen again!

Crazy Rich Asians - I didn't expect to fall in love with this rom-com nearly as I did, but I loved it.  I actually preferred the movie to the novel!

The Hate U Give - This movie is both fantastic as a film and pretty great as an adaptation.  Amandla Stenberg does a marvelous job leading the film as Starr, and the supporting cast do wonderful job as well, especially Russell Hornsby and Regina Hall.  When you see this, you'll want to have a box of tissues ready.

Hereditary - This movie is incredibly intense, darkly terrifying, and physically and emotionally draining. That said I highly recommend being brave and seeing it for yourself - the less you know going in the better. Think The Conjuring, The Babadook, and The Witch, meets Rosemary's Baby.  Also, I have a feeling you'll love this if you also loved The Haunting of Hill House!

Love, Simon - The novel that this is based on is one of my all time favorites and the adaptation does a marvelous job of bringing Simon's world to life.  If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it whether you've read the novel or not.

Mission: Impossible - Fallout - It's not often that you can say your favorite movie in a franchise is the sixth installment.  It has all the best elements of everything I've come to love in this series.

A Quiet Place - A truly unique and effective horror movie.  I loved the use of sound, silence and ASL.

Searching - I didn't know what to expect with this mystery/ thriller, but I loved the style.  Plus, John Cho is always great.

Won't You Be My Neighbor? - I honestly didn't expect for this documentary about the life of Fred Rogers to be one of my favorite new movies of 2018.  Either way, I can't recommend it enough.

New-To-Me Movies 2018:

Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds (2017) - This is a really cool action fantasy film that follows a team of three Guardians of the Afterlife as they escort a recently deceased firefighter through the seven trials of the afterlife.  I just watched the sequel, Along with the Gods: The Last 49 Days (2018) yesterday and it was also pretty fantastic, but since I watched it in 2019 it just missed the cut for my list.  Anyway, I can't wait to see the forthcoming third and forth movies in this series. (Korean)

Bahubali 2: The Conclusion (2017) - I loved both movies in this action packed historical fantasy musical set in Ancient India, but the finale was the best. (Telugu/ Hindi - I saw the Hindi version)

Chinatown (1974) - I'm glad the Letterboxd Season Challenge finally gave me the chance to watch this neo-noir classic.  Jack Nicholson is at his best here, the cinematography is stunning, and the soundtrack is a recent favorite.

Ex Machina (2014) - The Letterboxd Season Challenge pushed me to watch this sci-fi movie which I had been putting off for some reason.  Anyway, I absolutely loved it from the cast (Domhnal Gleeson, Alicia Vikander, and Oscar Isaac), the cinematography, the suspense, and soundtrack.  Plus, that dance scene might have become a new favorite.

The Fall (2006) - This was also part of my Letterboxd Season Challenge and if you haven't already seen it I can't recommend it enough!  The storytelling, the visuals and cinematography, the characters, the soundtrack, and the acting are all marvelous.  You can never go wrong with Lee Pace, in my opinion.  Anyway, it's become a new all-time favorite movie.

Heathers (1988) - Somehow I had never seen this black comedy, but thanks to the Letterboxd Season Challenge I finally gave it a try.  I can now officially say I've never seen anything quite like it before - and I don't think anyone will ever be as cool as Winona Ryder's Veronica or Christian Slater's J.D.

Hero (2002) - I had been eyeing this wuxia movie at the library for the longest time before I picked it up for the Letterboxd Season Challenge.  The action scenes are stunning and I particularly loved the use of color throughout the movie.  (Mandarin)

M (1931) - Peter Lorre is one of my favorite actors and I'm glad I finally took the plunge and watched this classic thriller for the Letterboxd Season Challenge.  Lorre looks so young here in his first major starring role, but he certainly gives a powerhouse performance as a serial killer.  It's amazing to see just how influential this movie is to the industry. (German)

A Royal Affair (2012) - I'd had this movie starring Alicia Vikander and Mad Mikkleson on my watchlist for a while, but I resolved to watch it as a part of the Lettereboxd Season Challenge as well.  Anyway, it's an absolute gem and it's based on real life Danish history. (Danish)

Train to Busan (2016) - One of the best zombie movies I have ever seen.  Dong-seok Ma, the actor behind my favorite character Sang-hwa, also appears in the Along with the Gods movies and has a major role in the sequel. (Korean)

What movies, tv shows, and book adaptations did you love in 2018?  Have you seen any of the movies on my list?  If so, what did you think of them?  What movies are you looking forward to seeing in 2019?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Wow, you saw a ton of movies last year! I love Heathers, it's such a unique idea. I would love to see it again😁

    1. I really did get to see a lot of great movies. I love seeing all of the DVDs that come by my desk at the library. I add a lot to my watchlist just like that. Then Letterboxd (like Goodreads for movies) really helps out with that too. 😀

  2. I saw a couple of these. I enjoyed Mission Impossible and The Quiet Place. Both were really good. I want to see Black Panther. That looks good too.

  3. So many good movies. Mission Impossible and Crazy Rich Asians were a couple of my favorites too.

  4. A few of these are already on my list to watch ;). I also loved Black Panther and Infinity War. I completely forgot about Hero! I remember watching it as a teenager, but I'd be interested in watching it again as an adult who watches more movies in similar styles.

  5. I saw Searching recently and really loved it, even though I had an inkling about the mystery.

    I'm afraid to watch Hereditary, my husband said that it would be too much for me.

    1. Same for me with Searching. Hereditary might be a bit much! :D


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