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Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books I Read In 2018

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Best Books I Read In 2018.  I've read a lot of fantastic books in 2018 and it was incredibly difficult narrowing it down to only ten.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order by title (the titles are linked to my review):

Arm of the Sphinx (The Books of Babel #2) by Josiah Bancroft

City of Lies (Poison Wars #1) by Sam Hawke

Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows #2) by Leigh Bardugo

The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #2) by Holly Black

Foundryside (Founders #1) by Robert Jackson Bennett

The Hazel Wood (The Hazel Wood #1) by Melissa Albert

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers #1) by Becky Chambers

Nothing But Sky by Amy Trueblood

Scream All Night by Derek Milman

Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young

What are your favorite reads of 2018?  Have you read any of my favorites?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting down below!


  1. That Sky in the Deep cover is gorgeous. Happy New Year!

  2. Oh my gosh The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet is one of my favorite books. And Sky in the Deep!

    I need to read The cruel Prince in 2019.

    1. Yay! They were both brilliant weren't they! :)

      At least you won't have to wait for The Wicked King.

  3. 2018 was again the year in which I didn't read any of Leigh Bardugo's books. UGH!! Guess 2019 needs to be THE year I remedy this. Happy 2019, Lauren! I look forward to see what your blog has in store for this new year. :)

  4. Looks like you read some amazing books in 2018. I hope you have as good reading in 2019. Happy New Year. My TTT

  5. I read both Crooked Kingdom and The Hazel Wood in 2018, though sadly neither of them made my best of list!
    My TTT:

  6. Awesome list! I NEED to get to The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet this year!!

    My Top 10 Books of 2018

    1. It's amazing - I hope you'll enjoy it when you get to it!

  7. Oooh... I just picked up The Cruel Prince during Audible's 2-for-1 sale! And Amazon had Hazel Wood on sale so I bought that as well. Hahaha. Can't wait to start them both.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  8. I want to read Sky in the Deep so badly. It sounds so good!

    My TTT post!

  9. Ah, The Cruel Prince... That needs read this year.

  10. Awesome list! I also loved Sky in the Deep, although it didn't quite make my best of list. And I heard so many good things about Scream All Night. I might have to check it out this year😁

    1. I have a feeling you're going to love Scream All Night, Tammy. I'd like to know what you think of it.

  11. I really enjyed The Cruel Prince and The Hazel Wood too! I'd like to start The Books of Babel series.
    My TTT for this week.

    1. The Books of Babel are awesome - I hope you'd like it.

      Thanks for sharing!

  12. The Cruel Prince is on a lot of lists this week, including mine. I need to read Sky in the Deep soon. Happy New Year!

  13. Crooked Kingdom was not as good as SoC for me, but I still loved it. I think it's because of a certain death that occurred. It really broke my heart.

  14. I liked The Hazel Wood, too. It was talked about a lot early in the year and now it seems that no one but us is talking about it. My 2018 Favs Happy New Year!

    1. I know - it totally needs more love. :)

      Thanks for sharing, Anne!

  15. The Cruel Prince is on all the lists today. I haven’t read it yet. I’m glad that a bunch of these books are on my TBR list. I’m looking forward to them. Happy 2019!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I'm not at all surprised - it definitely deserves it. I hope you have a great reading year! :)

  16. Awesome list!! I've been seeing the Cruel Prince on many people's lists!

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  17. Excellent list! Sky in the Deep made mine too, I thought it was excellent.
    Cora |

  18. Loved Sky in the Deep too. Have you checked out IncorrectCruelPrince twitter account? It's a riot!

  19. I definitely feel like I am missing out...I haven't read any of them.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  20. I haven't read any of these yet, though I really want to read The Hazel Wood and Sky in the Deep! Two books that really stuck out for me this year were Generation Dead and Reign of the Fallen :) Happy 2019!

    1. I've been wanting to read Reign of the Fallen and I'm glad to know you've enjoyed it. :)

  21. Great choices! I want to read so many of them! I have never heard of Foundryside before, I'm going to check it out right now!

    Happy 2019!

  22. I haven't read any of these, but they all look so good! I do have Sky in the Deep though. It's on my want-to-read list this year. XD Happy New Year!

    1. I hope you love Sky in the Deep as much as I did! Thanks for visiting my blog!


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