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Top Ten Tuesday: Audiobooks I Borrowed Because Of The Narrator

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books I Bought/ Borrowed Because ... fill in the blank.  I'm specifically featuring Audiobooks I Borrowed Because Of The Narrator.  I enjoy listening to audiobooks and there are quite a few narrators out there that are incredibly talented and go that extra mile to bring the story to life.  If you're looking for a great listen, check out these titles below.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

And the Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich - Polly Lee

Before the Devil Breaks You (The Diviners #2) by Libba Bray - January LaVoy

Dark Matter by Blake Crouch - John Lindstrom

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures by Peter Anghelides - David Tennant, Catherine Tate, and Michelle Ryan

Hidden Bodies (You #2) by Caroline Kepnes - Santino Fontana

Hounded (The Iron Druid Chronicles #1) by Kevin Hearne - Luke Daniels

On the Come Up by Angie Thomas - Bahni Turpin

Red Seas Under Red Skies (Gentleman Bastard #2) by Scott Lynch - Michael Page

A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess - Fiona Hardingham

This Body's Not Big Enough for the Both of Us by Edgar Cantero - January LaVoy

Have you read or listened to any of these books?  Who are some of your favorite narrators?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps commenting down below!


  1. Great list! I'm hoping to read Red Seas Under Red Skies really soon, and I can't wait to get to Before the Devil Breaks You. A Shadow Bright and Burning is another one I'd like to try - good to know the audiobook's worth a listen!

    1. Definitely worth it. I hope you like all of those book!

  2. On the Come Up was a very interesting story. Glad the audiobook version was good, too!

    My TTT .

    1. It was so cool to hear Turpin actually perform the music. :)

  3. YES I do this all the time!! I'll listen to absolutely anything that Neil Gaiman narrates, he has such a great voice. I definitely want to check out the Doctor Who audiobook you mentioned. Great list!

    1. Yes, he is also a fantastic narrator - I'll read pretty much anything Gaiman cares to write.

  4. I'm not a big audio listener, but I know many readers who choose their books based on the narrator, and I can understand why😁

    1. Some people have a perfect voices for the stories. :)

  5. they look fantastic. i am not big on audio, but have been working on changing that...since the weather has gotten so nice and i love to work outside
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I love listening to audiobooks while going on walks and working outside.

  6. Red Seas under Red Skies, great title and what a beautiful cover. Wow.

  7. Oh man, I cycled back into a David Tennant phase last fall and I was CLIMBING THE WALLS knowing the Tenth Doctor Adventures existed but I couldn't get at any of them through my library systems. Had to do without because they were too pricey to buy.

    *fun fact: it turns out it was available via Interlibrary Loan, which of course I only discovered after my acute desire had finally waned. And of course, ILL is non-operational at the moment.

    Anyway, I love a good audiobook narrator rec, so I'm bookmarking this post.

    1. David Tennant is so talented and he has a great voice as well. I hope you can get to it soon. :)

  8. I listen to so many audiobooks, and should really pay attention to the good narrators. I thought Nic Stone did a great job reading her books. I also wish I had read The Poet X and Don't Look Down via audiobook, because I heard the authors did an incredible job narrating.

    1. Nic Stone has become of favorite through her audiobooks. :)

  9. Ooh I thought Dark Matter was amazing! And I have And the Trees crept In- it looks so awesomely creepy haha but i have to read it yet.

    1. I hope you like And the Trees Crept In - it is very eerie!

  10. Great list! I really need to read Dark Matter!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  11. Thanks for these recommendations. I've been wanting to listen to more audiobooks. I love Bahni Turpin, she narrated Children of Blood and Bone, which was amazing to listen to. I enjoyed Marc Thompson's narration of The Last Jedi as he does all the different voices.

    1. I hadn't listened to Children of Blood and Bone - if I had know Turpin read it I probably would have listened. :)

  12. Ooo! I love this post! I am all about Zachary Webber or Sebastian York narrating!

  13. This is a pretty interesting approach to this list! Personally, I tend to stay away from audiobooks, but the few that I have tried listening to...well, the narration is definitely the first thing that will have me stopping it. I have been recommended to try the one for On the Come Up, but I don't think I've heard of any of the rest of these.

  14. A great narrator is definitely key with audiobooks for me! :)

  15. I love to listen to books read by Will Patton.

  16. I have only tried listening to one audiobook, High Rise narrated by Tom Hiddleston. But his voice was so soothing I kept falling asleep :D

    1. I bet he'd be really good as a narrator. I've read the book and seen the movie so that may be a bit odd though. :)

  17. Great take on the topic! There's at least a couple of audiobooks I bought for the narrator too.

  18. Great topic as a narrator can make or break a book. I read Dark Matter and loved it, I'd say it was great an audiobook too.

  19. This was such a great idea! I loveee January Lavoy. She is absolutely fabolous.

  20. I listened to the audiobook of On the Come Up and really enjoyed it.

  21. FUN topic! There are so many books I've read too because of the narrator. And I love Fiona Hardingham!!!

  22. Great topic! I haven't listened to any of these, but some of my favorite narrators are Andi Arndt, Sebastian York, Julie Whelan, etc.

    1. Thanks! I've listened to Julie Whelan and she's pretty great as well.

  23. I don't listen to audiobooks that often, but a good narrator can certainly make or break an audiobook. I've seen a lot of people really enjoying Bahni Turpin's work, so that makes me curious. Maybe I'll have to give one of her audiobooks a go one of these days.

    1. They really can - and Turpin has almost always made a book. :)

  24. Oooh before the Devil breaks you sounds good! I’ve been meaning to start that series. -Lauren Shaw @ Library of Lauren

  25. Narrators really do make or break your reading experience that's for sure. Some of my favourite narrators are Bahni Turpin, Andi Arndt and Caitlyn Kelly


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