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Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Spring TBR

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books On My Spring TBR.  This week I'm sharing ARCs and challenge books I plan on reading in April and May.  Here we go:

Children of Daedala by Caighlan Smith - I'll be reading this ARC very soon - and it sound like this dystopian has potential with a labyrinth as a major feature.

Bookish Boyfriends by Tiffany Schmidt - I'll also be reading this ARC this Spring as well - it's sounds like it'll be pretty cute with a girl who's classic literary crushes come to life.

The Oddling Prince by Nancy Springer - This ARC I've been approved for is a fantasy set in ancient Scotland, how cool is that!

A Graveyard Visible by Steve Conoboy - I can't wait to try this ARC of this YA horror novel.  Doesn't that cover look great?

The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America by Erik Larson - I'll be reading this in April for Book Riot's Reader Harder Challenge - it'll fulfill the true crime task.

1984 by George Orwell - I'm also reading this for the Read Harder Challenge in April - it'll fulfill the classic genre fiction task.

Tsarina by J. Nelle Patrick - This is going to be one of my Reader Harder Challenge books for May - it'll fulfill the task for a book set in a BRICS country (Russia).

The Garden of the Gods (Corfu Trilogy #3) by Gerald Durrell - This is also going to be May Read Harder Challenge books - it'll fulfill the task to read a book about nature.

The Silkworm (Cormoran Strike #2) by Robert Galbraith - I plan catching up on the Cormoran Strike series for #BeatTheBacklist.

Career of Evil (Cormoran Strike #3) by Robert Galbraith - I've heard a lot of fantastic things about the second two books in the series, and I can't wait to get all caught up on it.

Have you read any of these books yet?  What are you planning on reading this spring?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Aww!! How cute does Bookish Boyfriends look?! I think I've seen that one on Goodreads or previous Top Ten Tuesday lists, and with a title like that, it makes me think it'd be an ideal read for my reading preferences. Thanks for the reminder, Lauren! Happy spring TBR-ing. :)

  2. Ooh Children of Daedala is one I haven't seen before. I like the sound of it!

  3. Oh, a new Nancy Springer book! That one sounds great - it's going on my TBR right now.

  4. These books look like they'll be fabulous. I hope you enjoy them!

  5. Just added The Oddling Prince to my TBR! It sounds soooo intriguing!

  6. 1984 is one of my favourite books. I read it in high-school, and I couldn`t stop thinking about it for weeks after I finished it. Hope you`ll enjoy it!

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

  7. 1984! I haven't seen that one on a TBR in a while. I hope that you enjoy reading it. I love the cover for Bookish Boyfriends. It makes me want to learn more Happy reading this week! :)

  8. LOVE the Robert Galbraith books - Career of Evil is probably my current favorite.


    1. Cool! I can't wait to read book two and three because I loved book one so much!

  9. Bookish Boyfriends sounds adorable! I'm really curious about The Oddling Prince and Children of Daedala as well. Happy reading!


  10. 1984 was such a good book. I hope you like it.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  11. 1984 is supposed to be fantastic, I haven't read it-yet> You have a great looking list and I hope you get to read them all!!

    1. I've got my fingers crossed that I will!

      Thanks for sharing. :)

  12. Ahh your list reminded me that I too need to read 1984. It's been on my TBR for forever? Your list looks good. I hope you get to read all of them soon :)

    My TTT:

    1. I hope I'll make it through them!

      Thanks for sharing.

  13. Ooo the Oddling Prince is calling my name.

  14. The Oddling Prince and A Graveyard Visible both look good!

  15. The Oddling Prince sounds awesome!

  16. I read 1984 in college. I thought it was kind of boring, but that’s probably because I was forced to read it. I need to read the Robert Galbraith books. Everybody seems to love them. I hope you enjoy all these books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I really surprised I never had to for a class in college or high school actually. I have high hopes for it though. :)

  17. Bookish Boyfriends sounds so cute! Devil in the White City was really good. I loved all the information it gave into the history of the Chicago World's Fair. I also enjoy the Cormoran Strike series. I hope you get to all these books! Here's my TTT this week.

    1. I really hope I will! I'm looking forward to all of them. :)

  18. I hope you enjoy 1984. I really enjoyed that classic. This is the first I've heard of The Oddling Prince. Must find out more. Happy reading!

  19. I will be reading Bookish Boyfriends. I mean seriously, this book is so targeted toward me. I read 1984 just about in the year 1984. XD I remember it fondly though. Hope you get to read them all.

    1. I hope we'll both like Bookish Boyfriends, Sam! :)

  20. All of these look amazing! Definitely adding the Oddling Prince and the Children of Daedala on my TBR list! I haven't heard of them before and they look extremely interesting! Hope you get around to reading them soon!

    Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews

  21. Bookish Boyfriends looks like my kind of book! Off to add to my Goodreads shelf now 🙂. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  22. A few of these were new to me, so I'll have to check them out. Thanks for sharing, Lauren!

    Do You Dog-ear?

  23. Ooh, Devil in the White City is so good - hope you enjoy it!

  24. Devil in the White City is one I want to read at some point. I liked the Silkworm and Career of Evil. Happy reading!

  25. So many interesting titles! You'll enjoy 1984 I'm sure. That's a great book, although a terrifying one too. The novel that's set in ancient Scotland sounds like something I'd devour :) Happy reading!

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

  26. 1984 is the only book I've heard of - I swear every time I come back to your blog I realise just how out of touch with the book community I've become since university. I can't really say much on these books except 1984 is definitely a book you want to focus on, as in, spend proper time to sit down and digest it rather than read 20 pages, do something, read another 20 pages, do something else, you know?

    Wandering Everywhere

    1. I'm certainly looking forward to diving into the story.

      Thanks for sharing, Amy!

  27. Brilliant choices. Daedala sounds great to me. I want it. Just look at that cover, too!

  28. I'm definitely interested in A Graveyard Visible, but I've been burnt by YA horror so many times in the past that I'm trying not to let my expectations get too high.
    I've also added Bookish Boyfriends to my TBR - thanks for featuring it, because it sounds amazing!
    Here's my spring TBR.

    1. I have too, but we'll see. :)

      Thanks for sharing, Alyce.

  29. ooh lots of interesting books! I hope you enjoy them all :) There were a few here that I hadn't heard of but I think they look really neat....I'm glad to see a new horror release, I've really been getting into horror lately. Thanks for sharing!

  30. 1984 is one of my favorite books. I have been meaning to re-read it - I would love to hear what you think if you pick it up :)

    Happy reading!
    :) Megan @ Ginger Mom & the Kindle Quest

    1. Good to know! Fingers crossed that I'll enjoy it as much as I'm expecting too.

  31. Oh my goodness you have so many comments on this post! I'm guessing a lot of people liked your picks. :) Out of all the books, tsarina caught my attention the most. I think solely from the cover, but the title is interesting as well! I didn't love Bookish Boyfriends, but I did think it was cute. I hope you love it Lauren. :)

    1. They've really stacked up, haven't they! :)

      We'll see what I end up making of Bookish Boyfriends.


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