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2021 Popsugar Reading Challenge - Update #4 & Mini Reviews

Happy Saturday everyone and welcome to my fourth 2021 Popsugar Reading Challenge update with mini  reviews!  I completed 3 books this month for a grand total of 20 of 50 books finished for the 2021 Popsugar Reading Challenge.  I'm almost halfway through!  Without further ado, here are my thoughts on the books I completed in April for this challenge in the order I read them in:

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Gil's All Fright Dinner by A. Lee Martinez was so much fun. This brand of urban fantasy comedy horror was right up my alley. It's very much The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams meets the Dan Shamble, Zombie PI series by Kevin J. Anderson minus the noir. I think I'm going to have to read more by this author as soon as possible.

My review is also on Goodreads.

DNF'd @ pg. 53

I've heard a lot of great things about Baby Teeth by Zoje Stage, but I 100% do not understand the hype. I just couldn't put myself through another 251 pages. I don't know if I can express just how irritating this story was. Potential horror elements aside, but seven year old Hanna is a real piece of work. Her parents are both useless when it comes to actually parenting, especially Suzette who is a total doormat. I hadn't seen much of Alex by the time I quit but he seems just bad in the whole parenting thing, and as a husband to Suzette. I hated this just about as much as I hated the movie Mommy - and I had to quit that as well.  Anyway, this provides another great reason to never have kids, or at least learn to be a good parent if you do.

My review is also on Goodreads.

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Puddin' (Dumplin' #2) by Julie Murphy is a good follow up companion novel to Dumplin'.  Millie was one of my favorite characters in its predecessor, so to see her take the lead here was pretty great.  However, I wasn't as much of a fan of this companion novel.  I think I was expecting something a little different than what I ended up getting.  I will admit that I certainly appreciated a message that simply goes beyond accepting your own body, but in getting your community and the wider world accept you for who you are as well.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Are you participating in this challenge?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I have been so curious about Baby Teeth because I really enjoyed Stage's last book, but I'm not sure its for me either😬

  2. I've heard so many good things about Baby Teeth and seeing you DNF gives me pause. I have a feeling I might be frustrated as well by the sound of these characters. I hope you pick up some good books in May!


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