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2021 End of Year Survey

Happy Sunday everyone and welcome to the 2021 End of Year Book Survey, originally hosted by Jamie @ The Perpetual Page-Turner!  This is actually my sixth time taking part - check out my posts from 20152016201720182019, and 2020 if you dare.  Anyway, without further ado, let's get to the tag:

2021 Reading Stats

Number Of Books You Read: 455 - This counts my DNFs as well. 

Number of Re-Reads: 4 that I can think of off the top of my head.

Genre You Read The Most From: Fantasy - And that's no surprise to me!

1. Best Book You Read In 2021? 

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir - It's a tough call because I read so many great books this year, but Andy Weir really outdid himself with this! 

2. Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn't

Ready Player Two (Ready Player One #2) by Ernest Cline - I really enjoyed Ready Player One, but I only made it through 20% of this sequel before I decided to DNF it.  Book one was fun, but this was just irritating.  To say it was a disappointment would be a massive understatement.

3. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read?

All Creatures Great and Small (All Creatures Great and Small #1-2) by James Herriot - I absolutely loved the first season of the new tv adaptation, so I decided to give the original source material a try and it was such a pleasant surprise.  The tv show certainly got the characters and the tone down.  Plus, Nicholas Ralph narrated the audiobook and he plays James Herriot in the show.  He has a great voice for it too!  I can't wait for season two to start up on Masterpiece here later this month.

4. Book You “Pushed” The Most People To Read (And They Did)?

A Good Day for Chardonnay (Sunshine Vicram #2) by Darynda Jones - I really like this author's style with this new series and with her Charley Davidson series, and I definitely mentioned that to quite a few people at my library when they were looking for recommendations.  The Sunshine Vicram series doesn't have the paranormal elements of the Charley Davidson series, but the mystery and sense of humor are still top notch.

5. Best series you started in 2021? Best Sequel of 2021? Best Series Ender of 2021?

Opener - All of Us Villains (All of Us Villians #1) by Amanda Foody and Christine Lynn Herman - This was fantastic and I absolutely need the sequel asap, please!

Sequel - Out of House and Home (Fred, the Vampire Accountant #7) by Drew Hayes - This series is just delightful and I can't recommend it enough.  Fred has quickly become one of my favorite literary vampires.  I can't wait to see what's coming next in this series.  By the way, the audiobooks are read by Kirby Heyborne and he does a marvelous job of bringing Fred's world to life.

Ender - The Galaxy, and the Ground Within (Wayfarers #4) by Becky Chambers - All of the books in this series were fantastic, but I'd say this series finale was the best book of them all.  I wish this wasn't over, but I'll just have to read more of Becky Chambers' works to make up for it.

6. Favorite new author you discovered in 2021?

Brittney Morris - I read both Slay and The Cost of Knowing this year and both were excellent.  I need to read more from her asap!

7. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?

8. Most action-packed/thrilling/ unputdownable book of the year?

9. Book You Read In 2021 That You Would Be MOST Likely To Re-Read Next Year?

I don't usually reread...

10. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2021?

Titan Song (The Carter Archives #3) by Dan Stout - Every book in this series has had an awesome cover - and an awesome story too!

11. Most memorable character of 2021?

Rocky from Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir - Rocky takes the cake this year! 

12. Most beautifully written book read in 2021?

Twilight of Avalon (Twilight of Avalon #1) by Anna Elliott - If you're looking for a brilliant Trystan and Isolde retelling, you need to read this.

13. Most Thought-Provoking/ Life-Changing Book of 2021?

The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women by Nancy Marie Brown -  I wouldn't call this life-changing, but it was certainly thought-provoking and fascinating.  I was hooked on the archaeological, historical, and story telling elements that the author worked together. 

14. Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2021 to finally read?

Harold Lloyd: The Man on the Clock by Tom Dardis - Harold Lloyd is my favorite silent movie actor and I'm glad I finally decided to pick up this 1983 released biography on him.  It was very well researched and the author does a great job presenting the complex man behind the glasses character.

15. Favorite Passage/Quote From A Book You Read In 2021?

"Each of us is more than the worst thing we've ever done." - from Just Mercy: A Story of Mercy and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson 

16. Shortest & Longest Book You Read In 2021?

Shortest - 15 pages - Warm Up (Villains #0.5) by V.E. Schwab - I loved this series and this little prequel short story was fun little return to that world.

Longest - 1,061 pages - A Feast For Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire #4) by George R.R. Martin - And I'm still upset with where it left Brienne.  If anything else happens to her in the hopefully forthcoming sixth book, I'll be really upset.

17. Book That Shocked You The Most (Because of a plot twist, character death, left you hanging with your mouth wide open, etc.)

Battle Ground (The Dresden Files #17) by Jim Butcher - This was my last read of 2021 so this one is the freshest - and there are a couple of massive ones.

18. OTP OF THE YEAR (you will go down with this ship!) (OTP = one true pairing if you aren’t familiar)

Dwight and Caroline from The Twisted Sword (The Poldark Saga #11) by Winston Graham -  These two have made my OTP of the year since 2018!  I love the tv adaptation and the original novels are fantastic as well.  Dwight and Caroline are the real MVP of the series!  I'm not ready to read Bella Poldark, the final book in the series, because I just don't want it to end.

19. Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship Of The Year

Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens: A BBC Radio 4 Full-Cast Dramatisation by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman - Maybe this is the wrong category to put this under, but they is the best queerplatonic asexual relationship I've ever seen.

20. Favorite Book You Read in 2021 From An Author You’ve Read Previously

Shadowblack (Spellslinger #2) by Sebastien de Castell - This sequel was just so much fun - I really need to get to the third book in the series soon.

21. Best Book You Read In 2021 That You Read Based SOLELY On A Recommendation From Somebody Else/Peer Pressure/Bookstagram, Etc.:

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord - I don't read a lot of YA contemporary romance, but I read this on a recommendation and it ended up being such a cute pleasant surprise and one of my favorites.

22. Newest fictional crush from a book you read in 2021?

I don't have one.

23. Best 2021 debut you read?

The Keeper of Night (The Keeper of Night #1) by Kylie Lee Baker - I read some pretty good debuts in 2021, but I'd say this YA historical fantasy was my favorite of them.

24. Best Worldbuilding/Most Vivid Setting You Read This Year?

Litany of Dreams (Arkham Horror #19) by Ari Marmell - I've never played any of the games that this is based on, but the world-building and setting really stand out.

25. Book That Put A Smile On Your Face/Was The Most FUN To Read?

Hair Raising (Dan Shamble, Zombie PI #3) by Kevin J. Anderson - This series has been great, but so far this one has been my favorite.  I really love this author's style!

26. Book That Made You Cry Or Nearly Cry in 2021?

Endangered Species (Lost #1) by Cathy Hapka - At just how poorly the author did by some of my favorite characters... I couldn't tell the difference between Hurley and Sayid's voices unless I saw names written on the page.

27. Hidden Gem Of The Year?

The Silver Blonde by Elizabeth Ross - This YA historical mystery is a must read for those interested in noir and Classic Hollywood.  Plus, the world-building is absolutely fantastic and I usually don't say that when it comes to historical fiction

28. Book That Crushed Your Soul?

Battle Ground (The Dresden Files #17) by Jim Butcher - Jim Butcher knows what he did - and to one of my favorite characters too.

29. Most Unique Book You Read In 2021?

Floriography: An Illustrated Guide to the Victorian Language of Flowers by Jessica Roux - This is easily the most beautiful botanical encyclopedia I've ever read.  The art is fantastic and I learned so much.

30. Book That Made You The Most Mad (doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t like it)?

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous, aka Beatrice Sparks - I do not understand how this is considered a YA classic.  I couldn't suspend my disbelief hard enough to believe that this was actually a 15 year old girl's diary.  This is Reefer Madness (1936) in 1970s YA book form if I ever saw it.

1. New favorite book blog/Bookstagram/Youtube channel you discovered in 2021?

Sorry to say that I have a hard time remembering when I've followed anyone, and that's even worse than normal these last couple of years.

2. Favorite post you wrote in 2021?

As always, I love putting together all of my Sci-Fi Month posts - November's always so much fun!

3. Favorite bookish related photo you took in 2021?

These two photos that I posted on Twitter on December 24th and December 27th may not be the best, but it sure was exciting to get those books in the mail! Thanks again to Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense and Lauren @ Shooting Stars Mag for sending these Christmas 2021 Bookish Wishes my way! 

4. Best bookish event that you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events, etc.)?

Sci-Fi Month is always so awesome!

5. Best moment of bookish/blogging life in 2021?

It may not be the best moment, but it sure was cool getting book mail for Christmas!  See my answer to question 3 in this section.

6. Most challenging thing about blogging or your reading life this year?

The whole global pandemic - definitely made everything difficult this year.  Again...

7. Most Popular Post This Year On Your Blog (whether it be by comments or views)?

As of January 1st, 2022, the most popular post on my blog by views is Music Monday: Murder Ballads from October 25th, 2021 with 2,429 views.

8. Post You Wished Got A Little More Love?

As of January 1st, 2022, the least popular post on my blog by views is Music Monday: The McDades from January 25th, 2021 with only 61 views.

9. Best bookish discover (book related sites, book stores, etc.)?

Earlier this year, I discovered that one of the local new and used book stores I like going to has a loyalty/ rewards program and I got myself signed up for it.  I've already had the chance to use my first reward through it!

10. Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of this year?

1. One Book You Didn’t Get To In 2021 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2022?

Jade Legacy (The Green Bone Saga #3) by Fonda Lee - I'm waiting for my audiobook hold to come in via Libby and it can't come in soon enough!

2. Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2022 (non-debut)?

Gallant by V.E. Schwab - V.E. Schwab is an all-favorite and this sounds like it will be a great new release from him.  March 1st can't come soon enough

3. 2022 Debut You Are Most Anticipating?

Daughter of the Moon Goddess (The Celestial Kingdom Duology #1) by Sue Lynn Tan - This YA fantasy novel inspired by the legend of Chinese moon goddess, Chang'e, will be released on January 11th and I can't wait.  It sounds and looks like it will be awesome.  I wasn't at all familiar with Chang'e until I saw the animated movie Over the Moon (2020) which is a real hidden gem.

4. Series Ending/A Sequel You Are Most Anticipating in 2022?

What Child is This? (Sherlock Holmes Adventure #5) by Bonnie MacBird - I feel like I don't talk about just how much I love Bonnie MacBird's take on Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, but I'm dying for this October 13th, 2022 release.  Unfortunately, it doesn't quite have a cover as of yet.

5. One Thing You Hope To Accomplish Or Do In Your Reading/Blogging Life In 2022?

It's doubtful it will be an option given the global pandemic that's been ongoing, but I'd like to attend an in person bookish event.  Chances are I won't be getting out much for fun, but I guess I can dream.

6. A 2022 Release You’ve Already Read & Recommend To Everyone (if applicable):

Where the Drowned Girls Go (Wayward Children #7) by Seanan McGuire - This was absolutely outstanding and it's due to be released on January 4th.

Have you taken the 2021 End of Year Survey?  What books have you loved this year and what are you looking forward to in the coming year?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I don't know about you but my End-of-the-year Book Survey took me forever to put together. I felt like I was just sitting at my computer for days writing and researching for it. Nice compilation of books here. I love Project Hail Mary, too. My whole family read it and loved it. I don't know why I didn't think about making Rocky the memoriable character, too.

    I also think Just Mercy shold be required reading. Don't you? That quote is one I've used myself with people who are beating themselves up with guilt.

    Happy New Year.

    This is my Survey. I'd be honored if you'd take a look at it. My End of the Year Book Survey

    1. It definitely took a while to compile this - so many great books to go through!

      Just Mercy should be 100% required reading.

  2. i am too lazy to do an end of year book survey, especially as in depth as yours. great job. i read a ton and i see a bunch on your list that have caught my attention. wishing you a happy new year
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I hope you find some good ones!

      Thanks for sharing, Sherry.

  3. That's a ton of books! Awesome!!

    Where the drowned Girls Go- I'm hearing so many good things about that! Makes me want to really try those... the Silver Blonde sounds fab also.

    1. Thanks! Both are marvelous - I hope you enjoy if you get to them.

  4. Wow, I can't imagine reading 455 books on a year, congrats! I'm really missing in person book events too. Sigh. I wonder if life will ever be back to normal...

    1. Thanks!

      I haven't been to many book events in general, but they sound fun...

  5. Amazing, you've had such a wonderful reading year! And so super organized on top of that. I suck at surveys and stats, maybe 2022 will fix it. Thanks to you, I read the Avalon series, and so I'm going to look up Keeper of Night as well.

    1. It's tough and it takes a while to put it all together, but I do enjoy looking back at these!

      Yay! I'm so pleased you read it and like it too. :)

      Happy reading!


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