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The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): The Only One Left by Riley Sager



On Friday's I take part in two weekly link ups - The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice, and Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader.  For The Friday 56, you choose a book, a book you have just finished, a book you are about to start, your current read, and share a line or a few lines that grab you (but don't spoil anything) from page 56 or 56% of the way through the ebook. Post it and share your post's url on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post. As for Book Beginnings, you share the first sentence or so and your initial thoughts, impressions, or whatever else it inspires, and then link up your post's url with Rose City Reader. 

Happy Friday everyone!  This week I'm spotlighting one of my one of my Halloween Reads 2023 books, The Only One Left by Riley Sager.  I've really enjoyed this author in the past and I'm really excited to read his newest release.


We're at the typewriter again, Lenora in her wheelchair and me standing beside her as I place her left hand atop the keys. 


The words are uttered with zero enthusiasm, as if Mrs. Baker doubts this will come to pass.

Have you read this book?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I've read a few other books by this author--so this one is on my radar screen. Happy reading!

  2. I just bought this book, and can't wait to dig in. Have a wonderful day, Lauren ☕📚🍁👻🧡

  3. I have been out of the country so it comes a bit of a surprise that Halloween is just around the corner. Glad you found a book to thrill you at this time of year.

    1. It doesn't make sense that it's already so close. :)

  4. I've seen this book around, and it looks interesting. Have a great weekend!

  5. I've been seeing this everywhere lately. The opening has me curious. I can relate to the second excerpt you shared, not even knowing what it's in reference too. I can just picture that tone of voice. Thank you for sharing! Have a great weekend.

  6. I've heard great things about this, I can't wait to see how you like it😁

  7. This has been on my list for so long and that opening has me really curious! I may just have to bite the bullet and get myself a copy ASAP! I hope you have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words


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