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Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Alfred Hitchcock Movies

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This weeks topic is a Freebie, so I've elected to share my favorite Alfred Hitchcock movies (I've just been watching several of his older ones lately!).  Here we go, in order by year of release:

The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (1927) - I hadn't seen this early Hitchcock silent film until I found one of those multi-packs of his movies and tv series.  It's a thriller about the hunt for a Jack the Ripper-esque serial killer.  This movie also features Hitchcock's first ever cameo, which became a standard for him afterward.  Of his earlier silent movies, this is the first one to really feel like a Hitchcock movie.

The Lady Vanishes (1938) - This was Hitchcock's last British film.  It follows two travelers going across Europe via train and one discovers that her companion seems to have disappeared from the train.  Others on the train to claim to never have seen her, so she ends up searching the train for clues of her friend's disappearance.  Ever see the movie Flight Plan with Jodi Foster?  It's a modern remake of this movie.

Rebecca (1940) - This is one of my favorite book to movie adaptations.  It only really changes one major plot point (because of the Hollywood Production Code) and still manages to still be just as awesome.

Rope (1948) - This movie stars Farley Granger and James Stewart and is set in "real-time".  The two main characters commit a murder just to prove they can get away with it and then host a party (which they had also "invited" the victim to) with the body hidden in the room where the party is being held.  It's one of his more experimental movies and I'd say it's pretty underrated.

Stage Fright (1950) - Of the movies on this list, I'd say this one is the most underrated.  It's got a good cast and it actually has a healthy dose of humor mixed in with the mystery/ thriller elements of the story.  It has a theatrical setting and features a good example of an unreliable narrator.  I used to own a copy of this on VHS which I initially picked up because Alistair Sim was on the box (my favorite Ebeneezer Scrooge).

Strangers on a Train (1951) - If you haven't seen this one you really should find a copy!  It stars Farley Granger (who was also in Rope) and Robert Walker.  Both are train passengers who just happen to get to talking - one is a tennis star and the other is a psycho.  The psycho proposes that they exchange murders, since that way there's no way they'd be caught because there is seemingly no connection between the two.  The tennis player humors him, but the psycho actually takes him seriously and needs to ensure that the other end of the bargain is upheld.  This movie features one of my favorite carousel scenes ever, and the most intense tennis match I've watched.  Plus, Raymond Chandler worked on the screen play!

Rear Window (1954) - I love this one!  You absolutely have to watch this if you haven't seen it yet.  It's about a professional photographer who has been confined to a wheelchair with a broken leg after a mishap on a shoot.  To help pass the time, he begins using his camera and lens to spy on his neighbors in the surrounding apartment buildings.  He quickly begins to think one of the neighbors has murdered his wife, but first he needs to find evidence before he goes to the police.  By the way, Raymond Burr, aka Perry Mason, plays the possibly murderous neighbor.

North by Northwest (1959) - Again, this one is awesome!  If you haven't seen it, what are you waiting for?  It's a perfect movie about an extreme case of mistaken identity.  Don't you just love that crop duster scene?  Plus, you can never go wrong with Cary Grant.

Psycho (1960) - Do I really even need to say why this classic psychological horror thriller made my list?

The Birds (1963) - I never would have expected that birds could be such scary villains in a movie before I sat down and watched this... I'll never look at a bird the same way!  I still want to know more after the final scene of the movie.

What do you think of my list this week?  Do you like Alfred Hitchcock movies?  Which one is your favorite?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog, and perhaps even commenting!


  1. So I've never seen any of these, omg, I'm terrible with movie watching! :D But so glad you enjoy so many of these!! Here's my TTT!

  2. Ooh excellent. I LOVE The Birds and that scene where they attack the town- and North by Northwest is one of my faves. Yes the crop duster scene is awesome. :)

  3. For someone who has had a Hitchcock phase a few years ago, I've watched remarkably few of these movies! I did watch The Birds and Psycho from your list. I also watched Dial M for Murder and Vertigo and some other more well-known movies. I guess I've found a few more movies to put on my to watch list!

    1. Dial M For Murder and Vertigo were so close to making my list! I hope you get the chance to see some more of his stuff!

  4. I watched The Birds in one my English classes in high school. We read the book, then watched the movie. And my messed up brain got the giggles watching it from how unscary I found everything. I saw some of those classic 80's horror movies when I was a toddler, so about 90% of horror doesn't scare me.
    It was a fun movie to watch, just not scary to me. Although, Crows do give me the creeps I really hate the sound they make.

    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I can understand that - I watch a lot of horror too, so I get that. :)

  5. I love a good and scary movie and Hitchcock has a good supply of them. Thanks for sharing.
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  6. I haven't watched any Hitchcock movies! *hides* I've only heard wonderful things about his movies though. I am curious about Rebecca. :D

    Great list, Lauren!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Well, this is a great place to start! :)

      Rebecca - the book and the movie are excellent.

  7. I love Hitchcock movies!! I need to watch more for sure though. My favorites of his are Rope, The Birds, Psycho, Rear Window, and The Man Who Knew Too Much. Oh and Vertigo. I think there was only one I saw that I DIDN'T care for and I can't remember the name of it. Great list!! :D :D

    1. Yes!! :) Vertigo was so close to making my list this week.

  8. I've only watched "Read Window" so far but definitely want to watch more of Hitchcock's works! I'm especially interested in "Psycho" and can't believed I still haven't found the time to watch it :/

    1. Rear Window is so great! I hope you get the chance to try the chance to try Psycho. :)

  9. Funny story. I'd finished watching The Birds last fall, and I swear the next day, I was out grocery shopping when there was a HUGE flock of small birds all perched on the wires above the supermarket. SCARY.

    I've also realized I haven't watched nearly enough Hitchcock movies, lol. I did love Rear Window (Grace Kelly <3), North by Northwest (yesssss to anything Cary Grant), and Psycho (egads that gif is scary)!

    1. Creepy!

      You've seen some pretty great ones, though! :)

  10. I think that I have only seen 2 of the movies that made your list, Psycho and The Birds. I did enjoy both of them. Great post!

  11. I've only seen The Birds, Psycho, and Rear Window and definitely was creeped out by them all. Lol. I love scary movies once in a while though. This was a great idea for your post.

    1. Thanks for coming over, Bill. I do get a kick out of classic mystery/ thriller and horror movies.

  12. I love this!! My favorite is definitely The Birds! I need to check out a few others!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  13. I've only seen Rear Window, The Birds, and Psycho from your list, but I'm really interested in checking out the rest. They seem perfect for a rainy day. Thanks for all the suggestions!

    1. I'd say they're perfect for a dark and stormy night with the lights turned off. :)

      Thanks for visiting, Alicia!

  14. I'm only familiar with Psycho, but I would love to see the other movies!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. I hope you give them a shot, Ronyell. Thanks for sharing! :)

  15. I still get scared whenever I am in the midst of a huge crowd of birds. Thanks Hitchcock!

  16. I've only seen Psycho but it was awesome. Did he do Vertigo?? I have seen that one too. Great list!!

    1. Yep, that's Hitchcock too! It was so close to making my list. :)

  17. I'm a complete movie buff, and yet I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen even half of these - I didn't even know some existed! I'm definitely going to keep this list in mind next time I can binge watch movies. I've only seen Dial M for Murder, which I'm pretty sure was Hitchcock, yes? These al lok so wonderful!!


    Little Moon Elephant

    1. Yes, it was one of his too! So close to making my list - he has so many great ones that it was hard to pick just ten. :) Well, this is a great place to start, Amy!

  18. ohgosh, I've seen his name before but for some reason, I never bothered. awesome list and I'm gonna save it for later! I might get motivated to watch a movie one of these days :D

    czai @ the Blacksheep Reader

    1. What? You need to try one of his movies for sure, czai!

  19. This is a good list, especially since I've never seen any of his films. I've heard so much about Strangers on a Plane and Psycho so I think I need to watch those first. Did you watch that Hitchcock movie that came out a few years ago?

    1. Thanks! I'd love to hear what you think of them! No, I somehow haven't seen the movie about him yet. Probably should though. :)

  20. I love movies but sadly have only seen two of these. Awesome list idea :)
    -Amanda Margaret Hearts Stories

    1. Thanks, Amanda! If you ever want to try him, you've got a great place to start.

  21. I just realized that I've watched a lot of videos about Alfred Hitchcock but never watched a single one of his work. Now I know where to start :)

  22. I've seen and enjoyed The Birds and Psycho, but can't recall seeing any other movies by Hitchcock. In 2021, I did listen to a nonfiction audiobook about the filming of the movie, Psycho. If interested in learning more about the filming of Psycho, here's a link to my review of the audiobook:

  23. I know this is an older post but I've been on a classic movie kick this week and just watched Rope and Strangers on a Train. I'm adding your other suggestions to my watchlist!


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