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Summer 2017 Comment Challenge August Sign-Up Post

The Comment Challenge, hosted by Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense and Lonna @ FLYLēF, is back for August!  This challenge is an fantastic way to connect with fellow book bloggers.  If you haven't already taken part, I highly recommend giving it a shot as it's a great way to make new blogging pals.  Through previous incarnations of this challenge last summer and winter, I've had the opportunity to get to know Ellen and Sierra @ Quest ReviewsMari @ Story and SomnomancyAnne @ Head Full of BooksLia @ Lost In A StoryBill @ BillbrarianLonna @ FLYLēFBalie @ Nerd in New York, and Rissi @ Finding Wonderland.  I plan on being ambitious by commenting 10+ times with my to be assigned partner - I can't wait to get to know you, whoever you are!  You can also tweet along on Twitter with the hashtag #Summer17CC.  It's been a wonderful Summer so far!


  1. So fun! I've so enjoyed this "challenge" even though it's my first time. Glad Lonna and Alicia thought of it, and were willing to organize its awesomeness. (Also, how did I miss you could tweet about it with its own fab hashtag??)

    It's been great getting to know you more through the reading of your blog, Lauren. (And furthermore I'm so glad to have met another Grantchester fan! :D)

    1. I'm glad they did too, Rissi! :) It's been a great July so far.

      Grantchester - woot! :)


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