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Witchtown by Cory Putnam Oakes - Blog Tour, Guest Post, and Giveaway

I'm very excited to welcome everyone to my leg of the Witchtown by Cory Putman Oakes blog tour, hosted by Rockstar Book Tours!  Today, you'll find the details and summary for this novel, a guest post from the author herself on her playlist for the novel, an about the author, Cory Putnam Oakes, a giveaway, and the blog tour schedule.  I can't wait to read this novel because it sounds like it'll be amazing!  Thanks for visiting my stop on Witchtown blog tour!

Author: Cory Putman Oakes
Release Date: July 18, 2017
Pages: 320
Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook
Find it: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | iBooks | TBD

When sixteen-year-old Macie O’Sullivan and her masterfully manipulative mother Aubra arrive at the gates of Witchtown—the most famous and mysterious witch-only haven in the world—they have one goal in mind: to rob it for all it’s worth.
But that plan derails when Macie and Aubra start to dig deeper into Witchtown’s history and uncover that there is more to the quirky haven than meets the eye.
Exploring the haven by herself, Macie finds that secrets are worth more than money in Witchtown.
Secrets have their own power.

Guest Post from the Author - Cory's Playlist for Witchtown:

Ok, so I don’t actually listen to music when I write. I know some writers do but whenever I try it, I get too caught up in the lyrics to write my own words. However, I do spend a lot of time driving my kids around town (to school, friends, activities, etc) and when I do (and when I can get them to take a break from the Moana soundtrack), I like to listen to certain songs that help me think about certain characters or storylines that I’m writing. Here are the some of the songs I used while writing Witchtown. It’s weird because these aren’t even songs I necessary like (although some of them I love!) – they just got me in the right headspace to think about particular parts of the book. I hope they do the same for you! Enjoy!!

General Witchtown Theme Music – Radioactive (Imagine Dragons); I Put A Spell On You (Annie Lennox); Superstition (Stevie Wonder); Silence (Delerium & Sarah McLachlan)

Macie – Name (Goo Goo Dolls); You Found Me (The Fray); Smooth Criminal (Alien Ant Farm)

Macie and Aubra – According to You (Orianthi)

Macie and Talya – What’s a Girl to Do (Bat for Lashes), I Love It (Icona Pop)

Macie and Kellen – Breathe (Vitamin String Quartet Version); Everything You Want (Vertical Horizon)

Macie and Rafe – Daniel (Bat for Lashes); Unchained Melody (Glee Cast Version)

Kellen and the Kids – Learning to Fly (Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers)

Bradley’s Theme – Light My Fire (The Doors), Burn Baby Burn (Charm City Devils)

Thanks very much for going me on my blog today, Cory! I love the mix of music here!

About Cory:

Sometime around sixth grade, Cory was forced to face the sad truth that being a heroine in a Tamora Pierce, Robin McKinley, or Madeleine L’Engle book was not, in fact, a valid future career choice. But since she thought it might be almost as much fun to grow up to be Tamora Pierce, Robin McKinley, or Madeleine L’Engle, she decided to do just that. She’s still working on it.

Cory’s path to being an author did not go in a straight line. There was the whole “maybe-I’ll-be-a-psychologist” thing (just on the side, until the writing took off) which led her to UCLA and an eventual B.A. in Psychology. Then there was the “maybe-I’ll-be-a-lawyer” thing (just on the side, until the writing took off) which led her to Cornell Law School, a J.D., and a year of working as a litigation associate at Sullivan & Cromwell. There was also a brief “maybe-I’ll-teach-law” phase (just on the . . . well, you know) where she taught business law to undergraduates at Texas State University.

But the writing thing was a bug that she just couldn’t shake, and she officially made her sixth grade dream come true in 2011, with her debut young adult novel, THE VEIL. Cory’s debut middle grade, DINOSAUR BOY, came out from Sourcebooks in February of 2015 and it’s sequel, DINOSAUR BOY SAVES MARS, launched in February 2016. Cory’s next young adult novel, WITCHTOWN, will come out from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Young Readers on July 18, 2017.

Cory lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Mark (who, luckily for all concerned, decided to stick with the whole “maybe-I’ll-be-a-lawyer” thing), their two kids, and their pets. In addition to writing, Cory enjoys running, cooking, and hanging out with her family. She is proud to be represented by Sarah LaPolla of Bradford Literary Agency. Photo by Sam Bond Photography
Giveaway Details:
3 winners will receive a hardcover of WITCHTOWN! US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule

Week One:
7/10/2017- Brittany's Book Rambles- Interview
7/11/2017- Book BriefsReview
7/12/2017- Always MeGuest Post
7/13/2017- The Blonde BookwormReview
7/14/2017- YA and WineInterview

Week Two:
7/17/2017- Savings in SecondsReview
7/18/2017- Wandering Bark BooksGuest Post
7/19/2017- Eli to the nthReview
7/20/2017- Don't Judge, ReadReview
7/21/2017- YA Book MadnessInterview


  1. Love all the 90s songs on the playlist. I liked this book. I really liked the witchy stuff, and totally wanted more of that.

    1. I'm really looking forward to reading it, Sam! :)

  2. I'm super intrigued by this one. Something tells me trying to swindle witches is a bad idea. I'm kind of impressed by the mother though, that she thinks she can accomplish this.

  3. Awesome! Thanks for offering the giveaway!

  4. I really enjoyed this book. And giggled a bit when Cory mentioned the Moana soundtrack. My kids are obsessed with that movie.

    1. I have to admit that it is a wonderful movie! :D


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