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#BeatTheBacklist 2018 - Goals & Potential TBR

This isn't new news, but my TBR is out of control - I'll admit it.  One of my goals for 2018 is to attempt to bring it under (some semblance) of control - and I think NovelKnight's Beat the Backlist Challenge sounds like the perfect way to do that.  The idea behind the challenge is pretty simple - you read backlist books, aka books in any format that were published in 2017 or before.  Beginning January 1st, 2018, you have an entire year read as many books as you can to make it to your goal (that's right, you can set your own reading goals).  You don't even have to have a blog to do take part - any kind of social media account will work.  You can use the hashtag #BeatTheBacklist as you update on social media, and follow the Twitter account for the challenge.  This challenge does have a competitive element - participants are randomly placed on one of four teams (I'm one of the Story Sorcerers!) - the teams will compete to get the most reading points.  Plus, you can earn bonus points by posting to a retail website (not Goodreads).  And, best of all, each month one person on the team with the most points will win (open internationally) a prize!  Talk about motivation!

Anyway, I have a ton of backlist books that I want to read and/or have had on my TBR for ages, but I thought I'd get a little more specific.  For this challenge, I plan on continuing series that I've started, but never completed or haven't caught up on.  There are so many that I've started in on, but haven't kept up with because I've gotten distracted by other newer, shinier things - easy to do with so many great things being released!  Below I'm listing the series that I want to try to catch up on - and which books in the series I hope to tackle:

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

Cal Leandros by Rob Thurman

Codex Alera by Jim Butcher

Cormoran Strike by Robert Galbraith

Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor

Dustlands by Moira Young

Gentleman Bastard by Scott Lynch

I'm feeling very ambitious this coming year with these fifty books - looks like I have a lot of great reading ahead of me!  What series should I continue first in 2018?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Good luck with the challenge and happy reading.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  2. I also need to work on the Throne of Glass series; I still have books 5 and 6 sitting on my shelf! Best of luck with your reading, Lauren! You got this :)

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  3. My backlist definitely needs taming. I have still have to determine my priority backlist books. You have some fabulous reads on your list. I am such a Parasol Protectorate fan. I hope you love the series, and you can never go wrong with ToG books. Crooked Kingdom was quite satisfying, but I cried! Good luck with this challenge.

    1. I really liked Soulless - and the first Finishing School book. Thanks, Sam!


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