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Summer 2018 Comment Challenge - June Sign-Up Post

This June (hopefully July and August, as well) I will be participating in the Summer 2018 Comment Challenge, hosted by Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense and Lonna @ FLYLēF.  This will be my fourth time participating in the challenge - Summer 2016, Winter 2017, & Summer 2017 - and it is perfect if you love comments and making new blogging buddies.  For each month that you sign up, you will get paired up with a blogger (a different one for each month - if you sign up for more than one) and you will engage with them by commenting on either 5+ or 10+ of their posts for the month.  It's a brilliant way to reach out to new blogs, make connections (and get your comment activity up at the same time)!  There's even a social media option to connect further with your partner which I plan on taking advantage of on Twitter using the hashtag #Summer18CC.  In short, I plan on being ambitious in June by commenting 10+ times with my to be announced partner - I can't wait to "meet" you! 


  1. This is such a great idea!
    I'm definitely signing up :)
    Cora |

  2. Wahoo!!! I'm so glad to see you participating again! :-D

  3. Thanks so much for signing up again, Lauren! I hope you enjoy getting to know everyone we pair you up with this summer. Happy commenting!

  4. Hi Lauren, Welcome to the Comment Challenge. I hope you have a lot of fun and make a few lasting blogging friends. ~Lonna @ FLYLēF


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