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Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Worlds I’d Want To Live In

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Bookish Worlds I’d Want To/ Never Want to Live In, but I've narrowed my list down to placed I'd want to live.  Here we go, in no particular order:

The Wizarding World - Just anywhere, please.  Maybe someday I'll get to go to the closed thing we have in Florida...

Red London, Arnes - If you've read the Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab, you understand exactly what I mean.  If I were visiting I'd also like to be an Antari so I could travel between worlds, but I'd still love to be free to explore more of Arnes and their world.

The Shire, Middle-Earth - Hobbits really know how to live and I'd love to visit one of their homes.  Not to mention have a meal with them, or go to one of their parties!

Long Island, New York - Specifically, I'd like to see Camp Half-Blood from Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians.  I'd love to see the Big House, the cabins, maybe take part in some of the activities while I'm at it.

Henrietta, Virginia - There are so many places I'd love to visit in and near this town where The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater is set from 300 Fox Way, The Barns, Monmouth Manufacturing, Aglionby Academy, to Cabeswater.

Night Vale - I'm not exactly sure if I'd like to live in this Twilight Zone-esque Southwestern town, but I'd at least like to visit if only to meet Cecil and see his radio studio - and maybe visit Khoshekh.  Both the podcast and the novel adaptation are some of my favorites.

Corfu, Greece - I love the setting of Gerald Durrell's Corfu Trilogy (plus both the 2005 tv movie and the new series are pretty great too).  The flora and the fauna sound beautiful in his memoirs.

Manhattan, New York - Particularly the NYC of The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.  Who wouldn't like to visit the New York Institute?  (Either the book or tv adaptation version actually.)

Alexandria, Egypt - I mean, the Great Library of Alexandria still stands - of course, I'd want to live in the city where it's headquartered.  As a librarian, I don't think I could resist

New Fiddleham, New England - This series is so much fun - think Sherlock Holmes meets Doctor Who - and Jackaby's small town and his house are practically inviting characters themselves.

What bookish worlds would you love to have to opportunity to visit or live?  What ones would you rather stay away from?  What are some books on your list this week?  As usual, thanks for visiting my and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I've heard so many good things about "The Raven Cycle," but never read any of those books. Perhaps someday I should. I DO really want to read Jackaby because it sounds fun - and I love the two ideas it seems to blend. :)

    1. TRC is one of my all time favorites and so is Jackaby - I'll hope you like them. :)

  2. I keep on being reminded of Jackaby. I did really want to read it at some point. Great list!

  3. The Wizarding World is definitely a given, but my #1 dream bookish world is definitely where Camp Half-Blood is! It would be so amazing to see all the training, the dining halls, the cabins--gah. ♥ I'd love to see the New York Institute, too!

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

  4. Great list! I lovethat you choose the want to live part because so far almost everybody did the oppsite. I would love to live in the wizarding world as well as long as I'm a wizard and actually aware of the magic. Otherwise it's boring!

    My TTT:

    1. I've done the don't want part of this before - and it was a nice change of pace. :)

  5. I could definitely handle living in the Shire! Corfu would be nice! And it might be really cool to visit Night Vale- but too many weird things happen to love there, I think. :)

    1. I don't know if I'd really want live in Night Vale, but visiting would be great. :)

  6. Yeah, the Shire would be an interesting place to live.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  7. I included the Weasleys' Burrow on my list for today of literary homes I'd want to live in. But any little corner of the wizarding world would do! I have been meaning to start reading the Corfu trilogy - the first book has been on my nightstand for months. Here's my TTT:

    1. That would be amazing - as long as I'm a witch in the wizarding world that would be fantastic! :)

  8. I would love to live in TLOR world! I love World of Warcraft. !

    My TTT.

    1. I'm not all that familiar with WoW, but from what I've heard it sounds pretty cool. :)

  9. I couldn't deal with living in the Great Library of Alexandria as it is in Rachel Caine's book-I'd be quite happy going there if it had survived as it was. The Wizarding World, Red London and Camp Half-Blood, I'd be quite happy in though!
    My TTT:

    1. True - but I just couldn't resist with it being the Great Library and all. ;D

  10. A Shire hobbit party is like the actual dream, right?

  11. I always picture the Shire to be this really cozy place with good company and good food. Where do I sign up?

  12. Yes! Good picks. I wish I lived in a world where Jackaby existed.


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