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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Disliked/ Hated But Am Really Glad I Read (Maybe Just For Bragging Rights)

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books I Disliked/Hated but Am Really Glad I Read (Maybe Just For Bragging Rights).  Here we go, in no particular order:

The Cletus P. Reese Story... Murder Ridge by Jayne Call Imler - This is a fictionalized account of a 1950s Ohio serial killer who was overshadowed by Dahmer and Manson.  Reese's story is fascinating, but the fictionalized account needlessly changes elements and it's poorly written to boot.  This could have been a great

Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James - I like Austen and James, but this mystery completely missed the mark for me.  It came across as too stilted with the characters - poor copies of the original, at least I thought so anyway.  I did like the miniseries, though.

Falling Kingdoms (Falling Kingdoms #1) by Morgan Rhodes - I was to love this series opener, but it just wasn't for me.  Either way, I'm still interested in trying the spin-off series, Spirits and Thieves, and I'm hoping that I don't need to know this series for it to make sense.

Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet, Book 1 by Ta-Nehisi Coates - I really wanted to try a Black Panther comic book before I saw his solo outing on the big screen and I'd heard this was a good starting point.  Turns out I felt like I was out of the loop the entire way.  I still want to read a comic book with this character - I just have to figure out a better starting place to get to know the character.

There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins - I don't know if I can say I'm glad I read this one, but at least now I can brag that I've finally read a Stephanie Perkins book.

Don't Stay Up Late (Fear Street Relaunch #2) by R.L. Stine - I used to love this original series when I was younger, but when I tried this it just didn't live up to my expectations.  It was still good to be back though to the old series.

Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee - I'm glad I could keep this separate in my mind from To Kill A Mockingbird since it was an earlier draft of the story I know and love.

Two Years Eight Months and Twenty Eight Nights by Salman Rushdie - I'd been wanting to try a Rushdie novel and this one sounded right up my alley, but unfortunately I ended up DNF'ing this story.  Bragging rights, though, yeah?  I do want to try more by him eventually, but we'll see.

Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl - I picked this one up because Night Film is one of my favorites, but this just didn't quite live up to my expectations though I'm still glad I got to read more of her work.

Mrs Hudson's Diaries: A View From The Landing At 221B by Barry & Bob Cryer - The concept behind this is pretty cool, but it didn't quite hit the mark and even fell flat in some cases.  Otherwise, I'd love to see something like this from Mrs. Hudson's perspectives on Holmes and Watson's adventures done well.

Have you read any of these, and did you end up liking them?  What books didn't you like, but were still glad you read?  As always, thanks very much for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Sometimes you just want to read a book to say you did, or to see what all the fuss is about! Ha ha I've done that. :) Death Comes To Pemberly I almost read, I think I started it in the bookstore thinking I'd love it and was a little bored initially, so I never did buy it. I did read There's Someone In Your House and only kinda liked it.

  2. I think I got about 60 pages into Falling Kingdoms before giving up on it... it just wasn't for me... I can't even remember why exactly but I think that might have been part of the problem? There just wasn't that much for me that was memorable about the story.

  3. Hah, your list is the second where I see Falling kingdoms and I fully agree with it.

    MY TTT:

  4. I have read 3 Perkins' books, but not her most recent one. I was excited about it, and have an eARC, but there was a ton of negativity, and you know, too many books, too little time.

    1. Personally, I have a feeling I liked this one more than I would have her others...

  5. You know, some of these are on my TBR just so I can say "I have read it", how sad?
    Cora |

  6. Great list! I've heard quite a few 'meh' reviews of There's Someone Inside Your House and I ended up DNFing Death Comes to Pemberley. I liked the miniseries, mainly because I love Anna Maxwell Martin, but I didn't enjoy the story very much so I wasn't inspired to try picking the book up again after I'd watched the adaptation.

    1. Thanks, Jess! True, Anna Maxwell Martin is pretty great. :)

  7. We just watched Black Panther this past weekend. It was really good and now I'm interested in picking up a few of the graphic novels/comics too!

    1. I'm going to have to try some more in the comic series myself.

  8. I've read There's Someone Inside Your House which I really enjoyed, but it's pretty hit or miss for most I think! I've read Night Film - but not that other book by the author. I'm curious about her upcoming novel though!!!


  9. To Kill a Mockingbird meant so much to me as a child, and it meant a lot to my middle daughter who is not a we just decided to let Go Set a Watchman slide away...

    1. I can't say as I blame you there - it's a completely different animal altogether.

  10. I haven’t read Go Set A Watchman, and I probably never will. I’m too scared! I don’t want it to ruin To Kill A Mockingbird. I have good memories of that book.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. To Kill A Mockingbird was easily one of my favorite assigned books from high school.

  11. I watched the mini series Death Comes to Pemberley, but was too appalled by what they were doing to these beloved characters. I probably wouldn't be able to get through the book.

  12. I decided I will never read Go Set a Watchman. To Kill a Mockingbird is precious to me and the uproar that followed Go Set a Watchman's publishing convinced me to stay away from it (I heard Atticus is racist in it - whaaat??).

    Regarding Death Comes to Pemberly: I always avoid Pride and Prejudice retellings or related fictions because they always disappoint, always. But maybe that's just me :)

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

  13. I read and loved The Fallen Kingdom but was really disappointed by the sequel.


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